View Full Version : Missing files...

11-07-2004, 06:05 PM
There are files missing from my ZC install! >.<

I've installed the latest available version. According to the installation tutorial that's been linked around several times here, I'm missing the following files:


Though I do have zelda-w.exe and zquest-w.exe...obviously.

I'm wondering if the files I mentioned are at all necessary. It seems that way, because I must have gone through the steps to loading custom quests a hundred times now, and it won't work! >.<;

Also wondering if or where I can get these files, if they are in fact necessary...

11-07-2004, 06:55 PM
you need the files:
zc192b182w/d.exe (extraction file, contains zelda.exe and zquest.exe)
zc192b182s.exe (extraction file, contains all data files required to run Zelda Classic)

and you can get them from the main page, or a thread in this forum (I think)

11-08-2004, 12:01 AM
all the files on zeldaclassic.com are complete installs (with the exception of the 184 player, which is in a zip), no additional files are necessary. Depending on what version you have, you probably dont need those files. Where did you download ZC from? Does it run at all? please provide more information.