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View Full Version : Dead people are scarier when they're not dead...

10-31-2004, 01:48 PM
To start off, I'm a pretty big believer in ghosts... I've lived in this crazy-ass house all my life, and I'm convinced its pretty frickin' haunted. Of course, if you're not a believer, don't rub that in my face or start a debate. This is just a fun story, and I'm just hopin' you'll enjoy it... since it is Halloween. :shrug:

This is quoted right off my Xanga... sorta. I rearranged parts of it. I'll give you guys the background of the legend first...

...welcome to Bloods Point Road...

The story about the bridge… The factual part is that people have died on it. Many stories of how they died, but lives have certainly ended here. The biggest story (which is prolly an urban legend, but who knows) is the school bus full of kids falling off the bridge, killing the children. There’s also the farmer who killed his daughter, then hung himself off the railings, which I believe truly happened (you’ll see why). Anyways, you drive up in the middle of this bridge, and put your car in neutral… with a little patience, your car will start moving. For a bonus, if you put baby powder on the bumper, handprints will show up. (there's so many places with this legend, it aint even funny)

Next cool place down this road is Bloods Point Cemetery. This one is pretty self-explanatory, since they're dead people everywhere. Well, late at night, apparitions begin to walk around. You can also hear whispers and whistling/humming coming from the tool shed. By the way, the ghosts out here... are severely pissed off.

...and there's the Stone Wall (which is where I wanted to go) that blocks off a trail that leads into woods. People have seen orbs and apparitions running into the woods here. Apparently, if you go too far into the woods, you might get chased by a farmer with a shotgun, who disappears as soon as you reach the wall... this happens to be the father that killed his daughter. (this guys must be everywhere...)

The phantom black car. Sometimes its parked in the cemetery, other times it comes off the bridge, and most of the time it just comes out of nowhere. This old black car/truck just chases you on your ass until you're out of the area. I told Janine and Jenny about this, so they're aware if anything's behind us... My older sister's ex was chased by this thing. He said it came from under the bridge when it chased him... which is odd, but truly freaky.

Then there's this light that hangs over the road... apparently it doesn't stay in the same place, just keeps moving at night. Dunno about this one, but whatevah There's also the report of electronic devices not working on this road. Flashlights, cameras, even when you shut your car off, it won't start... wouldn't that suck if you couldn't get your car started, and that phantom car came from behind you?

Ok, on with my experience... this is what my dumbass did Thursday night... sober... :disgust:

Friday, October 29, 6:39 PM ...from fiXXXer3x4stone's Xanga

Last… night… was… fuckin’… AWESOME!!!

I finally had the chance to do what I’ve been planning for the past year… I went to Blood’s Point Road. Gawd, it freaked the hell out of me… (*NOTE* The following story is not bullshit. This all happened late last night… there are two more witnesses that agree to the following story. Talk to them if you must.)

Two of my buds, Janine and Jenny, stopped by my house last night, we drove around, hung out, yada yada yada, and the crazy idea popped up… “Let’s go to Blood’s Point Road!!!” Immediately, we were on our way... I remembered it came off of Irene Rd… which came off of Route 20 in Belvidere… So, we found Irene pretty easily, and kept going… and going… and going… ‘til we all saw a rusted street sign saying “BL PT RD”… our destination. We headed for the bridge.

So, I got out... shook some of that baby-booty-powder on that bumper, and Janine shifted in neutral... We waited... and waited... and waited... nothing. We sat there on the middle of the bridge, and nothing happened. So, instead of crying about it, we went to the cemetery.

We pulled over to the side and got out of the car… We went up to the gates, just to look at the graveyard. There was that scary-movie-style ominous mist that hovered through the headstones. Well, I’ll be honest… I was the first one to freak out. I’ve seen a lot of ghostly shit in my lifetime, especially where I live… For a fraction of a second, I saw an orange glow glide past a gravestone, and as it got closer… it looked like an orange dress, a transparent orange dress, walking… Jenny and Janine saw my face, and they knew something wasn't right… So we all ran back in the car, they were screaming… I was sitting there, just processing what it was I just saw. We went about a mile, with deep breaths and heavy heartrates, before we decided to go back.

The second time back to the cemetery, we decided to just sit there and watch. We wouldn’t freak out ,we would just watch… but if we saw anything, we would tell right away… With a little bit of patience, the cemetery was alive again. Just in the corner of our eyes, we’d see little balls of light fly between graves like fireflies. We even began to see little black shadows rush between graves. Jenny saw an apparition, much similar to mine… she saw a white cloud “walking” in the back of the cemetery, which began to take a human form… as soon as Jenny said “holy shit”, it headed toward the fence we were lined up at (when I say "headed toward", I don't mean it started walking to us... it pretty much ran up in a flash towards the fence)… By the time Jenny started running to the car screaming, the white apparition was standing where Jenny was standing… That's exactly when I saw it.

We got the hell out of there… Jenny was balling her eyes out, she was so freaked out… We decided to go back to the bridge. We made sure Jenny was ok before we got back out of the car. I got out, shook the baby powder on the bumper again, and got back in… Janine put the car in neutral again, and we waited… and waited.. and... suddenly, we felt the wheels move forward, and we just sat back and enjoyed the fun ride… The bridge is pretty level, so even if there was a slight slant, we wouldn’t have been moving as fast as we were… When we got away from the bridge, I got out to check the bumper… (wait for this one) ...fingertips. Tiny prints of kids’ fingertips. We had to look hard, but they were there. When I first saw one, I yelled to Janine and Jenny “You wanna check this out?” …they both freaked… and got back in the car.

If you don’t see a pattern already… we went back to the cemetery. We really liked some of the things we saw out there, and we made sure we weren’t gonna freak out again. Alrighty, so, we get there, park in the grass, and watch… and watch… and watch… Well, we spent the whole time watching when we should’ve been listening… there was humming. Humming, as in someone just walking around humming a nameless tune. Humming, and moaning. I asked them “Anyone else hear that?” before they heard it… by the time they heard it, it got louder. We began seeing flickering lights in the darkness under the trees, and the light over the toolshed kept flickering… so did Janine’s interior lights. My cell phone even started acting goofy (I’m not saying Verizon was being a bitch, I’m saying the actual cell phone was acting weird). The last thing I saw out there were (what looked like) a pair of red eyes staring at us. That was the last trip to the graveyard.

We made our final trip to the bridge… We did the same thing, get out, shake baby powder, get back in… this one took pretty long, but it was so worth it… Jenny exclaimed “I just heard a kid laugh”…that’s when the car started to move. Janine rolled her window down, just to make sure if we could all hear it… we heard some sort of child-like voice in the distance… but we also heard the sound of a rope creaking. Actually, it sounded like two or three ropes creaking off the railing (take note of what I said in the beginning…). The farther we moved, the louder and faster the creaking got… *creeeeeeak…creeeeeak…creeeak… creeak… creak…creak-creak-creak-creak*… Janine put the car in gear and took off. We pulled over on the side of the road to see the bumper again… This time, we were blown away. There were all sorts of marks this time, all of them resembeling childrens’ fingers, in different patterns… There were a lot of fingertips, some full fingers, quite a few palms, even scratching… I lost count of how many of these I found. We were all observing the bumper, when all of the sudden, I felt a gust of wind on my neck… and then we heard a tapping on Janine’s window. Janine went back to the driver’s side, when she felt a cold pinch on the back of her neck. After Janine told us something was touching her, I felt a cold chill in the back of my neck. We got back in that car, and ripped right out of there… On the way home, we didn’t even look back.

...that was a pretty fun night. I went there the next night, but there were a buncha teenagers having a party on the bridge. There were also cops everywhere, which busted all the drunks/stoners. I'll be goin' again sometime soon... :bouncy:

So, who else has a crazy story to share? Or knows of any sorta local legends?

10-31-2004, 02:09 PM
You should go tonight. WHEE. Tell this to the Travel Channel, take a video camera, and do everything again. :D

an orange dress, a transparent orange dress
quoted for emphasis

10-31-2004, 02:20 PM
quoted for emphasis

You tell me, when you see a dead person, how you'll emphasize it. ;)

10-31-2004, 03:02 PM
*lol* If you're scared enough, your pants will do all the emphasizing for you. :p

I'm a huge non-beleiver in ghosts and the paranormal. (Except in the case of Aliens. I believe there CAN be aliens, (Not that there ARE.) but they're just either developing at the same rate at us or something, or behind us, or are smart enough to know not to come here.) I would surely like to say that what you said about the orange transparent dress, Dracula, was fake, quite possibly by the headlights of another car through some undetected media which would cause the yellow light to becoome orange. Then again, I have no idea what you've seen. But either way, I hope you really had fun. ^_^ Sounds like you had a great night. Indeed, may you remember it as having been a great time. :)

No, I never really see anything weird. It'll all thoughts, all in my head.

King Link
10-31-2004, 03:27 PM
Very interesting.

I'm not sure whether or not I believe in ghosts, but this sort of stuff is always fun and interesting.

I live in a house that my parents built in the late '80s. On two separate ocassions, at about midnight, I've been watching t.v. and thought I heard somebody say my name, right over my shoulder. I thought it was my brother once, but nobody was there. Once I was watching t.v. on the main floor, the other time, in the basement.

This stuff is interesting. I'm surprised that there haven't been any documentaries that involved your region.

10-31-2004, 04:36 PM
Woah! Freaky, that would have scared me shitless.

10-31-2004, 07:34 PM
And I still want to go...Next time you go, stop by and get me. Please?!

11-01-2004, 12:59 AM
And I still want to go...Next time you go, stop by and get me. Please?!

You and Tanya (and one more person if possible) are going with me next... Thankfully, the Halloween spirit died down, so we won't worry too much about parties and cops. :badrazz:

11-01-2004, 01:21 PM
About a half an hour away from my house theres an old country road which is called Missisaugas Trail. Also known as Ghost road. The story for the road is, back in the 1960s a a boy speeding home in the dark on his motorcycle whipped out and cracked his head open on a giant rock at the end of the road and died (he didnt have a helmet on) anyways now if you go there and wait on the road you can see the light from the motorcycle at the end of the road.

Me and some friends went one time awhile back but had trouble finding it. I originally thought it was in a field, so here were roaming around in this big empty field surrounded by trees right beside the road. As we walked into the field we noticed to cars...which was kind of odd, we are out in the middle of no where there were 2 1996? or 1997 lincoln continentals in the middle of this field. As we walked towards them one of my friends said he thought he saw people sitting in them, so we crept to wards them trying to be unseen by these people, as we got within 10 feet we realized there was no one, one of my friends checked the doors and both cars were open. Nothing really scary just wierd. As I drove a way I swore I saw people in the car again, because I saw movement in the car...either way we finally found Ghost road and we noticed there were other people on the road waiting as well. As we drove by the other car the guy wound down his window and waved...so I slowed down and wound down my window... it was a bunch of stoners freaking out "oh my god are you the ghost XD, lol i swear we saw it like a hundreds times it almost got us blah blah" whatever we went and parked a ways behind them. After about a half an hour we saw a light at the end of the road. AH! was this the ghost light? I'm too smart for that I saw the dead end sign at the end of the road. some retards were trying to trick us, they were parked way at the other end of the road when they turn on thier headlights it would make the sign glow but you couldnt tell they were behind you unless you turned around to look. Meh nothing special, nothing scry really just kinda neat. I'm prolly gonna go back someother time to see if I see it.

Another story which acctually is scary now XD.
Theres this parknear my house that goes down and is surrounded by forest, now at night its kinda wierd there....the entire park is lit up with lights but the odd part is that out in the middle of the forest is a light....theres nothing over there but a small opening surrounded by a creek. Now last windter me and my friends went there, its a pretty nice place to be, a nice place to sit and talk. Eventually we decided to look around, we hopped over the creek and started walking around the banks and up a hill which led into the forest. 2 of my friends stayed on the other side of the creek because they were to go in the forest in the dark. We wandered up the hill into a big field with a couple pine trees in it, basiclly it was empty though. My friend decided to take out his camera and take a few random pictures and then we started to head back. Back into the forest we found alot of cobwebs and a wierd orange wire that was about up to our chest which was kind of hard to get around becasue of the steepness of the hill. Anyways my friend went over first and as I was crawling past it my friend starts yelling that he saw something. I didnt believe him he likes to make stuff up so I'm like, yeah ok what ever and continue down the hill, then he stops and stands in the middle of the path, im like...what the hell man? He's staring into the woods. I'm like what? thers nothing there, but he kept saying he saw a face. Right. We came out at a different part of the woods where there was a bridge to cross the creek. Suddenly my friend spins around and stars running backwards. I look behind me...nothing. WTF is up with him. I continue walking. suddenly I hear crunching snow behind me like someone is running toward me, I turn around, nothing but I could still hear it so I started jogging to catch up to my friend, suddenly i feel this feeling like some one grabbed my leg and I fall face first into the snow. I jolt back to my feet and ran like hell to the car. We were taking photos the whole time but we didnt really find anything odd. Most of it was just mist from our breath on the pictures, except this one picture we got from the field. theres this face in the corner about and 3/8 of the picture size, it kind of looks like mist only it looks solid and its glowing blue....I cant figure out wtf could have casued this. Becasue I can tell you that it sure as hell isnt anyones breath....Meh kinda freaky crap

This makes me wanna go ghost hunting again :) (i used to go on road trips with friends all the time to old farm roads and such at night looking for freaky crap)

11-01-2004, 04:09 PM
At my old house, there were a few occurences that led me to believe we had ghosts. OK, first thing that needs to be mentioned, Im a big fucking pussy, ok, with that said...

Me and my dad has built me a new bedroom in teh basement, before I had fully got my bed and most of my belongings down there, i just had my tv and a chair. So im sitting down there, watching something, and all of a sudden i feel a tap on my shoulder, liek a real hard one, I turn around nothing. I told my buddy Tyler about it, and he was stayong over with me laer that night, and when i was trying to goto sleep, he had been asleep for like an hour or so, and all of a sudden I feela tap again, im liek dude, hes liek what, im liek did you do that, hes liek do what dude, and then i curl up fetal position and tell him to get up and turn teh light on, he started laughing and called me a pussy, and revealed that he did it making fun of my story fropm earlier, so i punched him.

One time I was watching one of them ghost documentaries on discovery. It was like 1am on a tuesday or something. So eventually its over and I have to piss, but just watching teh ghost stories has my prettty freaked out, especially since I only lived in half teh basement, so I have to walk out of my door, into teh unfinished old and creepy part of teh basement, and then up teh stairs to teh bathroom, so im pretty freaked out, and when I get freaked out I just say teh word jesus over and over, my comfort word I guess, well not anymore, cause he hate sme, btu back then i did, anyways, im almost up teh stairs, and this penny flies out of nowhere and hits me in teh leg. I slept on teh couch that night.

One time Im laying in my bed about to goto sleep, i put my cigarette out and roll over on my tummy, i decide i want another cigarette, so i go to roll back over and i cant move, it felt like something was holding me down, hard! i cant move at all, so of course i get really fucking scared, and I say jesus, and i can move again. That night i said fuck it and just stayed down there.

I think we eventually ended up egtting along, sometimes I would try to talk to it, cause I wanted to see him, and I know hes got to be lonely, so some conversation has to be nice for him, and I know he was a nice ghost, just messing with me, cause he got past teh cross hanging above my door. Me and Tyler named him richard, cause he was being a dick those times he scared me, but its all good.

11-01-2004, 11:01 PM
Drac, finally....I get a chance to read/hear about that. I'm so uninformed. >.<' That's pretty freaky hun, especially since you mentioned teh soberness. I wouldn't mind going next time aswell, if there is room....if not, then oh well....I'll see you scared wittless some other time. Btw, if you think your house is haunted...what about the golf course?

My friend Bri (not Des) has been convinced that her house is occupied by a ghost they call Erv. I've seen some pretty freakish pictures.....that I'm more than sure hadn't been tampered with, that supported that. Anywho...I was at her house a year or so back, spending the night....things were soundlessly replaced in several notable instances. It might've just been because her house, upstairs, at night in the dark, is scary....but we thought something, aside from ourselves, was present.