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View Full Version : Couple Accused in Plot to Sacrifice Kids

11-14-2004, 01:34 PM
Source (http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=514&e=14&u=/ap/20041113/ap_on_re_us/children_sacrifice_3)

ROCHESTER, N.H. - A woman and her boyfriend are accused of plotting to sacrifice the woman's three children on a church altar.

Nicole Mancini, 29, and John Thurber, 35, were arrested at St. Mary's Church on Wednesday after workers said they heard the woman say she wanted to sacrifice the boys.

"We could tell this woman was not right," said church secretary Donna Landolfi. "She said, 'Let's go make the sacrifice.'"

Mancini and Thurber were in jail Saturday on more than $25,000 bail. They were arraigned Friday on three counts each of misdemeanor child endangerment. Thurber was also charged with marijuana possession.

The children, ages 9, 7 and 2, were not harmed and were placed in state custody. Police said Thurber is the father of the youngest boy.

Police said Mancini told them that Jesus sacrificed himself for her, so she was going to sacrifice the boys to free her soul.

"Eighteen years I've been doing this and I've never come across anything like it," police Lt. Paul Callaghan said.

Mancini's attorney, Kimberly Shoen, said her client meant the children no harm.

"They were never tied to the altar, there was no blood, there were no constraints for sacrificial use," she said.

Linda Slamon, Thurber's attorney, said Mancini had been acting "irrationally" recently and Thurber accompanied her to the church to get her help.

"If anything, he was there to protect the children and protect Miss Mancini," Slamon said.

A judge ordered Mancini, of Farmington, to undergo a mental evaluation.

Because Jesus was the one human sacrifice to clense the world, sacrifices are no longer needed, and Jesus would never want people sacrificed like that! I can only remember one time when God requested that Abraham sacrifice his son Isac instead of their sheep. It was Just a little test to see how much Abraham trusted and loved God. God didn't take Isac as a sacrifice but instead rewarded him greatly. Where do these crazy people get this? :(

11-14-2004, 05:36 PM
:odd: That is sick. I hope they're put away for a long long time.

11-14-2004, 11:17 PM
Faith and deranged minds do not mix. At all.

11-15-2004, 12:21 AM
I need to find that passage, it's there somewhere. It talks about how false spirits will come to pretend to teach truth, but is full of lies. This woman and her boyfriend must have done somthing for the devil to whisper the idea that her kids need to be sacrificed.

There's only been one sacrifice ordained for these last days that one must make in order to follow Christ, and it is not the shedding of blood like in the past. What disturbes me is that they wanted to sacrifice children, their children. You know what? Not even God the Father really wanted to sacrifice Jesus Christ, but all of that was nessacary to satisfy the law.

11-15-2004, 11:10 AM
Yeesh. Yeah that definitely is not right. I don't know where people get these insane ideas....it's sad to think what society is coming to in that sense. :odd:

Zero Wing
11-15-2004, 11:41 AM
that is very sick and disturbing
people like that should be sent away to an institution

11-15-2004, 11:44 AM
People can be convince of anything it seems. Given enough time and pulling the right strings you could get people to do whatever you want. This couple managed to convince themselves.

11-15-2004, 02:32 PM
Woo, that is some crazy shit. Where the hell do these people come from? I'm half convinced that they aren't born at all, but instead crawl out of some puddle of ooze somewhere.

11-15-2004, 06:22 PM
That IS rather disturbing, indeed.

I'm wondering though, which one of them brought up the idea. A mother shouldn't be willing to part with her children that easily, if she was the one that had suggested it....she had to be deeply missled, or even insane.

Which ever one of them did bring it up, that doesn't change the fact that it's still wrong. Alot of people do bad things in the name of God, or Jesus Christ....using faith to back up their decisions and faults instead of thinking twice or saying, "Oops I fucked up, sorry."

At least they were caught before any harm fell upon the children, or anybody else.

11-15-2004, 07:18 PM
plotting. PLOTTING.

I've "plotted" far worse things than sacrificing children. far worse... And yet I'm not in jail. But then that's just plotting. because I DIDNT DO A FUCKING THING!

She didn't either, cept for the pot, or so the article reads. She just plotted. It's stupid. 25k bail for pot posession? Stupid.

11-15-2004, 07:51 PM
plotting. PLOTTING.

I've "plotted" far worse things than sacrificing children. far worse... And yet I'm not in jail. But then that's just plotting. because I DIDNT DO A FUCKING THING!

She didn't either, cept for the pot, or so the article reads. She just plotted. It's stupid. 25k bail for pot posession? Stupid.

"We could tell this woman was not right," said church secretary Donna Landolfi. "She said, 'Let's go make the sacrifice.'"

They were at the church. She said "Let's go make the sacrifice." What if she had taken the boys up there and started stabbing one and killed him before anyone could do anything? I think there is a law that says you can't conspire to murder someone, and that was it. They deserved to be taken to jail immediatly for saying that!

11-15-2004, 09:52 PM
plotting. PLOTTING.

I've "plotted" far worse things than sacrificing children. far worse... And yet I'm not in jail. But then that's just plotting. because I DIDNT DO A FUCKING THING!

She didn't either, cept for the pot, or so the article reads. She just plotted. It's stupid. 25k bail for pot posession? Stupid.

On one hand, you have a point. On the other hand, it's like saying "bomb" on an airplane or yelling "fire" in a theater. You can't always wait until after the fact, and apparently there is enough to be concerned about to warrant a thorough investigation.

11-15-2004, 10:14 PM
plotting. PLOTTING.

I've "plotted" far worse things than sacrificing children. far worse... And yet I'm not in jail. But then that's just plotting. because I DIDNT DO A FUCKING THING!

She didn't either, cept for the pot, or so the article reads. She just plotted. It's stupid. 25k bail for pot posession? Stupid.

Now normally you would be right. I too have though about doing worse things, even than you. The problem is that because there are many people who do follow though on their evil scemes, you can't get away with even an idle though anymore. So much has happened that voicing your revenge fantasies, or what have you, in public(if you are so inclined to even put it down on paper), is grounds for incarceration because the police can't take the chance anymore. They did before, and it got people killed.

The fact she even thought about sacrificing her kids must indicate somthing's very wrong with her, and it's best now she get help than for them to dust off the ashes of her burnt kids.

11-15-2004, 10:30 PM
I disagree, though not entirely.

She may not be mentally fit. And because of that, she definately doesn't deserve her kids. That's where Social Services comes in, and that's why the state now has her kids. That's the right thing to do.

But to put her up on 25k bail for nothing more than a pot charge is outrageous. You don't put someone in jail on 25k bail for "plotting". besides, the state has her kids, why should she be put in jail as well? to protect who, the kids?. cmon, that's bullshit.

11-15-2004, 10:34 PM
I need to find that passage, it's there somewhere. It talks about how false spirits will come to pretend to teach truth, but is full of lies. This woman and her boyfriend must have done somthing for the devil to whisper the idea that her kids need to be sacrificed.What, she can't just be a total nutcase? Seems more logical to me that "the devil made me do it."

Sick, crazy people kill thier children/families all the time. The only difference here is this was in the name of God. I don't see that that really matters. Crazy is crazy.

Thankfully she was stopped in time, but I feel sorry for the boys having to grow up knowing thier mom is fucking loony-tunes.

11-15-2004, 10:35 PM
You don't put someone in jail on 25k bail for "plotting".You do when it's plotting to kill someone.

11-15-2004, 11:28 PM
I disagree, though not entirely.

She may not be mentally fit. And because of that, she definately doesn't deserve her kids. That's where Social Services comes in, and that's why the state now has her kids. That's the right thing to do.

But to put her up on 25k bail for nothing more than a pot charge is outrageous. You don't put someone in jail on 25k bail for "plotting". besides, the state has her kids, why should she be put in jail as well? to protect who, the kids?. cmon, that's bullshit.

Well I wasn't justifying the pot charge. Compared to plotting to kill your kids, pot posession is practically a joke.

I wonder though, are they setting the outragous bail because she plotted to kill her kids, or because she had pot? Which do you really think they care more about?

Edit: If it really was the voice of Jesus, He would have told her to sacrifice the pot.

11-15-2004, 11:36 PM
Edit: If it really was the voice of Jesus, He would have told her to sacrifice the pot.
I don't think he would, actually. Pot is against man's law, not God's...

11-15-2004, 11:49 PM
No, but killing is against both man's and God's law. Besides, God wants us to be law abiding citizans except in extreme cases.

11-16-2004, 04:07 AM
No, but killing is against both man's and God's law. Besides, God wants us to be law abiding citizans except in extreme cases.
Not to derail the thread, but I was under the impression that the only thing God cares about is whether or not you accept Jesus into your heart.

Jesus pretty much said so himself. "I am the way and the life. No one may enter heaven but by me" or some such thing. This pretty much invalidates all of the ten commandments that Moses brought down off of the mountain, because even a killer of children can repent and accept Christ, as long as he/she is truly sincere.

Not that it's a bad idea to follow the ten commandments, or anything.

Okay, sort of back on topic now:
The thing I think is strange about this is that the woman is already a devout Christian, so her repentance is pretty much a given. So, even for plotting this heinous act, she'll receive no spiritual punishment. It's the law of man that's more effective in this case.