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View Full Version : spicy salty cheesy crunchies

11-06-2004, 07:01 PM
[17:54] <Eckels> I think I'm going to buy frito lay
[17:54] <Eckels> and rename all the foods
[17:54] <Eckels> but i'll name them, how they taste.
[17:55] <Eckels> so if somethingis cheesy, i'll call them cheesies
[17:55] <Eckels> if something is cruncy
[17:55] <Eckels> crunchies
[17:55] <Brandy> lol..
[17:55] <Brandy> origional
[17:55] <Eckels> it makes perfect sense
[17:55] <Breaker> what if two things taste alike?
[17:55] <Brandy> original
[17:55] <Brandy> ya
[17:55] <Eckels> name two frito lay products that taste alike
[17:56] <Breaker> a lot are crunchy
[17:56] <Eckels> yes but they're other things too
[17:56] <Eckels> so doritos would be like spicy salty cheesy crunchies
[17:57] * Ganonator ([email protected]) has joined #agn
[17:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Ganonator
[17:57] <Eckels> it's like giving a product a brand name
[17:57] <Eckels> "hrm... I'm hungry. I crave something cheesy"
[17:57] <Eckels> "How about some cheesies!"
[17:57] <Eckels> "Why that sounds great!"
[17:58] <Ganonator> i'd eat something called a cheesie
[17:58] <Eckels> SEE!

11-06-2004, 07:22 PM
You can't buy frito Lay, my Elder's Quorem president works there!

11-06-2004, 07:24 PM
i'd eat something called a cheesie.

Better yet, how about if cigarette companies marketted a new product that gave off a different colored smoke? Red/Green for christmas, Blue/Red for the 4th... If they want kids to smoke, you have to think outside the box.

Spicy Salty Cheesy Crunchies = marketting goldmine

11-06-2004, 07:47 PM
I think humpty dumpty makes things called cheesies, I may be wrong but I know some company makes cheesies already. They arent bad.

11-06-2004, 08:00 PM
Check the Passover isles at most shopping centers around April. You'll see the strangest products you've ever seen, all named horribly awkwardly. .. Yes, I too would happily ingest a cheesy packet of cheesies. ... But would it describe their shape? Maybe you should name it something like "Curly Cheesies." "Spicy Hard Things." "Bitter Cylinders." "Crunchy Stick-shaped Stickies."

11-06-2004, 08:14 PM
no BH4

Shapes dont make your mouth water. Textures and Flavors do.

11-06-2004, 08:23 PM
... What if they're shaped like a naked Jessica Simpson? :p :rolleyes: Slap a name on that. :p

11-06-2004, 08:30 PM
toasty titty crunchies?

11-06-2004, 09:36 PM
I always refer to Doritos as "Bad breath chips". They are good, but man do they make your breath stink.

Speaking of Doritos, you know what are really good? Doritos Rolitos. They're Doritos, only in little rolls. They taste the same, but are even crunchier, and are very fun too eat :)

11-06-2004, 10:15 PM
THey do already have something called cheeses. They're basically the same thing as cheetos.
But if you do call snacks by how they tasted you'd probably sell more, that way people would know how they tasted before they bought them. What would you call regular chips though? They don't really have a taste.

11-06-2004, 11:20 PM
So, would you call Salt & Vinegar chips Shitties?

11-07-2004, 04:00 AM
toasty titty crunchies?I'd eat a toasty titty crunchie.

PS) You might notice that Eckels's post above was edited by me. Well, I'm not used to my super-human posting abilities, and hit 'edit' instead of 'quote', bringing me to an identical posting screen. I hit Post, and it said 'your changes were successfully changed'. I just got all of the shit cleaned out of my pants, when I realized if it weren't for my horse, I wouldn't have spent that year in college.