View Full Version : Final Fantasy vs Tales of...

11-19-2004, 12:08 AM
No spoilers please, I just reached ToS's second disk. Final Fantasy has been the best-known, hyped up RPG series, but truthfully I have never been able to finish a game. I've played 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 10, and all of them are rather bland. The characters don't hold my interest very long, and the battle systems are just, ick! I believe the most popular RPG title needs to go to the Tales of...series.

I played Tales of Phantasia and it was wonderful! New, fresh charecters and a totally new battle system. Right when I thought the game was over, it continued. And then came Tales of Symphonia, a true masterpiece. The best video game I've ever played. The story is similar to FFX exept Colette is so so so much more exciting than Yuna! I have been waiting for a game with the exact story that ToS has forever! And it has the biggest twists! I got ToS without knowing a single thing about it, exept that it was probably related to ToP, so those twists were completly a shock! I thought the days of quality games were gone, but I was soooo wrong!

What do y'all think?

11-19-2004, 12:29 AM
Congratz on picking up Tales of Symphonia! :thumbsup: It is an awesome game. Plus Zelos is da man.

It's hard for me to say which is better. I've played and beaten FF4-7, but the only Tales' game I've really played for a good length of time is ToS. I tried Tales of Phantasia on an emulator (note: I heard they're porting ToP to the GBA in the near future), but I couldn't get into it cause the linear battle system was too clunky at the time, and the graphics weren't as appealing to me since I had just beaten Seiken Densetsu 3, which is arguably the best looking SNES game

I'm gonna have to go with neither though, and go with the Mana series. (Final Fantasy Adventure, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3, Legend of Mana, Sword of Mana) I haven't played Legend of Mana yet, but I'd like to if I can get it for a good price ($20 or so)

btw, be sure to check out Baten Kaitos after you play ToS, which is more traditional RPG being made by Namco. I haven't played it yet, but I want to.

King Link
11-19-2004, 12:46 AM
I love RPGs all around. I haven't played Tales of Symphonia yet, but I'm going to get it. Same with Baten Kaitos and then Final Fantasy X for my new PS2 (which I'm getting for Christmas, hopefully, mainly for some RPGs) and Star Ocean: Till the End of Time.

11-19-2004, 02:44 AM
other than ToS, I haven't played any of the "Tales of..." games. however, I think, even with playing the rest of the games, I would still vote for Final Fantasy. the storylines, graphics, and music are all superior, in my opinion

11-19-2004, 07:45 AM
Tales is out today in the UK, I can't wait to get it, which will have to be tomorrow or sunday.
Final Fantasy has gone downhill now. Its just not as epic as it used to be, especially with the worlds largest mistake ever, Crystal Chronicals. So Tales is my choice. I played it 3 months ago at GameStarsLive, the Engalnd version of E3.

11-19-2004, 09:58 AM
If Tales of Symphonia's storyline is an IMPROVEMENT over the previous games, I am absolutely shocked and dismayed. ToS had one of the most overdone, cliched storylines I'd ever seen in a best-seller. The characters were cardboard cutouts of cardboard cutouts of 10-year-old photos of stereotypes. About a dozen or so times, I figured out a "stunning" plot twist well in advance, and told myself I was wrong because it would have been too stupid. On the other hand, it has the most enjoyable battle system of any RPG I've played.

For favorite RPG series... Well, I'll be different and go with the Ogre saga (Tactics Ogre/Ogre Battle). Serious multi-path storyline, fun battle systems (both of them), plenty of secrets and weapons, difficult battles, above average soundtracks...

11-19-2004, 12:26 PM
Those of us who complain about cookie cutter story elements have played way too many RPGs, and should probably go play a FPS or something.:p

Anyway, I thought a lot of ToS's plot was pretty predictable, but not in the way you thought it would be. Since you didn't want to know of any spoilers Monica, I'll respect your wishes and not spoil the entire story for you like I planned to.:p I like the Final Fantasy series more than the Tales of... games. I mean, the FF games have proved that if it ain't broke, keep using it.:p