View Full Version : Vidbits for Musicians

10-24-2004, 02:28 AM
I just bought a new drumset from yamaha (more about that later) - but i was looking around on their websites and found some pretty good demo videos. They're basically marketing videos for the new products, but i thought some of them were actually very good, and I wanted to share.
These are all product demos, and might not be as interesting to someone who doesn't care about music, but I dig it.

A Guitar Demo, for the RGX 820Z, with the DG Stomp:

A tour of a yamaha saxaphone factory - goes through the whole process from start to finish. It's 20min long, but I personally love factory tours.

The Yamaha "Motif" rack. It's a soundbank and synthesizer, but one of the most versatile in the affordable world. It's interesting to hear the sounds it can make.

Finally, a demo of the drumset I just purchased. I await it's arrival next week.

War Lord
10-24-2004, 03:21 PM
Drums look awesome.
That's something I always wanted to learn to play.
I actually played the violin for a couple years.
Would be something cool to play again actually if I could re learn it.

10-24-2004, 04:40 PM
That's a pretty funk'd up drumset... I'd love to try that one out.

I'm a guitar player, (rhythm and lead lead... little bit of bass) ...that's about the only thing I'm good at :unhappy:... I just started getting into drums (double-bass kicks your ass).

10-25-2004, 11:41 PM
I learned drums back in the day when my bro had them. I also play acoustic guitar, have a bass which I'm now learning, keyboards, some elctronic shit (i did turntables for a bit), and alto saxophone (which i'd like to get back into learning. its a lil difficult, as is most instruments). and some harmonica on the side :p

that's a pretty sick kit too. one of the sickest and biggest i've seen is carter beauford's of the Dave Matthews Band. That kit is freakin huge. dunno what brand and model it is, but it has everything. so you any good at drums?