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View Full Version : Video game review thread idea (comments and ideas wanted)

11-06-2004, 10:35 PM
Hi everyone, BH4 and I have been talking about creating a video game review thread here at AGN.

There are a lot of places that review video games on the web, so why create one here? A lot of places on the web review games in the same manner, rating graphics, story, sound, gameplay, etc. This is all great, but what makes reviews stand out are the personal experiences of the gamer and little quirks that make us each like games for different reasons. The purpose of our review thread would be for members to share their personal experiences with the other members of AGN in mini reviews and make recommendations based on those experiences. In addition, members would be able to make requests for reviews of games they are debating whether to try or buy.

I think this idea has great potential, and may be a perfect thing to add to AGN, possibly becoming part of the main site instead of just a thread in the forums.

We already have the basic ideas planned out such as how the reviews will be structured and the kind on info we would like in them, but we can't decide on the best way to organize things. What do you think is the best way to do this? Check the poll, or post your own ideas here.

11-06-2004, 10:42 PM
What poll?

Edit: Okay, I see it now. I think, if we do this, we might as well give it it's own sub-forum. Each post would be on a specific game, and people could add comments/their own reviews to a thread so we get more than one viewpoint on a game.

Of course, that would involve adding a whole new sub-forum. If we do this, though, I think things would work better that way. It'd remove most of the confusion about which particular game was being discussed in any one post, and you wouldn't have to search through a topic which would undoubtledly end up being 3+ pages long for information on a game.

11-06-2004, 10:59 PM
Some people (BH4) have been thinking about making a "Game Review Thread"
Since I didn't wanna spam the board with reviews and they don't know what they want to do about it yet, I provide an example. I could of posted this in the poll that was created, but If this doesn't follow rules or anything then it could be easily and conviently locked.
Link to My Reviews (http://s7.invisionfree.com/Jelly_Wars/index.php?showtopic=28&st=0)
Now that that is out of the way, you can read my reviews and see if that is how you MAY want to model your thread out.
Don't hurt me...

11-06-2004, 11:08 PM
I think that we should have a sub-category in General Gaming Discussions. Then in that sub-category, that's where all the reviews would be. (I think I messed up on my vote though.)

11-07-2004, 12:03 AM
Didn't we have game reviews on the old AGN front page (god bless its heart)? I think that until we get a new front page (if), we could do it there.

11-07-2004, 12:33 AM
You know, Vegeta actually recommended that. We wanted to hear your opinions on the matter before anything large was decided. To have a whole host of reviews for games on an AGN database would be rather troublesome from the webmasters, don't you think? :shrug: So perhaps we're trying to make things as simple as possible, yet efficient as well.

So something which must be decided upon, is how it's going to be laid out. This is where you come in. The poll should help decide how things will be layed out.

The actual thread is still being revised.

11-09-2004, 07:35 PM
Have seperate threads for submissions and the actual reviews.

it seems better that way to have them in it's own sub-forum, then GGD wouldn't be flooded with these types of threads, thus keeping it tidier