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View Full Version : Event triggers?

10-27-2004, 01:48 PM
Hi, I'm a beginner with zquest and I'd like to understand how the events work...
For example, is it possible to have a NPC talk when Link enters his screen, without using a regular "screen 80" cave?
I tried to change the tile warp property to be warped to another screen but it always sends to 80.
Or is there a way to trigger the dialog after a simple side warp? For example, in original Z1 dungeons, there are old men that give hints when you enter their room...

10-27-2004, 07:45 PM
Yes, You can place them on a seperate DMap and warp to them. :) You must make the level# of the dmap greater than 0. =D

10-28-2004, 02:06 AM
Thanks, Snort, it worked :) .

11-03-2004, 08:24 PM
Your troubles reminde me of a friend of mine. He had even more troubles than you (lol). It is really embarassing how I teach him lessons while he just sits there going "did you say something?"
Also he would go try the same thing and of course he would do it wrong. I even wrote him a tutorial! (spell check?) But he still does not understand. One more thing you should know that you cannot start off with a perfect quest. It is impossible I made 20 quests and my newer quests still are not that great. (others are better though like my original ZQ series with the BS tileset) Dont worry I could help you with any other problem you have. (if you have one) How do you delete this reply anyway?

11-03-2004, 08:56 PM
I have a forum if you want and of course you should know that you cannot start off with a perfect quest. Advertising is against the rules. Consider yourself warned. If you'd like to invite others to come to your forums, you can PM them, or put a descriptive link in your sig.

PitchFork Rhino
11-04-2004, 07:21 PM
:) I need to know how I can make my game like Capcom's copyrighted work games "Mega Man (MM) & (and) Mega Man X (MMX)" & how to make events of (o') what happens when somebody chooses a boss. I just mentioned Capcom's copyrighted work games & the quotation marks (quotes) [""] to give credit so I don't (do not) get in trouble & so no one else gets in trouble.

But I want to know @ (at) least some events & how they work th@ (that) will [that'll] allow me to make my game like but not the exact SAME THING AS Capcom's copyrighted work games "MM & MMX".

I hope this's how I make posts or I'll need to contact Armaggeddon Games.

11-04-2004, 08:35 PM
What do you mean Pitch Fork Rhino? Could you give an example? Or a screenshot?

11-05-2004, 10:58 PM
My guess is that he means he wants to mimic the stage selection screen. Unfortunately I cannot think of a way this is possible (of course I don't know much so I could be seriously wrong). The best you could do would be a thing like near the end of each game in the original MM series where there was a capsule for each boss (then instead of warping directly to the boss like in MM, you would warp to the level). That is the best I could come up with and it's fairly easy to do (although you'll have to do some work to use only one warp on the screen, it shouldn't be too tough).

11-06-2004, 10:18 AM
I know! Try this, have a stage screen that has arrows and a picture of the boss on top of the arrow. Also have a double screen. Link goes through a warp and goes AWWWRRRR. Then he is in a boss room and he kills the boss :toast: and goes somewhere? Summary: Stage, tilewarp, sidewarp. picture.

11-06-2004, 01:39 PM
Did you mean to make a tilewrap on the arrow, for it to get him to the boss room?

11-06-2004, 01:40 PM
No I mean all you do is you fallow the arrow until you are off the screen and boom there is a boss. Du Du Du Daaa!