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View Full Version : Help on uploading pic into the game

11-14-2004, 04:17 AM
okay i know how to upload a pic to the game but w/ i try to put it into the quest it never look right. ok say the pic is green w/ i but it in to the game it become black.

do any of you know how to fix it?

11-14-2004, 04:22 AM
First, what is the format of the picture? What is its color depth? Most paint programs will tell you this under some sort of pallete dialog. Images that have only 16 colors will import best. If it isn't 16 color, I would recommend that you use the paint program to reduce it down to 16 colors rather than trying to clean it up in ZQuest afterwards, as you'll generally get better results.
Although, in order for the image to look right in ZC, you will also have to import its pallete. This can be done by going to the palletes screen, hitting the grab button, and finding your image.

11-14-2004, 02:24 PM
I did a page about that HERE (http://storm.prohosting.com/~mfreedom/ZC/palette/gifgrab.htm)

11-16-2004, 07:16 AM
oh ok so it got to be 16 colors or down right?

11-16-2004, 12:10 PM
Ayup. Is it in GIF or JPG format? (Even PNG might do.) A great conversion program is www.irfanview.org. Be sure to check it out. ;) I love that thing.