Calling All Tutorials [Archive] - Armageddon Games Forums

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10-27-2004, 07:48 PM
Eckels and I are going to compile a complete and official ZC tutorial. If you'd like to submit work you've done, add little pieces, re-write your current tutorials, or help with mainting current tutorials, please post here, or PM me with your work.

An official ZC Tutorial should be done by December 1st, with a complete one for the next public release ( I believe it will be called ZC 2.5 ).

PM me with your submissions, or post here. Please respond ASAP.

EDIT:: I want to clarify that you will be fully credited for any work you do when the tutorial is posted on We want to be able to have an advanced search function for all members asking any questions, and you be the ones in charge of creating this database.

10-27-2004, 08:29 PM
eh. I'll clarify.

I'll be in charge of creating the database. The'll be in charge of filling it.

Either way, each page with be given a byline by the author, to show who wrote the article. Think of it as articles in a magazine. But the pages will be aranged into a content structure that we'll determine.

If edits to the tutorials would have to be made, for instance links to other parts of the tutorials, or spelling errors, we'll make the edits, as editors would. We're not interested in taking credit for your work, we may simply need to make changes for it to be incorporated into a comprehensive tutorial.

Pease help out. New tutorials are of course welcome to. But, keep in mind, rewriting the same stuff that is in current tutorials is pretty much useless since enough info already exists and we wont have multiple pages about the same thing.

and blah blah. so please help out

10-27-2004, 08:59 PM
I started doing some tutorials that hadn't been covered in the others, I'm still working on these, some are done, some may never be complete as new things and ways of doing things could always be added.

The Palettes tutorial is one that I'll be adding to as time goes on, I intend to do "enemies" next, what palettes they use, how to recolor... etc.
What is done so far with the palettes are "sections" in their own right and can be used.

they're located here if you'd like to take a look, and if these individual links don't work they can be accessed through my sig.

How to get Zelda Classic working on your PC. (

Here's a quick rundown on making sfx.dat files for your quest (

Here's a quick rundown on making bmp images of your quest maps (

Here's a quick rundown on working with Palettes (

10-29-2004, 07:22 PM
I have something to contribute, too, actually. courtesy of DN himself, I've created a enemy list and the palletes they use, here ( hopefully you can make some use of that

[edit] I forgot to add Pols Voice. it's fixed now, and should be below Gibdo

10-29-2004, 07:40 PM
wow, that's awesome *b*, I've been putting this together piece by piece, it's nice to see it all in one spot.

11-26-2004, 10:02 PM
***Is late***
Well, I've got my tutorial. I think it's pretty good, and teaches most of what is needed to know. There's a few points missing, but I can get those done in the next few days. :shrug: And, taking pics for the Alpha will be no hard task, as I still have the quest I used to make this tutorial. :shrug:
And, any reformating will probably be doable. I just hope I could get it done before the 1st of December. :(

12-05-2004, 03:32 PM
I know very, very well the Spanish lenguage (Because I'm living in Argentina since 1993) so I can translate the manual (or tutorial) to spanish... It will be very professional X)...
Also I can translate the program words (The Google translator doesn't work very good...)

12-15-2004, 11:56 PM
I don't know where to get the files to download. Please help me.

12-16-2004, 10:34 AM
You can use the tutorials i have! (found in my signature) I suggest for some content, downloading the wodpad document (aka "Help File")

03-23-2005, 10:20 PM
i need to know when i downlaod 1 of thee top 10 quest how do i get it to work do i need an emulatoe or what do i downlaod besides the quest and where do i get it?

06-02-2005, 07:48 PM
Go to the top where is says "Downloads". D-l one of the ZC. That's all. 2 new icons will pop up on your screen. Click on Z... something, not Zelda Classic. Also, fallow the tutorial. Go to "Tutorial" at the top, click on the link, and there ya go. It's realy good, if I do say so myself.

06-30-2006, 03:16 PM
i can translate some thing to spanish i was born in el salvador and lived there until i was 9

08-19-2006, 02:18 PM
Aren't these tutorials a little out of date?:confused:

11-09-2006, 03:30 PM
use google translator or somthing

11-13-2006, 01:52 PM
Can I just type it here? :P

1. Okay, let's make a growing-up bush. It's easy to do, first off go to Quest > Tiles.
2. Go to a spot with 5+ empty tiles IN A ROW.
3. Draw the first one as a cut down bush, the second one a mini bush, the third one a lil bigger, fourth one almost as big as possible, and the fifth must be same as the bush you just cut down (use copy and paste)
4. Go to Quest > Graphics > Combos and search an empty tile.
5. Doubleclick it and change the combo to the first combo in the row we just made.
6. Then set animation frames - how many tiles your animation has, in this situatÃ*on it's that 5+.
7. Set animation speed. The smaller the faster, the bigger the slower.
(8. Set it as an undercombo :P)
Also if you want the combo to cycle, meaning it will start over and over again, like rain, set the "Next" combo as the first combo in "the row".

1. If you have an overworld map (in this situation, Hyrule), make another map and name it "Hyrule Layers"
2. Go to Hyrule. Open up Data > Layers. Click on the first "auto" and type in the DMap number of "Hyrule Layers".
3. Now when the layers are set, you need to take advantage of them. Let's say you have a part of a tree with black background or bright pink. The layers will appear in the pink/black part.
4. Scroll the low-side bar until you come up with a bar saying "Layers".
5. Have all the SQUARES checked all the time. ALL THE TIME. Check the CIRCLE below "0". Now put in a tree tile.
NOTE: 0 is the overworld combo, 1 is the layermap combo! In other words, 0 draws over, 1 draws under. To write under layer 1, you must
6. Now check the "1" CIRCLE. Then pick a grass tile. Draw it to the same place as the tree tile. DONE! There's grass behind the tree.
THE LAYER WILL NOT WORK IF THE BACKGROUND OF THE TREE IS NOT BLACK OR BRIGHT PINK. If it is black, and still won't work, go to Graphics > Tiles and edit the tree combo so that the background will be a color with a white "X" on it. THEN it will work.

Just right-click the tile and select edit. Then just change the combo type to "overhead".
If you drawed the tree tÃ*les to the layermap, and the grass tiles to the overworld map, LINK WILL APPEAR OVER THE TREE. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.


Making treasure chests - recent betas.
1. Make 2 combos looking like closed chests (each different color, I prefer the other one darker).
2. Make 2 combos looking like opened chests (each different color, I prefer the other one darker).
3. Set 1 closed treasure chest as "Treasure Chest", and the other one "Treasure Chest, Locked".
4. Have the opened chest tiles as none, because they're only undercombos.
5. Give the closed chests flag #10, Armos -> Item.
6. Place the chest on the screen, and set the room type as special item. Special item in this situation can be the map.
7. Set the opened chest tile as the undercombo.
If you have layers on the map, be sure to place the chest on the overworld map, not the layermap.
Sometimes this doesn't even work with a layermap.

Making OPEN treasure chests - version 2.10 and down.
1. Make a treasure chest combo and an opened treasure chest combo.
2. Set a chest combo type "Slash" or "Slash > Item".
3. Put the flag #10, armos -> item on the combo after placing it on the screen.
4. Set room type as special item and set the special item.
5. Set undercombo as the opened chest.

Making LOCKED treasure chests - version 2.10 and down.
1. Make a treasure chest combo and an opened treasure chest combo.
2. Set the combo type as "Lock Block" or "Boss Lock Block" if you want it to be opened with a bosskey.
3. Set the flag #10, armos -> item on the combo after placing it on the screen.
4. Set room type as special item and set the special item.
5. Set the undercombo as an opened treasure chest.

Side warps are used when Link exits the screen by walking to the edge.
In the recent betas you can open the A, B, C and D tabs to make multiple warps.
1. Open Data > Side warp.
2. Put in the warp type.
3. Put in the DMap where Link must teleport.
4. Put in the screen where Link appears on the other map.
5. Color one of the 4 boxes to tell towards which edge Link must walk to teleport (the letter is needed to tell which teleport point Link will teleport, A, B, C or D).
Click "Go" to test your teleport. Sometimes ZQuest does counting mistakes so you must warp some screens to the left.
Also you must put the blue "A" "B" "C" or "D" square from the low-sidebar to tell which spot on the screen Link will appear (preferably bottom).

Tile warps are used when Link enters a combo with a combo type "Warp", "Cave", "Stairs" or something similar.
Multiple tile warps in recent betas are very useful, you can make houses with
2 sides with a wall in the center.
In the recent betas you can open the A, B, C and D tabs to make multiple warps.
1. Open Data > Tile Warp.
Put in the steps 2, 3, and 4 from the Side Warp tut.
You must put the blue "A" "B" "C" or "D" square from the low-sidebar to tell which spot on the screen Link will appear (preferably bottom), in this warp, too.

Well I just resized the text a BIT...

12-13-2006, 05:26 PM
So, is this still going to happen? Cuz, it's kinda late.

04-16-2007, 03:25 PM
I have a couple of tutorials.

They are here:

one is a list of ZC items and the other is on changing the triforce in subscreens