View Full Version : On the lazy person's quest for information...

10-30-2004, 02:37 AM
...I found an interesting paid commercial of sorts.

You see, there's some stupid news show or whatever, and it displayed some guy's book called "Natural cures they don't want you to know about". "They" I'm guessing, are the folks who regulate drugs. Anyway, they were spouting some "facts" during this program, like:

-The FDA comes in with weapons, and shuts labs down, for producing harmless natural rememdies for ailments without a license.

-Food additives are added into food, to do three things:make the person get addicted to the food, to make them generally hungry or make them fat altogether.

-There's a natural cure for herpes, among other ailments like depression.

-Certain folk don't want to people to find out what naturally cures ailments, for the sake of profit.

-More people take drugs than ever before in history.

-Other countries don't want to import America's meat and other food products, because of the terrible quality.

Anyway, the book supposedly described natural cures, like info on how to cure heartburn or "acid reflux", heart disease, unknown pains, muscular distrophy, multiple scl....MS, and more. And then there was all these rants about America's terrible condition. Anyway, what do you believe about this? Like to hear some opinions too. It's news to me, but I'm sure you guys knew this years ago...:p

10-30-2004, 02:49 AM
I saw that. They keep playing the infomercial on G4TV late at night. I think it is a load of shit.

10-30-2004, 03:08 AM
Eh, it does explain alot of things, like the aspirin, cough medicine, and stuff like that. Those don't actually cure the intended ailments, just makes you feel better through the ordeal. I did some research, and I found some site that claims that lack of fresh water is the result of some chronic pains. Look here (http://www.watercure.com/default3.htm).

I tried searching for that natural cures book on the net, and I found it for sale at a lot of retailers. Must do more research...:computer: