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10-25-2004, 12:28 PM
I'm looking for a good game for either system, my collections for those are lacking, while my Game Cubes soars :D :evil: :laughing:

Don'g give me the GTAs, teh FFs, Halo, or any of those, because i plan to get at least the gtas and halo.

I like games like Kingdom Hearts. What are a few good ones to pick up?

10-25-2004, 01:53 PM
Shin Megami Tensei:Nocturne is a good turn based RPG, with a great metal soundtrack, and you get to employ demons, including Dante from Capcom's Devil May Cry. It's also pretty difficult at first.(PS2)

Mortal Kombat: Deception is a good MK game, and will keep you entertained for quite a while, if you don't rely on guides and such. It's like Deadly Alliance, but it has more classic and new characters, more fatalities, the new suicide move hara kiri, stage death traps, and a RPG style Konquest adventure mode. Then there's Puzzle Kombat(think Puzzle Fighter, with a MK twist), and Chess Kombat, which is like that Wrath Unleashed game, but better. Deception also has online play.(PS2 or Xbox)

Shadow Hearts 2 is a turn based RPG that strays from the traditional stuff and is pretty dark, and the judgement ring system is pretty fun, bringing some much needed change to slow paced battles. Also, Karin is hot.:p Plus, I don't know if the deal from EB is still there, but when I ordered it, I got SH for free. Two RPGS for one...(PS2)

Ninja Gaiden is a great, but very difficult hack and slash, with many different weapons to use, and it has the classic NGs I-III as extras.(Xbox)

Disgaea:Hour of Darkness is a FFT style strategy RPG, with a lot of memorable characters. It also has some potty mouth humor here and there, and is easy to pick up and play, and has quite a bit of replay value.(PS2)

Fable is a pretty good action RPG, allowing you to do a lot of non-traditional things, such as marriage, getting haircuts, and changing your appearance as you age. Unfortunately, it's very watered down from what it promised and is very easy to beat in a few hours, not to mention the endings being totally not worth it. Still, it allows you to be a good or evil person.(Xbox)

Maximo vs The Army of Zin is a typical hack and slash. The difficulty is pretty moderate, and the platforming is good too, and not difficult like the last game. Also, Maximo gets a few different weapons this time around, and you can also play as his friend Grim. And the powerups you get you can actually keep, and all of them have some use. It's also pretty lengthy, but don't expect 13+ hours of game play if you play constantly.(PS2)

Mega Man Anniversary Collection is a good way to get all the console MM games on one disc. MM 1-8, and two obscure MM arcade games, including an episode of the Mega Man animated series(PS2 only) are among the extras. You can also play the games in Navi mode, which boast remixed music for the games, among a somewhat enhanced menu interface. You can also make the games easier, which is a sigh of relief, for those who didn't like the diffcult MM games.(PS2 or GC)

That's all I have to recommend.:shrug:

10-27-2004, 03:09 AM
Deathrow is a seriously underrated Xbox game. Nobody seems to know much about it, but it's avalable used off of ebgames.com. Controls in first person are a little wonky, but they're useable. Part football, part frisbee, part all out brawler.

Also, Project Gotham 2 is a pretty solid racing game if you're into that.

As for RPG's Star Wars : Knights of the Old Reublic is not only the best RPG on the Xbox, but perhaps the best Star Wars game in YEARS! Plus it's by Bioware. FUCKING BIOWARE! Of course, lacking that you can try another Bioware classic, Balders Gate II.

10-27-2004, 07:56 AM
I just started play Star Ocean, that's pretty good...

10-27-2004, 12:43 PM
I am not to much into rpgs, besides kingdom hearts, and I liked Dark Cloud 2, but didnt play it much.

10-27-2004, 01:00 PM
Blarg. Just tell us what genres you'd like to play games from, then maybe we could help more.:p

10-27-2004, 04:38 PM
Check out the Ratchet & Clank and Jak & Daxter serieses on PS2, they're excellent 3D platformers/shooters.