View Full Version : What can we do w/ Alphas 4 & 5?

10-25-2004, 01:44 AM
With Alpha 5 in place, what can we now do with our quests that we couldn't do before? (think of everything implemented, not only in Alpha 5, but also 4 as well)

Here's my ideas:
1) Screen Specific Midis: Have such a screen be on a diferent dmap & you can have it side scroll to the adjacent screens on a different dmap, with all 4 sides leading back to the right places!
2) Timed Puzzles: If you win (you beat all enemies in a certain amount of time, or activate all secrets in a certain amount of time) direct warps appear using the tile warp destination and warp you to the winning screen--if not, then when time runs out, you get warped to a different screen
3) One-Time Only Cut-Scenes: you can make a cut scene that you can only warp to by collecting an item, which you only can collect once in a game, thus the warp you can only activate one time.
4) Item Descriptions: Using the previous idea, you can make the item warp go to an identical screen that has a string on it describing the item (like in OoT, MM, WW, etc.)
5) Better Dungeons: With multiple side warps, you can use a global trigger using boss flags, trigger enemies, the KAE item, and such, so that you can set off triggers on a different dmap, that you can get to from the main dungeon dmap, and have that screen side-scroll back to the original map on all 4 sides.
6) Misc Items Now Have a "Purpose": You can use these to warp you to places that you otherwise couldn't warp to! Perhaps you can put these in each dungeon as a 4th dungeo item (in addition to map, compass & boss key) so that when you get this item, it warps you to a special location (but only once of course)
7) Multi "stair" warps--you can make two identical combos that both look like stairs, only one actually is a "stairs" combo type, the other is plain. Over the one that is plain, you could put an invisible item. Set the item & tile warps and you have a multi-warp!!!