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View Full Version : 2 Girls serve poison Cake at School

11-20-2004, 09:32 PM
ATLANTA -- The father of one of two 13-year-old girls accused of serving poisoned cake to about a dozen students said Thursday he and his daughter were sorry it happened.

"It was a horrible prank that went too far and a lot of people have suffered," the father told The Associated Press. The man asked that he not be identified by name to protect his daughter.

The girls were held on assault charges Wednesday, a day after handing out the cornbread cake at East Cobb Middle School.

Lab tests showed the icing contained an expired prescription drug, bleach, clay and hot-pepper sauce, police said. Twelve students who ate it were treated at a hospital and released.

Both teens were charged with 12 counts of aggravated assault with intent to commit murder. One girl was also charged with terroristic acts and interference with government property. Both are still in custody, the father said.

Because the investigation is ongoing, Cobb Police Department spokesman Dana Pierce declined to comment on exactly how dangerous the cake was believed to be, saying only that it was potent enough to cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

The father said the two girls began playing around in the kitchen Tuesday after growing bored.

"It was not any kind of malicious intent," he said. "They thought it would be funny. They know it's not funny now."

The father said his daughter was diagnosed this summer with Asperger's syndrome, and that doctors told him the girl should not be in a conventional school setting. Asperger's is an autism-related condition characterized by social and communication deficiencies.
Source (http://www.herald-sun.com/firstnews/37-545428.html)

Man, school just isn't safe anymore...>_<

11-20-2004, 09:36 PM
It really isn't. It's a shame. :-/

1) They were playing a prank. All pranks and jokes are meant to just "have fun," or so it seems. (April Fools day comes to mind.) I think the charge was a little bit too harsh for a prank/joke.
2) Of course, the ingredients used were harsher than what could usually be imagined. For a prank, I think their ingredients were too harmful to have a simple giggle over. If anyone ever giggled over a slowly dissolving internal cavity, ... would they be witches? :odd:

11-21-2004, 12:16 AM
So the girl had Aspergers. Explains a lot I suppose...

(I have Asperger's, so trust me, I know what I'm talking about. And this is exactly the type of things I have the urge to do sometimes, though not nearly as stupid as this. Then again, my AS is more mild than most, so oh well :/ )

1) They were playing a prank. All pranks and jokes are meant to just "have fun," or so it seems. (April Fools day comes to mind.) I think the charge was a little bit too harsh for a prank/joke.

You wouldn't be saying that if you were one of the people who ate it. You think if you went to the hospital with nausea and diarrhea and knew that it was because some people tried to play a prank on you, you wouldn't be laughing. They got exactly what they deserved.

11-21-2004, 07:49 AM
Craazy people. Just this week at my school a boy was stabbed in the leg, by an ELEVEN YEAR OLD. He's actually being done for attempted murder apparently.

11-21-2004, 10:46 AM
You wouldn't be saying that if you were one of the people who ate it. You think if you went to the hospital with nausea and diarrhea and knew that it was because some people tried to play a prank on you, you wouldn't be laughing. They got exactly what they deserved.... O_o ... Did you read the second point in bold?

11-21-2004, 08:16 PM
I did, the entire post though didn't make too much sense. Why mention the first point when the second one refutes it imeediately. An odd way of expressing your opinion, though I see what you mean now...

11-21-2004, 09:03 PM
Wow, if you want to prank someone don't poison them. They should have stuck with the exlax(sp?) in brownies.

11-21-2004, 09:14 PM
I don't believe putting any unedible substance in food is acceptable at all, prank or not. Exlax included. Anything that will make someone sick. That's the most hateful thing you can do. A prank would be letting a frog or something loose, or countless other things.

11-21-2004, 11:25 PM
Shoulda' used mary jane. That would have been hilarious.

DsS Game
11-21-2004, 11:29 PM
And you see why I say girls are evil lol. but on a real, why did one get charged withterroristic charges? I really don't think this was an act of terrorism.


11-22-2004, 12:24 AM
Shoulda' used mary jane. That would have been hilarious.

a guy actually did that at a school around here a few years back. gave out hash brownies to several students and teachers. got expelled too, i think

11-22-2004, 01:05 AM
These girls are idiots that are a danger to society. I can understand a 5 year old doing this, but 12 year olds? Have to made sure they weren't trying to harm anyone intentionally with that toxic batch of evil they schemed up? I mean DANG!!

11-22-2004, 02:07 PM
There was a kid in one of the towns next to me a few years back that gave out tootsie roll pops dipped in battery acid... Crazy world....