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10-27-2004, 01:30 AM
The Latest "hollywoody Half-Witt" EMINEM.

I am tired of this shit. Growing pains I guess. So I am 18 and I can vote, and I favor Bush all the way. (This is not a Bush/Kerry Discussion!) and I plan to vote for him. But this is taking a toll on my life. Over the years I always listened to, supported people like Bruce Springsteen, and Eminem and others. But now they are all into the Anti-Bush BULL SHIT. Even actors I like are doing anti-bush things :mad:. Why do they think the have to right to tell us who to vote for? it puts half of these artists fans in an "uncomfortable" position. I mean its almost harassment! Now when I want to listen to my favorite artists's CD's I have to put up with them dissing the very person I respect, our President. I mean are these artists THAT ungrateful?

What Im trying to say is that I feel that Celebrities have NO business in politics, how do you feel?

War Lord
10-27-2004, 01:34 AM
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and they are voicing theirs.
Much like you're doing now...

10-27-2004, 02:25 AM
So you are against Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ronald Reagan? I personally don't mind them if they know what they are talking about. Arnold and Ron probably do more than Eminem but you never know.

10-27-2004, 02:56 AM
Well said War Lord. Although i'm not a fan of Eminem, he's right in expressing his opinion.

10-27-2004, 03:26 AM
People tend to get angry when celebs start endorsing political views because they have access to a medium (the media) that ordinary folks are unable to take advantage of. If you think about it, every time Access Hollywood, or some other show, spends ten minutes talking about all the celebrities supporting Kerry, while supplying clips, it's like a long campaign endorsement (though perhaps implicit) that sneaks past campaign finance rules/gets people irritated when they want to just relax and hear about the frivolous excesses of the Hiltons'.

EDIT: Also, I guess people tend to direct anger toward celebrities on tv when they're really just mad at all the dumb people who say "Brad Pitt has a smokin' hot ass - I'll vote Kerry." Granted, Brad Pitt's ass is no doubt the ninth (tenth?) wonder of the world, but it's hardly a cogent political argument, unless God wants Kerry in the White House.

Zero Wing
10-27-2004, 10:47 AM
free speech we have
idiots listen to i don't
complain we can about stupidity

10-27-2004, 01:14 PM
Everyone's entitled to their opinions no matter how rich and stupid they are, spankypants. Unless they are emo kids.

10-27-2004, 01:52 PM
I guess what bothers me is not so much that the celebs voice their opinions, as it is that people listen to them. Ah well...

10-27-2004, 07:09 PM
I totally agree with you mike. People who have money and are more known than others shouldn't have the basic rights and freedoms of everyone else! :rolleyes:

10-27-2004, 07:25 PM
I've seen a bunch of commericals where celebrities are encouraging you to vote, not for any particular candidate, but just to vote period. I think its great. They have a lot of influence over younger voters.

10-27-2004, 07:37 PM
I tend to think that an uninformed vote is much worse than not voting at all. If people go vote simply because they're told to vote, then how much good does that vote do? Voting for someone because they like the color of their hair isn't intelligent, it's stupid.

10-27-2004, 07:41 PM
Unless they are emo kids.

Damn straight, Lilith. If they can't get through their teens without being little bitches, then they probably shouldn't be allowed to vote or have an opinion they can express to others.

10-27-2004, 07:56 PM
The Latest "Forum Half-Witt" MIKE5000.

I am tired of this shit. Growing pains I guess. So I am 20 and I can vote, and I favor Kerry all the way. (This is not a Bush/Kerry Discussion!) and I plan to vote for him. But this is taking a toll on my false leg. Over the years I always listened to, supported people like Rage Against the Machine, and Bubba and his Pickle Lickers, and others. But now they are all into the expressing their first amendment rights BULL SHIT. Even actors I like are doing anti-bush things . Why do they think the have to right to challenge the norm and say something I dont like? it puts half of these artists fans in a "not giving a shit" position. I mean its almost liek nobody cares but me! Now when I want to listen to my favorite artists's CD's I have to put up with them expressing views that arent mine, can you believe that. I mean are these artists THAT individual?

What Im trying to say is that I feel that Mike5000 has NO business ever opening his mouth again, how do you feel?

DsS Game
10-27-2004, 08:12 PM
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and they are voicing theirs.
Much like you're doing now...

My thoughts exactly and more. Do as you wish as the velebrities who advertise are doing the same.


10-27-2004, 08:12 PM
I don't mind the musicians voicing their opinions, but sometimes it detracts from the music. Take the Beastie Boys' recent album, "To the 5 Boroughs". The album definitely does not approach the levels of Paul's Boutique or Hello Nasty, but it loses even more through its politically charged rhymes.

It wouldn't be so bad if the rhymes weren't so weak, but they also cover every cliche attack against the Bush administration that even the staunchest of Democrats has abandoned.

The result is 5 years from now the songs will no longer be culturally relevant and no one will care about them. I'm still listening and singing to Hello Nasty, but I don't think I'll ever sing wack rhymes like
"Because George W got nothing on me\We got to take the power from he"
"We got a president that we didn't elect\The Kyoto treaty he decided to neglect"

Good job guys, I'm sure you'll free Tibet if you keep churning out fresh rhymes like that.

On the other hand, Outkast did a far better job of expressing their opinion in the song War from the recent album "The Love Below\Speakerboxxx". Rather than spreading their opinions across the entire album, they decided to leave it in one song so as not to alienate their pro-Bush listeners. Instead of whining about the election, Big Boi explores the causes and comes up with some nice points:

"Politicians, modern day magicians
Physicians of death, more health care for poor health
Who makin us ill, they makin us kill
That's makin me spill my guts (chill Big, lay in the cut)
For what? I refuse to sit in the backseat and get handled
Like I do nuttin all day but sit around watch the Cartoon Channel
I rap about, the Presidential election and the scandal
that followed, and we all watched the nation, as it swallowed
and chalked it up, basically America you got DUCKS
The media shucked and jived now we stuck"

Imagine that, instead of taking the knee-jerk response, he blames not only the politicians but the media and the sheep that are influenced by it. After continuing with more well-stated commentary on the state of America, Big Boi rightfully makes his declaration of mental superiority:
"I'ma always bring food for thought to the table in the kitchen\Now eat nigga"

The Beastie Boys protest Bush. Outkast protests Bush, the state of America, and the state of the people that brought it to here. The Beastie Boys blame one man for America's troubles. Outkast professes that several factors (Bush as one of them) combined to bring us to our current state.

The result is the Beastie Boys remind me of System of A Down by using cliched comments that have been force-fed since Bush was elected, while Outkast makes me sit back and evaluate my beliefs. It's as if the Beastie Boys were a man holding a sign with a 2-word slogan outside the voting booth and Outkast is the man who writes an article for a magazine analyzing the candidates. Both are valid expressions of opinion, but one is more effective.

10-27-2004, 08:22 PM
WTF atma? That was hella long! You realize that in the time it took me to read that I could of smoked a cigarette, or kicked a puppy! Terrible atma, terrible.

10-28-2004, 01:29 AM
They're just people. They can say whatever they want. They probably should give the republican celebrities more of a say though.