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View Full Version : Ah, the SNES

11-15-2004, 11:22 AM
Yeah, I have recently just borrowed LttP from my friend for the SNES. Unfortunatley when I brought the game home and dug out my SNES, I cant find my plug for the system! I need one of those plugs that go into the wall, I have the one that hooks into the TV.

I have checked eBay and they just have ones for SNES/NES. Not that that would be a problem to buy, I was just wondering if there would be anywhere else that i could look for one of those cords.

Sad that I never played LttP, huh?

- Trav

11-15-2004, 12:46 PM
you could try a used vg store, one that has legacy equiptment
nothing else i can think of at the moment

11-15-2004, 05:58 PM
Nintendo's Online Store (http://store.nintendo.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&langId=-1&currency=USD&ignoreCrumbs=N&crumb1=&crumb1Ignore=&crumb2=%253CA%2BHREF%253D%2522javascript%253APassO n%2528%2527X%2527%252C%2B%2527ChooseView%2527%252C %2527%2527%252C%2B%2527%2527%2529%253B%2522%253ESu per%2BNES%253C%252FA%253E&crumb2Ignore=&crumb3=&crumb3Ignore=&translateFrom=%C8%C9%C7&translateTo=EEC&usrSearchText=&searchText=&selSrchType=&page=&view=&productId=&categoryId=14758&lastAction=CategoryDisplay&orderTotal=null) will have the parts you need if you can't find them. It sounds like you need an "AC Adapter". The NES and SNES AC adapters only work on the system they are for so be sure to get the right one.

Dart Zaidyer
11-15-2004, 09:39 PM
You may only need an AC adapter. If you have a GameCube or N64, you can just use the composite cable from that, because it hasn't been changed since the SNES.

11-16-2004, 03:05 AM
Goto your local radio shack. You can get one now, cheap. You are looking for a 10V 850mA AC adaptor for SNES and Super Nintendo Systems. I bought one when I got my Super Famicom which used a different plug than the Super Nintendo AC adaptor I had. If you goto radioshack you'll have 3 different plug jacks, find the right one, and make sure you put it on with negitive center point. I forgot to do that with mine, but I got lucky and had put it on the right way the first time. The instructions will tell you how to put it on for negitive and not positive.