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01-27-2006, 11:10 AM
Well I MIGHT not be able to finish the maps for a while since I have my hands full of 2 different projects now, but I don't think theres a hurry with the maps. Though if someone appears and says he/she wants the tower maps, then... :)

06-11-2006, 08:42 PM
hi! I just downloaded this amazing game, but i just got stuck... :confused:
I write this to see if somebody can help me, I'm on secret facility and i'm fighting the last boss a big, red guy who launches red balls and i fought him but he killed me sometimes, and now i have no zennys nor energy (magic) and I have no bombs... (I really think i suck playing, right?) what can I do? if i cant hit him with my sword, and I can't exit the dungeon 'cause there's a blue guy who blocks an entrance and I can't harm him with my sword. ¬¬

sorry if I have a bad english... I'm still learning..

06-11-2006, 10:45 PM
I must suck the worst at this game but i must know where is the L 1sword all i have is a stupiid L1 shadow blade i cant do any thing in level1.

06-12-2006, 09:20 AM
hi! I just downloaded this amazing game, but i just got stuck... :confused:
I write this to see if somebody can help me, I'm on secret facility and i'm fighting the last boss a big, red guy who launches red balls and i fought him but he killed me sometimes, and now i have no zennys nor energy (magic) and I have no bombs... (I really think i suck playing, right?) what can I do? if i cant hit him with my sword, and I can't exit the dungeon 'cause there's a blue guy who blocks an entrance and I can't harm him with my sword. ¬¬

sorry if I have a bad english... I'm still learning..

Shoot that big red guy into that flashing thing between its eyes. Wiht what? with missiles of course! But the bosss is hard and if you cannot beat it you can exit the level by shooting those blue guys with missiles from behind if they are blocking you.

ps. you have better english than me so dont worry!! ;)

]I must suck the worst at this game but i must know where is the L 1sword all i have is a stupiid L1 shadow blade i cant do any thing in level1.

Thath first sword is in Powerstation, which is level 1 in the game. You have to beat the level's mini boss with that crappy shadow blade, but after that it gets easier. ;)

I hope you guys dont give up easily. This is hard quest but its so damn good! ^_^

06-12-2006, 12:57 PM
I tried to exit the level but i can't, and there's no enemy that I can reach with my sword to get zennys. and I have no money to shoot a missile, nor energy to shoot fire/buster... and the blue guy who is blocking the entrance is looking to the right and i enter the room from the left...

|..........................|........()...<- megaman
()...( )..<- blue guy blocking my exit and I cant kill him with my sword i cant
(p..|__)______________reach him because there's an invisible block

it's supposed that in this room I can get to the left and there's 3 smashing machines and then the room and then the sub-boss and next is the boss...

sorry if i write too much... I'm desperate cuz this is an exellent game and i hate to have an unfinished game...

06-12-2006, 01:40 PM
RakanishuDiork, how far are you in the quest? How many stages have you beaten? Sounds like you might have taken the challenge of the Secret facility a bit too early. :p

But anyways, if you don't have any Zens, then you can get more by killing enemies and that way you can shoot all the blue enemies with your Missiles. I hope you solve this problem. I try to do anything I can to help you as I'd hate to see you quit this quest just because a silly design flaw that makes it tough to exit the level... ;)

06-12-2006, 02:00 PM
the problem is that there is no enemies on the rooms i can enter... and the only one is blocking me and i cant hit him without a missile... cuz there's an invisible block that make me impossible to hit him with my sword....
there's no demon-like bats, no saw things... nothing that can give me zennys nor energy...

so, you say i'm earlier? that i entered there missing something??? i just finished the electricity dungeon and a dungeon that gave me the capacity to move heavy objects... oh! and I went to meet dr. light to give me the mega-buster and I met a guy who gave me the fire buster...(which would be the red candle in zelda)

if you want to see pictures enter this page http://www.geocities.com/rakanishudiork/index.html?1150136566850
if somebody want to help me i would be thankful, cuz this problem is a bit bizarre

06-12-2006, 03:05 PM
Oh damn, your situation was worse than I thought. You can't even beat the boss because you don't have any money to shoot missiles. So you're screwed, crap! :(

You could use a ZC cheating device to give you money (but don't ask me how those work or where to get one as Im not familiar with ZC cheaters)
Or I could just send you a slightly upgraded version of the quest tomorrow which fixes some of these silly problems. That way you won't have to start all over again. Just give me your email add or tell me your AIM/ICQ name (PM them to me if you don't want people to see them).

06-13-2006, 02:40 PM
Ok RakanishuDiork, I sent the file to you. I hope you received it succesfully and can enjoy a slightly enhanced MMDWR experience.

I'm gonna make this upgraded version of the quest publicly downloadable as soon as I get the final changes made so the rest of you people can get your hands on the update as well...

06-13-2006, 03:18 PM
E-mail successfully received.
file successfully overwrited.
and game is now playable

thank you sooooo much. i was starting to get frustrated hehe...


just ignore that..¬¬:D (i'm a little obsessed with megaman...)

06-13-2006, 11:22 PM
hi, it's me again, i've got another problem... :shakeno:
when you gave me the new updated version :) I went out from the secret facility to gain zens and the gray armor :cool: . After doing that I returned to secret facility with plenty zens to defeat that red guy, but now I can't enter to fight him... the door won't open, and the mini-boss who was supposed to open the door isn't there anymore :mad: what can I do? :confused:

06-14-2006, 08:59 AM
Hmm... well you've beaten the boss earlier so looks like the mini-boss stays beaten, but the door won't open at all? Which door? The first door or the second one just before boss? Maybe I have accidentally screwed something up to cause a bug like that. :(
Well if you can confirm which door it was, and that it really doesnt open anymore, then I have to send you another fixed version. It's very unfortunate you are bumbing into many kinds of issues, but hopefully you are still enjoying the quest. ;)

EDIT - Nevermind what I just said. I found out that there really is a new bug that prevents you from getting to the red boss. Sorry, I made some kind of a mistake yesterday when fixing the quest for you. But no worries, I will fix the bug and send the quest to you again in a couple of hours so that you can continue with the game. I really hope this was the last bug for you! :P

06-14-2006, 06:33 PM
I hope so too, I don't want to be a headache...

06-14-2006, 10:23 PM
You're not being a headache at all. ;)
I feel it's my responsibility as the game's creator to make sure it is playable and enjoyable, so I am more than glad to fix all the bugs and get the updated quest released to public as soon as possible.

06-14-2006, 10:42 PM
ok then, if I find something else i'll make you notice... thanks for all... now i'll do what i said a few posts back... i'll beat dr. wily

06-26-2006, 03:01 PM
Question: I've made my way to level 4, the second dome, but quit and didn't come back to the quest for a while. Now I can't remember which keys I had already acquired and which I had not. If possible, can someone supply a list of keys found in level 4?

06-27-2006, 09:17 AM
I hope these maps will help you figure out what you're missing. ;)

F1: The Smoke Floor (http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unknowndomef15vu.png)

B1: The Basement (http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?image=unknowndomeb10wg.png)

06-27-2006, 03:44 PM
Thank you. I really needed this. I've been wandering around lost for a while now...

06-27-2006, 04:22 PM
Heh, well some of this game's dungeons can be quite confusing so it is recommendable to write down some key things on your progress on the levels... especially if you're gonna take a long break during one of those tougher levels... :P

06-27-2006, 04:41 PM
Yeah, I learned that the hard way. Thanks again for providing those maps. They really helped.

08-15-2006, 03:50 PM
Can anyone help me with the first dungeon (The power plant.)? I can't seam to progress anywhere other then a few rooms on the top and bottom floor.

that guy
08-15-2006, 04:15 PM
Stupid question,

any possible way to get this quest to work in 2.11 beta?

it is the only version of this program that my poor PC will load and run.

that guy
08-24-2006, 10:17 AM
Anyone haveing the same problem as me refer to the "feeling like a moron" post and you will find some great advice.

08-25-2006, 07:00 AM
Dko - There's a narrow door 3 screens east from the entrance that is closed, but you can open that door simply by walking to it. That door usually cause people some problems... I guess I should have made the door more obvious or something. Sorry that the response took so long. People are very unhelpful these days. :p

that guy - According to jman, MMDWR DC should work on the latest beta (b12c/d) but I am not certain about it... so I will try it myself later today and tell you guys the results. Another option for me would be to convert the quest to ZC 2.11 but that would be too much work as I'm working on another huge quest project currently.

that guy
08-25-2006, 11:47 AM
Don't strain yourself if you don't want to. Some other people have given me some great advice and I am now able to play the quest. Thank you though for your response.

08-28-2006, 08:30 PM
Sorry if this has been already discussed - I can't find the search button :(

Anyway, is there an easy way to defeat the boss in m/s mariel, deck 2? I think I've only managed 2 hits maximum so far, because his fireballs keep pushing me into the flames on the floor.
I am using the lvl 2 sword, and lvl 2 armor, in case it matters.

08-29-2006, 09:18 AM
garidgar, I have to say the m/s Mariel mini boss is quite a challenge as you've noticed. There are no special tips really... just move slowly and patiently and don't panic, because when you start running around aimlessly, the fires will kill you. By walking slowly around you can more easily anticipate the bosses' next move and you won't get hit by the fire. The fireballs are a problem, but those shouldn't be too tough to dodge. And whenever the boss opens its mouth, shoot like crazy because his tongue is revealed only for a short period of time.

Hopefully you can beat the boss succesfully soon enough. ;) And always try to bring E-Tanks with you to levels!

08-29-2006, 09:20 AM
EDIT - Rats, seems like I double posted.
Accidental double post deleted...

09-28-2006, 03:18 PM
im stuck on lv.2 iso dome in room in f1, a where there room with five grey robots i kill them all and cant open the door to get to password which about 2 or 1 room away ill show you a screenshot of the place where i'm stuck http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=isodome7ec.png

09-28-2006, 03:22 PM
im stuck on lv.2 iso dome in room in f1, a where there room with five grey robots i kill them all and cant open the door to get to password room which about 2 or 1 room away ill show you a screenshot of the place where i'm stuck at. http://img396.imageshack.us/my.php?image=isodome7ec.png
it the whole map iso dome since i dont know how to sceenshot on this site

10-09-2006, 12:01 AM
Did I screw myself out of a mega buster? I finished level 1 then 2 then 4. After checking some maps, I found the mines map and went to where the mega buster should be; however, I notice the rocks jump up to block the north passage. Is there any way short of cheating to get this?


10-11-2006, 08:35 AM
I belive I have answered to both of your questions. Hopefully both of you got my replies.

Have either one of you advanced any further?

10-15-2006, 07:42 PM

10-16-2006, 09:32 AM
Endaire, are you talking about the switch that will open the hatch at the norhtern part of flooded B2? If so, to get there, go to the room on F1 with the big pool and a sign that says "No Swimming". Ignore the warning and dive in the middle of the pool to get to the switch in B2.

Hopefully that helped you. :)

10-18-2006, 01:35 AM

10-18-2006, 08:17 AM
The Grappling Beam is in the small building next to the Research Lab. You can only get in the building by diving in front of it. Inside the building when you get underwater, you have to be fast in the parts where the water is green (corrosive). If you're too slow, you corrode and die.

10-19-2006, 01:41 AM
EDIT: I did it! <cheer>


10-19-2006, 07:42 PM
EDIT: I did it! <cheer>


What? You got the Graplling Beam or you beat the quest already? :)

10-20-2006, 01:37 AM
I got the beam, but the cutscenes were awkward since I beat level 8 before entering 7.

Speaking of L7, what point is there in completing this when I already saw the cutscenes about a complete triforce? Also, where are all the keys for L7? I see none in or around the level!


10-20-2006, 06:05 AM
Previous post edited.


10-20-2006, 06:34 AM
Ah, well obviously the cutscene after Lv8 didn't made sense if you haven't beaten Lv7 yet. That's a small design flaw and I regret I left that in the quest, but I plan to repair that issue when I upgrade the quest to the new ZC.

Anyhoo, there are no keys at Lv7. None.
It's because it's an ancient temple and thousands of years ago Link already beat the level etc. There still are some locked doors left that he didn't manage to open, but just ignore those doors and try to find a way around them (for example, try bombing walls and stuff).

10-20-2006, 10:38 PM
Before entering Tornis Tower, there's a cop who will talk to you on the screen just before the tower. When I talked to him, I had to walk around wildly on the screen for it to end.

Skull Man is from Mega Man 4, not 3.

I'd very much like a key to skip dialog.

When Mega Mall sells super bombs, if I enter the shop via the right door, the guy only sells normal bombs.

In Tornis City's minigame basement, there's a spot where a woman gives a long speech in a narrow hall. I'd like a way to be able to go through there without a talk.

Level 7 Spoiler: See this map. (http://img314.imageshack.us/my.php?image=slairf20wk.png)

By the time I reach level 7, Chrono Trigger's sad theme is overused. I was disappointed when I found the area and that music played.

In level 7, once I passed the block puzzle, saving and loading should place me at that entrance, not the entrance to the block puzzle.

I fail to understand why the sewer constructors didn't seem to notice or care about L7's area, and even more so, how so many trees got there.

Bats should be stunnable somehow.

While I haven't finished the game, I see no point to the mega fist. By the time I could get it, I already had enough goodies to make it obsolete.

The melt beam is weak enough that there should be no need for an improved version. As it stands, neither have much offensive use.

On the character select screen, why did Wily's eyes turn red?

Speaking of Wily, I think the pauses between his lines are too long. When I finished level 6, I waited at least 10 seconds twice.

I'm unsure if you intend to fix the crowbar bug, but I can get a super bomb from diving then go where I need to get the gold armor at a slightly later time than before.

Please disable the surfboard on the docks outside Tornis once I get Rush Marine.

Please make burnable areas obvious! Bombable walls we should be able to see should also be obvious, like with large cracks.

If possible, the basement with the grappling beam should do continual gradual damage, a heart at most to unarmored people, in the green areas instead of surprising people with forced death.

Bombs and fire shouldn't damage Mega Man either underwater.

If I missed the Mega Buster the first time, Dr. Light should give me the buster or a receipt for it.

The Mega Buster would be a lot more effective if the upgrade doubled its damage and attack speed instead of making a weak fire like Zelda's wand did. I realize why you priced it as such, but the upg is so overpriced.

The Mega Zone reward room should give 999 instead of 500.

The inventory screen to the main entrance of level 8 shows a minimap instead of the Triforce.

Various areas, like "The lost village," should be capitalized.

I quite want a different sound for getting weapon energy. Perhaps use the NES sound.


10-20-2006, 11:13 PM
Where can I find the power card in the Iso Dome?

Oh nevermind, I found it! It was where the mini boss was! Thanks!

10-21-2006, 12:02 AM
Thanks for the comments/feedback Endarire. I always appreciate people who are honest and point out things that bother them and also tell reason why that stuff bothers them. But the tone of your post was so nagetive that hopefully it doesn't mean that you are dissatisfied with the quality of the quest. Of course it's not perfect by any means, but other people seem to like it a lot.
When I released the quest years ago I may have thought that DWR DC is as good as quests can get but now that I'm a bit more experienced at ZQuesting I understand and realize that MMDWR DC can still be improved in many ways as you pointed out.

As I said, suggestions and negative feedback are always welcome and I will do my best to grant your wishes, but be aware that some of the things you suggested aren't possible to do in Zelda Classic yet. ;)

And cbailey, it's a Power Chip, not Card, lol. :p

10-21-2006, 03:45 PM
I posted what I at least thought was wrong. Additionally, in one of the levels, either 2 or 4, if I reenter the miniboss room after beating the miniboss, I get the cutscene with Dr. Light contacting me.

In level 3, if I die in the miniboss room, I get an error and I'm forced to quit. This happened every time.

In level 8, if you fall in a pit but fast quit then continue, you appear in a black void. Keep walking north or east and you'll return to the sewers or lab 14 respectively.

Every time I exit the sewers just outside Mega City docks, I must hold down to continue.

Assuming the new version has the equivalent of a Roc's Feather available, that's a more appropriate thing than a stepladder.

It'd be nice if you disabled my ability to use bombs, missiles, etc. on cutscene screens. I know I'm invisible and stuck in place, but I can still shoot!


10-21-2006, 11:09 PM
Yeah, in the new ZC it is possible tro disable items. Good suggestion there!

But no, there's no item anything like Roc's feather in ZQuest unfortunately.

10-22-2006, 02:01 AM
In level 7, sometimes the heavily armored large things are invisible. They appear with the puff of smoke and can hurt me, but I can't see them.

East of the factory, there's a bombable cave opening that doesn't stay open after being bombed. Also, if I exit the cave without blowing it open, the wall is still patched up.

Those small trees, the stumpy ones near the entrance to the forest mini-level, should be burnable.

Currently, if I buy a blue E tank with a blue E tank in inventory, I get a red tank. This is how I survived until i found maps.

Level 7 feels like it should be the last level considering how remote it is. As it stands, level 6 and 8 are way too close together.

The gold shadow blade should kill bats in one hit.


10-22-2006, 11:32 AM
You are right. I think that Levle 7 should really be the last one in MMDWR. But petoe has said that he will make lev.7 easier and better so maybe it can still be lev.7.

And now with multiwarping you should add more accessible houses to megacity and Tornis city.

Just my two worthless cents! ^_^

10-24-2006, 02:10 AM
Switching levels 8 and 7 is more a matter of theme, though difficulty is a secondary factor.

PS: I hate the disappearing tiles in L7! The only reason I finished it when I did was because I learned that standing in place when a tile disappears doesn't cause me to fall.


10-24-2006, 01:34 PM
Well even though the idea is to improve MMDWR DC and make it even a better playing experience, especially for people who are not that skilled at playing games, I'm not gonna make any drastic changes like changing the order of levels. But I will definitely replace those annoyingly tough disappearing platforms with easier and slower ones. ;)

10-26-2006, 01:50 AM
I must say I'm looking forward to another improvement to this quest.
This game is so fun and addicting, I consider it to be equal in quality to a professional video game. I'm sure the new ZC features that are coming out could make this quest even better.

I'll have to play this quest again sometime soon...

10-26-2006, 04:48 AM
When I use the warper to enter the room just before Wily, the bottom door looks open but it really isn't. When I first entered this room, the door closed correctly.

As for Wily, so far I believe you must have a red E tank to beat him. Continuing in his room should refill weapon energy and give this red E tank.


10-26-2006, 07:07 AM
Oh, you've met Wily. Just try to be careful not to spoil anything as you are at the end of the quest, ok? :)

Wily is hard, I admit that. I think he is the hardest boss in the quest. But IMO last boss should be the hardest, so... But I've already made the Wily battle slightly easier for the final DWR update. For example those violet laser thingys won't hurt that much anymore and those spikes aren't as unforgiving as they used to be.

Currently I am working my butt of on a group quest called Lost Isle so I have to get that finished first before I can get the DWR DC update fiinalized. Unfortunately that means it will take a few months, but the update should be worth the wait, especially for people who never got far in the quest because of the toughness of the game.

10-26-2006, 08:09 AM
and working his butt off he is! ^_^ But it'll be worth it, for both quests. :)

10-26-2006, 10:16 AM
Yeah, indeed, good for both quests. ;)

[shameless advertising]Me and Wolfie are very proud of Lost Isle and it will be a truely amazing quest. I have to say that the levels I made for the quest surprass everything I've made so far during my ZQuest career and that includes all MMDWR DC levels as well. You guys should look forward to it while waiting for this MMDWR DC Update. ;)[/shameless advertising]

But anyways, I appreciate your comments and feedback a lot, Endarire. After you've finished the quest I'd be interested to hear your overall evaluation of the quest. How entertaining it actually was? What was the good, what was the bad in general? Stuff like that. Oh and I'm glad to see another person about to beat the quest. Many people have played the quest, but surprisingly many has found the challenges that the quest offers way too tough for them. I'm glad to see you've overcome all the challenges (even those mad disappearing blocks at Lv7).

Oh and ZeldaFan001, I remember that you beat DWR DC long time ago. Even though I got the impression you really enjoyed the quest, was there anything in the quest that bothered you? Something that you'd think I may be able to fix/enhance?

10-27-2006, 02:23 AM
-=SPOILER=-I agree that Wily should be a pain in every way, but I'm glad I found a use for the Mega Buster upgrade! (|=^) After I finish, I'll blog a review.

Finally, danke for your level-headedness and open-mindedness throughout the past few weeks.


10-27-2006, 06:57 AM
Ah, the problem with laying bombs is that you cannot use bombs when you're at the edge of the screen. Since ZC is built and developed from Zelda 1 engine, this behavior is still present. But hopefully new updates to ZC will enable bombing at edges too.

And an "Itemfinder" kind of item would surely be nice, but unfortunately can't be carried out yet as ZC has its certain limitations.

I wonder why you are experiencing such long pauses during Wily's speech. I have to look into it and fix it if there really is something to fix.

Oh and I will definitely enable "quarter hearts" because in the new ZC builds it is possible.

Yeah and that old MegaCity complainer lady moving to Lapin, that's a good idea. Thanks for reminding me about her.

I have also noticed that you haven't been pleased with all the music choices in the quest. Well, the problem is that people have such different music tastes that it is impossible to please everyone. i naturally picked the music that sounds the best and fits the best in my opinion, but some people might think otherwise, and that's fine. I know that more of the music should be from megaMan games as this is a MegaMan game, but I think all my choices from Chrono Trigger, real music etc fit in the quest.
But I'm always open to suggestions. And I agree that maybe the CT song plays too much down in the lost village. Maybe I will chhange that.

10-27-2006, 02:08 PM
I realized the problem with the speeches was that I wasn't hitting down.


10-27-2006, 02:49 PM
Ahh, so that was the problem. I didn't realize that people may not realize that during cutscenes they have to press down usually. Maybe I should fix this problem too by making a small arrow poitning down so players will see that to make the cutscene move on they have to press the direction keys to advance.

10-28-2006, 12:31 AM
well, I'll try my best to post all that I can remember.

1. The ship level, at first, seemed to have many levels and was somewhat repetitive. When you released the DC version, you improved it a little bit by adding the slime element, but perhaps there is something else you could do to improve it.

2. Level 6 is absolutely the coolest level ever! Don't change it one bit.

3. ? Dome was a little bit too huge and too complicated considering its level number.

4. Various glitches (mostly continue bugs) allow me to access areas that I should not be able to. Example: Entering Light's Lab, getting stuck between screens (black screen waiting for the down arrow press) and continuing will allow you to see the "bad" ending after the "time" failure. Of course, there are other areas accessed that I can't remember.

5. Sorry, I don't know who Protoman is. Anyway to fill me in if I'm not familiar with the Megaman universe?

I can't think of anything else right now. Continue bugs were probably the biggest factor of glitches in the game, nothing too serious though.

10-28-2006, 03:11 AM
Yeah, even though the game still needs a few improvements, the main reason I am making one more update to the quest is the various continue bugs that were still left into the game. :(
But fortunately there shouldn't be any serious continue bugs present in the current DWR version.

Anyways, I agree with you about levels 3 and 6. I am ashamed of Lv3 and I think it is my worst creation to date and it pales in comparision to the other MMDWR levels. But then Lv6, the Factory, that's probably the best level I've managed to create and it's the level I'm currently the most proud of. So only changes I'm going to do to Lv6 is to maybe take out a few tough enemies and maybe add some small graphical detail.

Oh and who is Protoman? Well, how could I describe him? Hmm...
Well ProtoMan first appeared in MegaMan 3 (NES) and he was the mini boss of all the 8 stages in the game. ProtoMan is this "identical" character to MegaMan, but kind of the evil version of MegaMan and he is this stereotypical "mysterious Anime character" who just appears, fights MegaMan, and then disappers just like that. Mega Man fans consider ProtoMan an identical twin brother of Mega Man. I don't actually know what's the case as even though I've played lots of MegaMan games and I'm kind of a fan of the series, I'm still not that familiar with the purposes and backgrounds of the characters, but in MMDWR ProtoMan is MegaMan's twin brohter and on MegaMan's side and he tries to fool Wily by acting to have changed sides and being Wily's ally, but in the end Protoman ends up... well you know if you've beaten the game. ;)

10-28-2006, 04:48 AM
Protoman, AKA Blues, was the first big ol' robot Light constructed. (His number is 0.) Mega Man, AKA Rock, and his sister, Roll, were #1 and #2 respectively. After that come Mega Man 1's master robots such as Cut Man.

Throughout the series, Protoman has played both sides of the equation, helping and hindering Wily, but usually allies with Mega Man.

Also in MM3, Protoman showed himself in 4 levels.

Finally, for this post, I beseech you to use this tune (http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/MM2-Wily_Stage1.mid) for the Wily battle instead of the current one.


10-28-2006, 07:54 AM
Oh yeah, I have a bad memory. 4 levels it was.

Anyways, thanks for pointing out that midi. It sounds great and I will seriously think about replacing the current Wily midi with that one. But I will consider some other options as well. Though I don't think there's nothing wrong with the current one, but of course I want to find th best possible midi for the last battle in the game.

10-31-2006, 02:34 AM
Grammar: Using multiple exclamation or/and question marks for one statement makes it look ameteur. Also, it's nonsense, not nonsence.

Wily's shiny lasers should do slightly less damage as I seemingly can't help but get hit. Also, multiple times I've pushed start and selected an energy tank, only to learn that when I spammed B after exiting the menu, it did nothing and I consequently died.


11-01-2006, 02:35 AM
Wily Stuff
Final Stats: 27:17:37 with 15 hearts and 103 recorded deaths. Until I learned how to fast quit, I intentionally killed myself to save. I also quit to avoid death, meaning I probably died over 127 times.


11-01-2006, 09:38 AM
Yeah, Wily's shiny lasers were too unforgiving even for this DC version.

But you managed to beat the game, and with the kind of stats people usually have after beating MMDWR DC, heh ;)
I'd say the average time to beat the quest is about 26 hours and the average number of deaths is about 150. But of course that's just my estimation as not everyone who have beaten the game tell me their stats. Blarg. :p

Oh and if you didn't know, I'm not a native English speaker. I'm a Finnish guy who has been studying English about 10 years now. So even though my English should be fine enough, naturally it isn't perfect, and I am aware some of the sentences in MMDWR could have been written more fluently. But I'd still dare to brag that the script in MMDWR is quite good to be written by a guy with such average English skills. ;)

Now I cannot wait to hear your more indepth analyzis/review of the game... or that's what you said you're going to do when you beat the game. I'm not requesting a huge review or anything like that, but if you could summarize all the positive and negative factors from the quest and tell me what your overall impression/feeling of the quest was, I'd be more than happy.

11-01-2006, 09:51 PM
I realize you aren't a native speaker, but I hope to help. I barely beat Wily as I would've died in another hit or three.

I'll blog my thoughts, probably this week.


11-03-2006, 02:31 AM
Official Review (http://endarire.spaces.live.com/)


11-03-2006, 08:25 AM
Thank you Endarire. As a quest designer who has put so much work into the quest, I am very happy to see such a "professional looking" review of the game, and it also seems like a honest review with both the negatives and positives of the game all found in the text.

I must remind all of you out there that review's like these make me a better questmaker in the future as it gives me both motivation and knowledge of what to do better the next time I start working on a quest. Too often I see one sided comments that only concentrate on the negative or the positive in the quest, like "This quest sucks because level 3 was so frikkin hard!!" or "Holy cow what an awesome game it is perfect woo woo woo!" ;)
It's always interesting to see those kinds of comments as well, but they're not really helping me to find out what to improve in my work.

Anyhoo, what I agree with you the most Endarire is that I need to enhance my storytelling skills more and for my next big quest project I will try to find people who can help me with the script and check the grammar for me so that it is perfect English.

But before that quest project and before the MMDWR DC Update, I have the group quest Lost Isle to be finished, and I recommend you all check it out when it is released early next year as I think it shows how much I have developed as a questmaker after the release of MMDWR DC: The graphics are prettier, the levels are better in design, the difficulty should be consistent this time and isn't too frustrating... But since DFW took care of the overworld, the story and other quest design aspects, I cannot take all credit for the quest being as good as it is turning out to be. But anyways, my goal is to keep improving and hopefully all the levels I built for the quest are an upgrade from DWR DC. That doesn't mean I am not proud of the work I did with DWR, it's just that I know I can still do so much better than that.
But enough of the advertising, now I'll go back to work and hoepfully I will see a few more feedback filled posts before I start polishing this quest for the final release of MMDWR DC.

11-03-2006, 03:10 PM
I can proofread your English as that is one of my best skills.


11-03-2006, 03:50 PM
I wish I could write some good reviews but Im not good at that. So I will just say again that this a unbeliveably good quest! Just make it easier so everybody can enjoy it ^_^

11-04-2006, 09:53 AM
I can proofread your English as that is one of my best skills.


That's good to know. If you're still around when I have started working on the next big project, I will definitely seek your assistance in the English department as I can see you are so good at it (conclusion made based on the big post you made 3 days ago ;) )

11-11-2006, 07:51 PM
I'm stuck at the last part of the game. I finished Challenge 1 and went through Challenge 3, but stuck in a loop. I cannot find any boss nor reward. Also, I cannot go into Challenge 2 room because some strange blocks are blocking the way. Same blocks are in one of the room in 8 second Death March!!!. What am I missing here? Do I need to go back and get different items?

11-11-2006, 09:05 PM
Those weird looking blocks blocking your way... just hit them with your Mega Fist. I mean, you have Mega Fist right? Otherwise there's no way you could have gotten up to Wily's Base.

And challenge 3, it was the sidescroller one wasn't it? There's no boss in that challenge, just a lone keycard sitting there waiting for MegaMan to pick it up. You just have to be careful with those traps that send you down.

11-12-2006, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the prompt response. I thought I tried before... I finished it and the last "boss" was awesome!!!

11-12-2006, 02:29 PM
You beat it all? Awesome. :)

And just for the heck of it, could you be kind enough to post your finishing time and death count? I'm just collecting this info from people to see what the average for MMDWR DC finishers is.

11-14-2006, 12:44 PM
20 deaths and 31:16:52. Had a lot more deaths and spent a lot more hours but I "cheated" after 2nd level. I used "F6 Continue" and pause and slow motion function. I used ZC 2.10 and was OK. I cannot use F1-Fast Forward with other versions.

11-15-2006, 09:21 PM
Ah, so you had no problems playing with 2.10? WEll you have good luck as many other people have had issues when playing with the buggy 2.10 version of ZC. ;)

02-02-2007, 04:55 PM
181 deaths, 46:42:12. I think I started it in the summer of '05. I quit for a long while in the middle of level 5, and after level 8. I'm a mediocre player, and I had a hard time getting past the bosses. My favorite level was #4 - I liked the atmosphere. Least favorite part was the Secret Facility - it kicked my butt over and over again. Definitely the hardest quest I've ever finished, but I kept coming back to it because I loved the complexity and variety. Phew! Thanks, Petoe!

02-03-2007, 03:11 AM
Thanks for posting that info mooshki. I'm surprised you picked Lv4 as your favorite and Lv6 as your least favorite levels as usually it's vice versa... people don't seem to like the sad and depressing atmosphere at the "? Dome" :p

But anyhoo, glad to see you enjoyed the quest. I understand it is a very hard quest for "average players" but hats off to you for not quitting. An easier version of this quest will be released after a new stable version of ZC comes out. That way I hope even more people will be able to beat this quest which was so long time in the making...

02-03-2007, 05:25 PM
How can I get the musics for this game, especially the tower?

Also, from what source is each music? I know Mega City is Air Man (MM2).


The Beefcube
02-19-2007, 08:53 AM
Wow, I finally get to play this game. I've been looking forward to it since I used to come here and you were still making it, and now I finally come back and get to play it.

I've only played through the power plant, but it's already pure awesomeness.

02-19-2007, 01:29 PM
You will love it. I am playing it a second time through, and it's the first time I've ever done that with a custom quest. It's so funny how easy the bosses are this time, and the first time through they made me want to bang my head against a wall.

02-24-2007, 07:10 AM
You know what they say mooshki... practice makes perfect. ;)

And to answer Endarire's question, there's no "Official MMDWR Soundtrack" released or anything like that, but the sources I got the music from? Well most of the music came from VGmusic.com, some midis are made by me and some midis... gosh, I don't remember anymore where I got the rest of them.

BTW, good luck with the quest Beefcube.

02-25-2007, 09:19 PM
Could I get the music file for The Tower?


02-25-2007, 10:22 PM
You can rip it directly out of the quest. Open ZC, open MMDWR, then press Esc in some screen transition (like when Mega Man enters a cave) that has no music playing. Select Misc. -> MIDI Info. You'll have to listen to them, but you'll be able to find the right one. When you save it, make sure you place '.mid' after the file name.

Or, Petoe can give you the file. ;)

03-03-2007, 04:21 AM
Endarire, I'm pretty sure this one was the Tornis Tower midi: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/nes/MM5-_Skull_Castle.mid

(You can download it from VGmusic.com)

02-24-2008, 04:19 PM
How's progress on the second director's cut?

02-25-2008, 10:46 AM
How's progress on the second director's cut?

I have decided to wait for ZC 2.5 to come out so I can release the new DC for that. But right now it seems that there's no real progress in getting ZC 2.5 finished so I have no idea when the MMDWR update could be released. And the same goes to the Lost Isle update as well. :uhoh:

Nicholas Steel
02-25-2008, 11:35 AM
I think you should take a look at the latest version of 2.5 alpha, Petoe. it has a butt load of new features over the lost isle build you used a while ago and should be about a million times less buggy.

huge progress has been made in recent months to stabilize the program tho some bugs do appear, they are usually dealt with quickly and with little harm to a quest builder.

02-25-2008, 08:06 PM
Of course, beta 735 erased my quest file while saving to it.

Alphas are great so long as you're religious about backing up.

02-26-2008, 12:39 AM
I'm on my second play and I've found these things besides the text and plot that I believe should be changed.

1: My first time around, I was perhaps lucky to have found enough cash for bombs to blow open the sewer wall. To make this foolproof, ensure the sewer access from Mega City to the Power Plant is always open.

2: While it isn't your fault, playing as a Mega Man who can't jump is just irritating.

3: In the seaside secret facility, the blue robots that shoot the orange flakes have no animations for taking damage or dying. When they die, they simply disappear, and this looks odd.

4: The forest 'side scroller' level should have some warning that the boss needs a the whistle to beat. A gray pushable rock guarding the entrance would suffice.

5: The Power Chip seems like it should be called the Guts Chip in reference to Gutsman of MMI.

6: The woman in Mega City who talks about moving should eventually move to the place she mentions.

7: Beat should be summonable in outdoor areas that aren't the overworld, including Mega City, Tornis, and Lapin Village.

8: The original Mega Man is star of this quest, but his graphic makes him look like Mega Man X.

9: The 'fairy' should have a different sound. The default fairy sound seems awkward.

10: The Melt Beam (candles in Zelda1) shouldn't take ammo (magic power). Their use is already so small that requiring energy seems insulting.

11: I find it annoying that there's no convenient way to open the dock door from the dock side.

12; The pinwheel shooters in the seaside Secret Facility can seemingly hover in the air over fans, not being pushed up by the fans or dragged down by gravity.

13: The boss machine that initially appears in the Iso Dome is -way- overused. I can understand it being in levels 2 and 8, but beyond that and it feels cheap. Instead, consider using an old Man bot or few- Cutman, Elec Man, Skull Man, whatever- to act as guardian(s).

14: Considering the relative sizes of the seaside Secret Facility and the forest maze, the facility's reward should be the L2 sword and the forest's reward should be the silver armor. As it is, Lapin Village has the L3 sword available for sale once I finish Seko Dome and grab the wallet.

Expect more as I continue playing.

02-26-2008, 11:59 PM
Petoe, I wanted to discuss something in private, but your PM inbox is full and the board's emailer is questionably reliable. My email is theelward_@_yahoo.com but with no _s.

02-27-2008, 03:01 AM
More things for the next version!

15: The lasers in the Secret Facility hurt way too much and are easily the most deadly things in the facility, except for perhaps the boss. They should do 1 heart of damage against someone in blue armor.

16: The Secret Facility's blocks should stay up a bit longer or the lasers should be removed from the screens with the blocks. The path to the heart piece on the ledge past the broken blue bot is frustrating and requires too much luck and precision for an area meant to be cleared immediately after the Iso Dome.

17: Speaking of which, after I get the Triforce piece in the Iso Dome, I can walk left one screen and grab a 20 zen piece where the bearded man was. If I don't grab the piece then return to the screen, the man returns and the money's gone forever.

18: The back door to Mega Mall- the entrance across from Casio Casino- is hidden. An arrow should be drawn on the ground pointing into the mall's back entrance.

19: There should be a taxi service for cheap, quick transport around Mega City and perhaps also Tornis. For, say, 5 zen, Mega Man can visit the Museum, E-Center, Train Station, Mall's Front, or Casino's Front. Failing that, maybe Beat, when called in Mega City, would transport Mega Man to these locations.

20: Beat should have these dropoff points on the world map:

Light's Lab
Outside Mega City Northeast
Outside Seko Dome
<more to come>

21: Hopefully ZC 2.5 will allow for easy password input for Iso and Seko Domes.

22: Once I can dive and get a super bomb, the bomb shop SE of Light's lab should start selling super bombs.

23: A 'bridge out' to Stoneville shouldn't hamper Mega Man once he gets Rush Marine. Let Mega Man go there to find nothing worthwhile.

24: In Mega Mall's bomb shop, I feel there should be a separate door to the room with the robot who sells a bomb capacity expansion.

25: During cutscenes, when I seemingly lose control of my character, I shouldn't be able to thrust with my sword or use special items. For example, when Dr. Light contacted me after grabbing my first Triforce piece, I threw my shadow blade numerous times at his face to no avail.

26: The ship "m/s Mariel" should be MS or M.S. <ship name>. Until I played the quest, I'd never heard the name. Muriel and Maria are more female-sounding English names.

02-28-2008, 12:19 AM
27: After I submit the receipt for my Mega Buster, I should get some confirmation! At present, I hand over the paper, it disappears from my inventory, then nothing else happens!

28: Collecting a fairy and a weapon energy refill should produce different sounds.

29: After entering one room on the second deck of the MS Muriel, the screen went black as if a cutscene were about to play, and it's stuck that way until I quit via F6>>Save.

30: The fire frog fight aboard the Muriel is bloody confusing. How am I meant to hurt the bugger?

31: The cutscene involving the pirates spilling the green goo shows a screen significantly different than the one Mega Man must walk through.

32: After getting the Triforce piece from the MS Muriel, the pirate bot should no longer be in Casio Casino.

33: The Lapin Village shopkeeper should get his shipment of goods and have them for sale once I get the Triforce piece from MS Muriel.

34: Upon entering the ? Dome (Seko Dome), Mega Man's facial expression makes him look high. If that's meant to be a smug or sarcastic expression, the attempt failed.

03-01-2008, 03:16 AM
I hoped to begin work on revising MM's text, and by doing this, be ready for when you begin revising maps and other things for 2.5. To access the file, however, I need a password, and while I would most prefer to work with the file directly, I shall describe textual changes if needed.

I request you contact me via email at [email protected] or reply to this post.


03-03-2008, 03:45 AM
35: As a matter of principle and practicality, it seems like bad form to require players to find the 'spare' key from level 1 to complete level 2.

03-05-2008, 03:19 PM
Petoe, I hoped to catch your attention with this thread while you were online. Soon I must go, however, though you can leave a message at the beep.


03-09-2008, 08:48 AM
Sorry that I haven't replied sooner. I appreciate the work you've done for a better MMDWR and when I take a quick look at your list, I can see I agree with quite a many points you're making. But unfortunately I'm having such big problems in real life that I simply cannot concentrate on ZC at the moment, and to be honest I'm not sure if I ever will.

But if I can dig myself out of this hole and if the miserable developers of ZC ever get 2.5 released I'm sure I will come back, with more passion and determination than ever.

03-09-2008, 08:18 PM
I appreciate a response, even an untimely one. Should you wish to consult me about redoing MMDWRDC, email me at [email protected].

Until then, I commend you for the good you've done. Adieu.

10-10-2008, 09:02 PM
Can you get a sword before you enter the sewer at the beginning. Also, how do you get through the sewer/power plant. I do not see any walls to bomb. Please Help.

10-14-2008, 10:34 AM
Can you get a sword before you enter the sewer at the beginning. Also, how do you get through the sewer/power plant. I do not see any walls to bomb. Please Help.

Nope, you get the sword after you beat the miniboss in the power plant.
To get to the sewers you must bomb that small brick building one screen south of the E-Center in MegaCity...

10-18-2008, 02:48 AM
Hi, just saying that I absolutely love the quest. I've had what I think is a glitch happen, and its repeated 3 times so far. So you know, I've completed the first 2 levels and have the whistle and L2 armor.

In 3 places in the game so far, someone will try to sell me something, yet the zen amount doesn't appear where it should and I can't purchase the item. In all 3 spots it happens to be where the dialogue tells me the cost, and leaving the room and reentering have done nothing. These 3 spots are the 10 zen cost in MegaCity if I want to be recharged, the 10 zen cost in Lapin to go to some back room guessing game that I have no clue what it will be, and the 50 zen cost to purchase the heat beam in the southern rainy overworld ( I quasi-glitched to get there insomuch that I let myself get hit by bats to become temp invincible to get through the spikes and make it to the place alive) If the heat beam is necessary to beat the game, I'm scared this will be an issue further down the line.

edit: of course as i post this the entire problem seems to have gone away on this reset attempt

Nicholas Steel
10-18-2008, 03:23 AM
probably fucked up the game when you glitched over the spikes that or your using the wrong version of ZC. (granted the very latest build from shardstorm "should" play the quest fine.