View Full Version : World's Oldest Man Dies Just Shy of 114

11-20-2004, 01:10 PM
"At 103, Hale was still living on his own and shoveling the snow off his rooftop." Fred Hale Sr. was from Syracuse, NY.

So DP tells me that's a common occurance in upstate NY. Well...the rooftop shoveling....not the 103 years old part... *ahem*

For the entire story, it's linked here (http://www.cnn.com/2004/US/11/20/oldest.man.dies.ap/index.html)

11-20-2004, 01:15 PM
Shame he didn't get to 114.
In the uk if you get to be 100 the queen sends you a letter. I've seen one. Its not from the queen, but from her secretary. Still, its pretty cool.

11-21-2004, 09:16 PM
Wow, imagine living through all of the ninteies. Plus some of the new millenieum. It's too bad that he ddin't live to 114.

11-22-2004, 12:03 AM
Shame he didn't get to 114.
In the uk if you get to be 100 the queen sends you a letter. I've seen one. Its not from the queen, but from her secretary. Still, its pretty cool.

Man, that'd make me feel about as special as the machine-autographed picture of George Bush that comes with a form letter that gets sent when you write a letter to the President that that doesn't make the mailroom people want to stab their eyes out with screwdrivers.. "The Queen regrets she is too busy being a symbolic figurehead to personally address you on this momentous occasion. As her secretary I assure you she is impressed with your prowess at avoiding death. Our nation's best and brightest can only evade death for about 70 years even with the best training, surely you have proved yourself a more skillful warrior. If you train harder and evade death for another 20 years, perhaps the queen will grant you an audience, or a coupon for 10% off a walker or something.."

I mean, how often do people hit 100? I'm sure she could interrupt her busy schedule of waving and smiling to write 10 or 15 letters a year. Bah.

Anyway, what I was going to post until I saw the "reward" from the Queen was a joke I heard on David Letterman once. It was when the previous oldest man in the world had died, and the Top Ten list was "Top 10 Great Things about Being the Oldest Man in the World".

Number something or the other was "Calling the 2nd oldest man and pretending to be on your death bed, then yelling 'PRANK'D LOL!!!!'.

I changed the "PRANK'D" part because I honestly don't remember exactly what he said.

11-22-2004, 01:07 AM
This may seem random but when I read "World's Oldest Man Dies Just Shy of 114" I instantly thought of Bilbo Baggins and how old he lived. Funny huh? Just thought I'd share that because it's really been bothering me.

11-22-2004, 04:40 AM
/me looks at his watch..

score! only 94 years to go!

(btw, what's the deal with this "too bad he didn't make 114" bs? The guy was 113 y/o!! that's an accomplishment in of itself.)

11-22-2004, 06:09 AM
(btw, what's the deal with this "too bad he didn't make 114" bs? The guy was 113 y/o!! that's an accomplishment in of itself.)

Well sure it is, but it's definitely no 114!

11-22-2004, 07:32 AM
There are 26 living women older than him, according to Gerontology Research Group.

My hopes of living entirely too long have been severely diminished by being a guy :(

11-23-2004, 03:10 PM
The Y chromosome is less resilient than the X chromosome that's a big reason why women live longer. Even if a man and woman live the same lives the women's genes will deteriorate slower. Also, we're much more likely to go to war or win a darwin award.