View Full Version : What a fucked-up night.

10-23-2004, 12:32 AM
Anyone ever had a knife pulled on them? Because that just happened to me. I'd been making fun of this crazy white trash whore I know all night because she was being her usual loud, immature, annoying self (i.e. screaming the N-word all over the place in the middle of a mall, dashing at random into traffic while yelling obscenities, and other bizarre behavior). Finally, she goes crazy and pulls this little razor-looking knife thing out of her purse. I don't know what they're called, but remember before hand razors when you had the big knifelike things? Yeah, it looked like that. She started cutting at my arm, but it was a cheap little ghetto thing and it hardly scratched my jacket's fabric. I grabbed her hand, took the knife, snapped the handle off, and threw the thing in the street.

Yeah, weird night. Ever had anything like this happen to you?

10-23-2004, 01:00 AM
My friend's sister once though it was a good idea to threaten me with a knife. I'm not sure she realized it was a butter knife.... -_-'

10-23-2004, 01:05 AM
I would've beat that bitch like a red-headed step child and be like "Bitch! Do that again and you and your bastard kids are out on the street! Now go to the kitchen where you belong and make me a sammich."

Of course, I'd only do that if I didn't have a conscience. :rolleyes:

10-23-2004, 01:21 AM
Yeah, weird night. Ever had anything like this happen to you?

no, I can safely say I've never had anything remotely like that happen to me. oh darn

I take it she was drunk, right? or, is this usual behavior?

10-23-2004, 02:10 AM
I take it she was drunk, right? or, is this usual behavior?I wouldn't be surprised if she was drunk, but no, I think she was sober.

10-23-2004, 03:53 AM
I was held at gun point (it was a BB gun) for accidentally changing the channel at my neighbor's house one morning. The girl's little sister and I weren't allowed to leave, and she shot at us a couple of times, and missed. She went to her mom and dad's room (we were there alone), claiming to be getting her dad's "real gun" as she called it, and her sister and I ran out of the apartment, and up the road to where we live. At the time, I was 13, the girl's sister was 10, and the girl was 14 or 15, not sure. It was a pretty fucked up situation. The girl was watching 'American Gladiators' and I stepped on the remote, changing the channel, and she totally flipped on me AND her sister.

A few weeks later, I was in the back yard with one of my friends, and the girl came up to harrass us. She, for no reason, came up behind me and picked me up by my ribs and threw me to the ground. She also threw rocks at my little sister from the road (my sister was like 6 years old at the time). We eventually had to get a restraining order against her. Her and her family moved not long after all of that, though. Thank God, they were all fucked up.

But no, I've never had a knife pulled on me. Not yet anyway. I could see it happening, though. I try to keep my mouth shut about people, but one day I'm gonna say the wrong thing, at the wrong time...

10-23-2004, 04:37 AM
/me pulls a butter knife on Moocow.

I've never had a knife pulled on me. I've had people threaten to care a gun and pull it on me after I beat them up though.

10-23-2004, 05:31 AM
I have been stabbed with a knife. It's not fun and when you heal its even worse; The wound itch's and you can't scratch it for many reasons. Just like getting shot but it's not as big a deal.

I would have made her buy me a new coat. I also would have turned her in to the cops for her own protection.

10-23-2004, 05:51 AM
God Belgarath, you're so mysterious. Do me.

10-23-2004, 06:12 AM
What makes you think you could handle me? ;)

As I was saying: I think I would have done something to punish her for damaging my coat. Are you friendly enough with her you can use leather? Or do you hate each other enough to use iron?

10-23-2004, 06:28 AM
I don't think you could handle (sorry lilith. that's funny and all, but not general discussion ~goKi).

Back on topic. Knives are awesome. If any chick pulls a knife on you, fuck her with it.

10-23-2004, 09:21 AM
She started cutting at my arm, but it was a cheap little ghetto thing and it hardly scratched my jacket's fabric. I grabbed her hand, took the knife, snapped the handle off, and threw the thing in the street.

She totally wants you dude.

10-23-2004, 11:53 AM
Once, my older brother and I got into a fight maybe five or six years ago. Well, it ends like this. He pulls the steak knife, I pull the butter knife. He gets to mom first, guess who got in trouble. :glare:

10-23-2004, 12:44 PM
I've heard plenty of stories like that from Destiny... not to mention, I'veh ad planty of experiences with my sister like that. :disgust:

I remember I was at a friend's house, and he held a bow and arrow up to me once... he was just messin' around, but I didn't trust him. His fingers slipped, and I still thank god that I have fast feet... :eyebrow:

10-23-2004, 03:17 PM
She totally wants you dude.Oh yeah, and I'm just dying to get in bed with her.

I would have made her buy me a new coat.I would have, but it didn't damage the jacket except cosmetically, and frankly, I think it looks kind of cool. Anyway, I didn't want to hang around there any longer, and even if I had, I doubt she could have afforded even the 40 bucks the jacket cost me.

The wound itch's and you can't scratch it for many reasons.It's annoying as hell, isn't it? Thankfully I don't have much experiences with cuts, because the couple of times I have been cut it was painful and irritating. I'm just grateful her knife wasn't sharp, because she was really going to town on my arm and it would have hurt if she had something actually pointy.

10-23-2004, 05:49 PM
She totally wants you dude.
Ha, that's a funny way to show you have the hots for somebody. I'd hit it.:p

10-23-2004, 05:57 PM
The fact that she acutely pulled a knife on you would make me wonder abut her mental state. In some states here in the USA if she was crazy enough she wouldn't be legaly alllowed to give consent. Is she flat out crazy or what?

10-23-2004, 07:27 PM
I'd hit it.:p

Yeah, me too. I'd hit it... with a fucking baseball bat.

10-23-2004, 08:47 PM
I can honestly say that I've never taunted someone into pulling a knife on me, no. :odd: