View Full Version : Hey guys, lend me a hand please

10-03-2004, 06:35 AM
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been around here. I started playing a hack again, by DFW, and I realized what better place to ask for assistance than here. at gamefaqs there is the annual contest. I love both Cloud and Link, but it would seem the way things are going, Cloud is gonna repeat and beat Link again in the same boring fashion. If you have time, please give a vote for Link. Thx in advance guys, and erm... is it just me or have we been extremely slow upon producing new hacks?

GameFAQS (www.gamefaqs.com)

Thx alot guys.

10-03-2004, 10:15 AM
I don't see the point really, but i gave link my vote. probably cos I'm a nice guy :D

10-03-2004, 10:51 AM
Well, concerning the hacks thing, 1) They're quests, not really hacks. ... Unless the developers aren't really telling us something. :p 2) Quest development has more or less shifted from Quantity to Quality, so don't expect more quests, expect better quests. ;) Check out www.purezc.com for some particularly juicy ones. :p

EDIT: Addition: Whoah, this poll is close. It's about 51.72% Link, 48.28% Cloud. (17725 Link to 16543 Cloud... 34268 votes so far! :eek: Unfortunately, I doubt a few votes would swing it even farther for Link, (Especially if people here vote for Cloud. :sweat: :p ) but it's still nice to see that Link has risen from the depths of a poll to ascend to his rightful position as... head.. of.. a poll. :p :laughing:

10-03-2004, 06:15 PM
Thank you guys, it would seem Link should win this, I'm one of the entrants on the leaderboard so this helps me greatly. Thank you very much.

I do not wish to give out my name on gamefaqs, sorry.

10-03-2004, 08:03 PM
. . . I doubt a few votes would swing it even farther . . . Chrono Trigger was beating FF7 in the Best Game Ever poll, and then the same thing happened with an uprising on the PSOnline.com boards. They all decided, like 10,000 of them, to vote for FF7, and then that game beat CT. Fuckers.

Oh yea, I'm voting for Link.

10-03-2004, 08:50 PM
I voted for Link. he's won every single character battle that I can remember. besides, I've never played FFVII, so I can't really vote for Cloud now can I?

10-03-2004, 10:02 PM
Oh, thanks for reminding me. I don't really care about the GameFAQs contests because it's always Square Square Square... but if Link is in the finals, then I have to support him.

And LegendarySlash, don't worry about those hacks/quests. Some really good ones will be released soon. ;)