View Full Version : Hidden Duality: Directors Cut Help Thread

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01-31-2005, 04:16 PM
Start by bombing the left wall at the entrance to the MIrror House. That should lead you on the right track. :)

02-01-2005, 08:28 PM
Thanks DarkFlame. That worked and I got the fire boomerang. I have one more problem (alot more than one but this involves this game). I still cant find the last silver key that you can use to open the door on 1/2 in level 7. I know it's hard to figure that kind of thing out, but maybe you can help. So far I have not gotten a silver key by going into the third enterance from the outside into level seven (the enterance that you need the mallet for) I got on in each of the other enterances. Any ideas?? At least any ideas of which enterance to look in.

02-01-2005, 08:50 PM
DarkFlame I want to say that this has been the HARDEST Game I have quite possibly ever played in my life. I just beat Hidden Duality last night. At first I was ripping my own hair out! Then after I just started mapping things out on pen and paper (and yes even the over world) things got easier to find, however I won't ruin the game for others by telling them how I beat the game, but I'm very certain I got everything the master sword and alot of the other things.

Let me say one thing to the other people playing this game, a walkthrough will NOT help you in the least *lol* Sure it'll tell you where to go to get things and how to get through dungeons but the only thing I will say to give away this game is that at the end I had died with my character a total of 239 times before I beat the game. There is a challenge of actual gaming skill in this game as well.

02-02-2005, 03:30 AM
heh, I usually get zero deaths on this game, and that is NOT restarting and continuing with F6. That and I know where everything is and I usually get it first before I head into a hard area.
As for level 7, good lord, I have absolutely no idea. The main entrance, try that and see what things you can unlock using JUST THE HAMMER. Only go in areas that require the hammer to access. I'm sure you've passed a few. As for the hammer pound entrance, I believe there is one key in a bombable wall route off to the side. And the third key........one of the other entrances that REQUIRES some hammer pounding once you get inside the dungeon those ways.

EDIT: Also Saffryn, try out Isle of the Winds if you want another long-ass quest adventure. Its just about as long as HD: DC and almost as hard. (but not quite)

02-02-2005, 04:25 AM
Thanks Alot Darkflame. I'll keep pounding away. Great quest

02-03-2005, 06:26 AM
Finally finished level 7... on to level 8. I went exploring first and found a place that gives me questions... I found a clearing in northern area of the light world that has 5 trees. One shped like fire, one questions mark, another a tornado, one just a brown tree and so on. If i use my lens of truth I can see two warps in the center of the trees.. HOW DO YOU ACTIVATE THEM??

02-03-2005, 03:10 PM
There is a tip dude near level 2 in a cave that gives you info on three dungeon locations that contain the Fire Boomerang, Mirror Shield and Red Mail. There is a second tip dude in the dark world swamp under a rock that gives you info on two more dungeon locations containing the Master Sword and Master Key. His third and final tip gives you a clue what to do with those trees. Like most subtle puzzles, pay attention to your surroundings. :)

Coder GT
02-09-2005, 10:26 AM
Help: I have no idea where to go to find the third dungeon

02-09-2005, 05:11 PM
Just south of level 2 is the warp under a bombable rock. But to get there, go right from level 2, and down. Burn a bush and head left. Bomb the rock and enter the dark world for the FIRST time. Explore southeast from there to find the entrance to the desert and level 3.

Coder GT
02-09-2005, 11:52 PM
Whoa, that's a lot of steps, I'll have to alt+tab a lot, oh well. At least the minimize game glitch is only in 2.10

Thanks :D

02-19-2005, 05:33 AM
HELLO ALL. I'm stuck on level 8 and have been for two weeks now. I have gotten the item that lets you see the guys that were invisible before. But that's as far as I can get. I need a key (I think) to get farther. I got the key that is in the room one screen left and one up from the beginning of the level. Any hELP>>>

02-21-2005, 10:22 AM
The item you need to swim is in the north-eastern part of level 8. There could be a key somewhere in the eastern part of the dungeon, but I don't remember the details. It was a couple of months since I completed HD. I do remember that I thought level 8 was one of the easier levels in the whole game so it should not be too complicated.

02-23-2005, 12:18 PM
Both keys needed to reach the boss and the flippers are in two rooms in the lower right of the second floor.

02-24-2005, 06:40 PM
DARk FLAME, All the paths that i can take right now without a key lead to two rooms. One is a room that closes behind you and has four spike blocks moving back and forth and a few monsters, at the far side of the room is a chest with a key, but there are 3 dark blue blocks that I cant move/bomb to get past, how do i get that key?? the other room closes behind you and is filled with the spike blocks that move when you get in their path, it also has moveable blocks that you have to move to re-open the door to leave, but that seems to be all that's in this room, am I missing something here??

02-25-2005, 01:41 PM
Im stuck in 7... ive been through all 3 port tiles you can get to from the beggining but cant find the 2nd key.

I can get to a room that looks like you can hookshot across, but has dark blocks that block the hookshot. The mirror shows that the blocks go away but i cant figure out how. :(

ive been trying to figure it out myself but i just keep walking in circles,Literaly via port tiles back to the entrance.

Mystical Sasshi
02-25-2005, 10:43 PM
I'm sorry if this was asked before,but I can't find the White Sword. I'm at Level 3 now.

Love For Fire
02-26-2005, 09:11 AM
Maleficent... try finding another way into Level 7, there are multiple entrances.

And Mystical, You need to complete most of Level 3 to get to the White Sword. The white Sword itself is in the desert, but you'll need an item from Level 3 to get it.

Mystical Sasshi
02-26-2005, 10:13 AM
Okay,gotcha. Guess I'll have to face off against those nasty Wizzrobes with the cr***y wooden sword then. :lol:

EDIT: I've got the wand and ocarina,but I can't find the power bracer. There's a place where I can shoot the wand into a hole and a closed-off area changes from sand to normal floor,but I can't push the blocks away. Is there another way there?

EDIT 2: Nevermind,I figured it out from an older help thread,when the author answered someone else's question. Off to level 4 now.

02-26-2005, 04:52 PM
HEY DARK FLAME, Just wondering if you had an idea of how to solve my problem (it's 3 or 4 posts above this one). I am really stuck and I have been on level 8 for about 3 weeks now. I know other people said this level was easy but I am seriouly stumped right now. Im sure that it is sonething simple that I am missing but I want a hand so I can finish this and start isle of winds :) :) :) :D :D :D PLEASE HELP!! :odd:

Love For Fire
02-27-2005, 08:43 AM
FFKAP, that room with the spikes had me stumped for a little while as well. Use your Hammer on those dark blocks. That should also help you be able to solve the difficult block puzzle on the lower left side (which leads to the 2nd key).

Mystical, Those blocks can't be pushed, however you can get in from the room to the right... I'll leave this one up to you lol.

03-02-2005, 12:14 AM
Been away for a while, sorry guys! But looks like all the questions were answered for me. oiee.....

03-10-2005, 08:57 PM
Hello again, Im in the master dome and I am curious if there is another item somewhere that will allow me to see in that castle. Certain screens i am walking around blind in. Is that a glitch or a design??? Other rooms I can see the room but I am invisible so I have to guess where my guy is in the room. ANY HELP??

03-10-2005, 09:54 PM
nope, its supposed to be annoying like that. Enjoy. :)

05-11-2005, 10:04 AM
Hi, I am a newcomer!
If some of you have problems with Dungeon 1, I have a little help: I've drawn a map of that Dungeon and if you like it, I can make more... :)

Visit my Homepage (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

05-11-2005, 10:40 AM
Not really needed since mapmaker is currently out and its for beta 183 which all my quests are made for. So I could easily make maps for all the dungeons in less than 5 minutes. But thanks for the thought.

05-12-2005, 02:40 AM
Uhh, nice tool, but it only imports *.qsu files and the file in the archive I downloaded contains only a *.qst file. So how can I make maps of your quest? Or are the maps already online? My friend "google" hasn't found anything.

05-13-2005, 12:10 AM
I hate to jump in so late here, but I just started playing Hidden Duality last night (by the way, finding Level 2 was a cinch in comparison to figuring out that those things were boomerang-only switches in Level 1, just sayin').

This is more an odd question for DarkFlame: is there a way to read the signs, or are they just there for decoration?

05-13-2005, 01:30 PM
decoration. :)

05-13-2005, 03:50 PM
decoration. :)

Ah. Good to know. I'll try to stop reading them now.

However, the dumb questions continue (this for anyone who knows). In Level 2, how do you get the Lantern? I've been walking in circles and falling through the same holes in the floors and know there's another section of the map I've never been to, but I'm since nothing in my aresenal activates any switches, I'm thinking it's the Magic Boomerang (which I can't get until I get the Lantern).

Oh...and the locked door right after the locked door was cute. Though did make me scream at the computer.

05-14-2005, 09:25 AM
d00d, its only level 2! It only gets worse! LOL
Find two keys in the dungeon and fall through a hole behind a lantern near the entrance. That should put you on the right track. (I believe) towards the lantern.

05-14-2005, 11:09 AM
d00d, its only level 2! It only gets worse! LOL
Find two keys in the dungeon and fall through a hole behind a lantern near the entrance. That should put you on the right track. (I believe) towards the lantern.




Yeah. I found the hole behind the lantern. I'm not a complete moron.

I take that back. I AM a complete moron, because I can't find the second key. Well, I can FIND it, but I can't actually GET it because there's a large row of blocks in the way and nothing I've done in the room makes them go away.

Unless of course, I got (and used) two keys (I'm well aware I used one, but in all my multi-questing, I could have easily forgotten picking up a second and unlocking a door without making note of it on my map).

05-23-2005, 12:46 AM
I take that back. I AM a complete moron, because I can't find the second key.

Hi maltlick,
if you still have got problems with dungeon 2, try my dungeon map. It's helpful, trust me!

You'll find it at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

05-23-2005, 12:46 AM
I take that back. I AM a complete moron, because I can't find the second key.

Hi maltlick,
if you still have got problems with dungeon 2, try my dungeon map. It's helpful, trust me!

You'll find it at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

05-24-2005, 09:56 AM
the overworld map for the light world "Galea" is online now! :)
I've made a screenshot of every screen in the light world an put it together. There are dungeon and shop numbers already. I will add some useful information in the next couple of days...

Here's a little "thumbnail" (the big map has a size of 983.35 KB):

Also online: A map of Dungeon 3. Enjoy it! ;)

You'll find the stuff at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

05-24-2005, 09:56 AM
the overworld map for the light world "Galea" is online now! :)
I've made a screenshot of every screen in the light world an put it together. There are dungeon and shop numbers already. I will add some useful information in the next couple of days...

Here's a little "thumbnail" (the big map has a size of 983.35 KB):

Also online: A map of Dungeon 3. Enjoy it! ;)

You'll find the stuff at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

05-25-2005, 10:58 AM
I have the Ocarina, Wand, Bracelet, and Boss Key. I need 1 Key to open the door before the Boss Door. Where is the last key. I got all the keys that are shown in your Dungeon 3 Map. Do you know what room the last key is in?

the overworld map for the light world "Galea" is online now! :)
I've made a screenshot of every screen in the light world an put it together. There are dungeon and shop numbers already. I will add some useful information in the next couple of days...

Here's a little "thumbnail" (the big map has a size of 983.35 KB):

Also online: A map of Dungeon 3. Enjoy it! ;)

You'll find the stuff at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)

Love For Fire
05-25-2005, 01:58 PM
By taking a quick look at that map... there is an unmarked chest on the 3rd floor. It is toward the upper left, and requires the bracelet to reach. If I remember correctly, that should be your key.

05-25-2005, 03:14 PM
I am such an idiot. I thought I had open that chest already. Since the map didn't mark it as a key, I never bothered to check again. doh, I shouldn't be so lazy next time. Thanks. Off to fight the boss!

By taking a quick look at that map... there is an unmarked chest on the 3rd floor. It is toward the upper left, and requires the bracelet to reach. If I remember correctly, that should be your key.

05-26-2005, 10:24 PM
I can't find the ladder or actually I can't find a key i need. I have the red candle and got a few keys getting me through a few doors. I am in 5/9 at a locked door left then up from the stairs. Please help.

05-27-2005, 09:43 PM
Hi maltlick,
if you still have got problems with dungeon 2, try my dungeon map. It's helpful, trust me!

You'll find it at speedbomb.de (http://www.speedbomb.de/games/zc/)





And I mean that. ^_^

05-28-2005, 03:23 AM
Find it funny that his maps don't show all the secret rupee rooms. lol Nor are they labeled completely since some chests have bombs in them, he didn't label those. And he missed labeling a chest on the third floor that has a key in level 3.

05-28-2005, 07:36 PM
Find it funny that his maps don't show all the secret rupee rooms. lol Nor are they labeled completely since some chests have bombs in them, he didn't label those. And he missed labeling a chest on the third floor that has a key in level 3.

I found the rupee rooms no problem, usually. It's actually pretty easy when to guess on where to bomb a hole in the wall.

On the OTHER HAND, it's when you have to bomb the wall right next to a door that is almost never an obvious solution.

Love For Fire
05-28-2005, 07:40 PM
Hahaha you must be talking about Level 5... It took me sooooo long to find that... If you look at it again... notice the block in the other room that stops you, and it becomes a little more obvious, but still, this is why DFW is a genious :)

05-28-2005, 08:11 PM
Hahaha you must be talking about Level 5... It took me sooooo long to find that... If you look at it again... notice the block in the other room that stops you, and it becomes a little more obvious, but still, this is why DFW is a genious :)

Not at all.

I'm still stuck on Level 2 since I can find the second key (but because the blocks surrounding it don't move and I can't get it) and I don't have a weapon to will trigger the obilisk-switches.

But yeah..just noticed the bombable wall and went through...and it did me absolutely no good. I still can't get the second key to get the lantern to light the torches...

Honestly, a game has never made me feel so inept.

Love For Fire
05-28-2005, 11:27 PM
If your using speedbomb's map, (because Level 2 isn't exactly fresh in my memory...) the 2 keys required for the Lantern are one screen left of the blue lantern room where you were describing that wall earlier, and the other you can get by pushing a block in the room with the 2 on it (1st floor) and then falling through. Be sure to check all jars as well...

05-29-2005, 01:26 AM
If your using speedbomb's map, (because Level 2 isn't exactly fresh in my memory...) the 2 keys required for the Lantern are one screen left of the blue lantern room where you were describing that wall earlier, and the other you can get by pushing a block in the room with the 2 on it (1st floor) and then falling through. Be sure to check all jars as well...

The room I was talking about earlier is the first floor to the left of the B staircase (which I can go down, but doens't get me very far).

The room to the left of the lantern room, unfortunately, is where I can open the chest but can't get the key because it's surrounded by blocks.

*check the map and sees the teeny-tiny hole*



Love For Fire
05-29-2005, 01:33 AM
Oh... you can't get THAT chest? Hmm.. looks like the only way to it is from the left wall... which is the right wall in the room one screen west... hmm...
yep, bomb it.

05-29-2005, 03:28 AM
Oh... you can't get THAT chest? Hmm.. looks like the only way to it is from the left wall... which is the right wall in the room one screen west... hmm...
yep, bomb it.

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. I also had to hear this from my room mate who mocked me for not knowing to bomb the wall even though the map showed a tiny crater there.

But anyway, after I did that I managed to clean up the level in half a heartbeat. Soon I'll be off to find the first entrance to the dark world.

05-29-2005, 03:40 AM
heh, if you seemingly can't enter a room or AREA OF a room, then either bomb or walk through walls to get at it!

06-01-2005, 10:23 PM
Level 5 Blue Mail Help!!! Why is this so hard to find. I beat the level and opened 1 door on the way to the blue mail. I think I need 1 or 2 keys. There is a room all the way to the left in 3/9 that I have not gone into as well as the room in the middle which i believe is where the blue mail is. where is this hole behind a lantern in 3/9? Please someone tell me where this is b/c I cannot find it. Do I have to bomb somewhere? Does anyone have screen shots of level 5 that can show me? Please help

06-02-2005, 11:39 PM
First of all, I bow to you! This game is VERY intriguing. I was skeptical at first, but I quickly dove in after completely the Historia Temple. Cool names. Awesome and engaging music in the dungeons, and I don't get sick of it. Well, now that I'm overkissing ass right now (but really, I like it) I'll get to my problem.

In the massive impossibility of level 3, the Kravaar Temple, I am without the Ocarina, Wand, or Power Bracer, I'm out of keys, and I don't know where the hell to go. I've used 2 keys I think, and visited the limits of each floor, or at least, the limits that will change once I get the ocarina. But please. I need help. It's driving me insane. THANKS

Love For Fire
06-03-2005, 06:57 AM
Your problem may lie right at the start. (That's the key I first missed)
Who says there can't be anything secretive about the opening room of a dungeon?

Shushi X
06-04-2005, 06:14 PM
I need help, i just beat level 2 and i'm not really sure where to go next. I remember elise posting somewhere in this topic about burning a bush and finding a warp but i see no warp. All i see is a rock that cannot not be pushed. A little help would be appreciated.

EDIT: Nevermind just found out you had to use a bomb on that rock, heh ^_^'

06-11-2005, 08:24 AM
How do you get over 2 holes on the ground if you cannot hookshot accross. Is there a cape or something in this game. Also, where in the graveyard is the Magic Sword?

06-13-2005, 01:06 PM
There may be a possible bug. There is supposed to be a teleporter right beneath the Ice castle. There is a Fairy Statue and a hidden tree that I can walk through. If I use my lense of truth it shows a teleporter under the grass. When I slice it it just gives unlimited money and hearts. How do I make the teleporter appear? I have the white sword. Do I need a better sword? I can't find the magic sword. Frustrating.

06-14-2005, 02:12 AM
you need the magic sword to make that bush go away. And that magic sword can only be found in the graveyard.

06-16-2005, 12:55 AM
Ok, I have the triforce, red mail, fire boomarang, silver arrow, mirror sheild, master sword, master key (every item in the game that you can get) 14 1/2 hearts, I CANNOT figure out how to get the portal open to Level 9(the one in the middle of the 5 strange trees) I think it has something to do with a fairy statue. Can someone lead me in the right direction? BTW this game is great!! Please help...

06-16-2005, 03:17 PM
super bomb.

06-19-2005, 10:25 PM
I used a Red Bomb on serveral things. What should I be bombing to solve this? Can you be a bit more specific.

Love For Fire
06-20-2005, 08:34 AM
The Lens of Truth might be able to help you as for which tree to bomb.

Chosen One
07-12-2005, 05:57 PM
This sounds stupid but where do I go to enter the dark world

thank u but i looked at a post above mine and I found out how

07-13-2005, 09:06 AM
You enter the dark world via teleporters (blue animated squares). They are usually under / behind something. The first one is one screen down, 1 left of the level 2 triforce mark if I remember correctly.

07-19-2005, 08:07 PM
I'm stuck in the first dungeon, too. I've gotten the boomerang, the bow and the boss key, but I can't seem to figure out how to get to the boss. Can someone help me? Thanks!!

08-01-2005, 07:30 PM
DarkFlameWolf, this quest is simply awesome... I'm liking it very much... it's very challenging and btw, I love that Dark Galea theme.

Keep on working
Best Regards Judas

08-02-2005, 07:05 AM
first dungeon - go down the stairs at top left tip, then on 1st floor to the room 4 rooms to the right, and up again. Bomb through solid wall to the right.

10-14-2005, 07:49 PM
1) Try the next screen over to the left. Its one of those two screens.
2) No bugs, that's intentional, its simply there to make it harder on you. Invisible Link flags are on in certain rooms and other rooms, the ceiling is covering the action playing area.
3) Try using a silver arrow.
4) I don't recall exactly what you're talking about either.
5) Silver arrow is in the ice palace in the far upper left of the light world. The Fire arrow is in the last, final, absolute area of the game, not really needed, but its there.
Love your work, DFW. Please, how can I find the Ice Palace? Getting frustrated... Thx

10-15-2005, 04:05 AM
Oh dear, can't find the L4 boss key. Found the entrance to the boss room, and all three wise men though...

No map/compass either.

And any way to get a bomb upgrade to 8 bombs right now? I'm getting frustrated whistling away between the worlds just to buy some bombs.

EDIT: Found the key. Never mind. :)

EDIT 2: Found the shop for bombs too. And the bomb upgrade. Both are in the desert. LOL

10-15-2005, 10:47 PM
play it long enough, explore it long enough, try weird and new things often enough (like bombing that cactai to get the upgrade) and you will solve your problems.

10-27-2005, 06:58 AM
err... finished it. The tower was a nightmare, especially one of those last screens in which there are those yellow wizzrobes. :o

10-27-2005, 08:12 AM
Have you done the master dome?

10-27-2005, 12:33 PM
level 10? Ganon's Tower is easy!

10-31-2005, 06:08 PM
I have been stuck in leval 5 for days and days now and have come no closer to getting the ladder then on the first day. Please can somebody help me out with this problem. it seems keys are no where to be found anymore. I dont know what to do.

11-01-2005, 01:17 PM
This is in my opinion the hardest puzzle of all. And I can't remember how exactly I did it. All I know is there are three "paths" starting on level 9 that do not meet (though they do cross but you can't go from one onto another) and each one has an item at its end. None of them is a dead end, remember that. That's anyway the help I got from dfw and how I beat the level. Apart from that you can walk through some walls and bomb others that just look like solid walls.

Sorry I can't be of more help, I'll play that level again when I find some time to do it.

11-19-2005, 03:31 AM
I hope this wasn't posted before, But I didn't want to read all 10+ pages of threads & spoil the game.
So I figured ya wanted to know all bugs so they can be fixed. So I'm in Level 4 & defeat the Blue Hydra & get the book. Then I go through the portal & it warps me to the begining of the dungeon 4. That expected. Well Since I wanted to save my progess then I pressed Ctrl+F6 to end the game & save it without loosing a life & adding to that anoying number of deaths score at the game file screen. Ok I do this alot, thats why the number is still, anyway... So right away I load up my saved game again & I find(or don't find) my character back in the prtal room where I found the book. I think I'm in the top Left hand corner inside the wall (I forget why I think top left). Well I can switch weapons & view the menu screen, but I cant move or use any item, let alone swing the sword.

IDK about programing the game. I'm starting first by playing some. I bet its because the the Boss part of the maps are different than the normal map sections. Probily for a change in music. And I guess whenever someone enters a new dungeon, there character saves there, Even if its the same dungeon in a way. :scared: Or I guess its because My game saved at the start of the dungeon I was at logicly how I entered it, But I didnt eneter it there, I re-entered it through the portal allready in the dungeon. :odd:

11-19-2005, 08:07 AM
That happens in any dungeon as this is a 1.83 quest and if you play in a newer version of zc that bug appears.

As I've said several times
- if you play in 1.83 that shouldn't happen
- if you play in 1.84 copy your save file to 1.83 to get you out
- if you play in 2.10, you're really stuck. Re-start from the beginning.

It's a common ZC bug that if you play 1.83 quests in 2.10 things like this happen.

11-28-2006, 04:38 AM
Okay, long time, but i really freakin stuck. I need to know where the ladder is in level 5, I can't go ay further than 6/9 right now.

Love For Fire
11-28-2006, 09:15 AM
The Ladder is on 5/9. Did you get the Red Candle yet? You need it to melt ice blocks to get to the Ladder.

11-28-2006, 12:05 PM
indeed I have. I have tried all three routes from the entrance. Falling down past the ice block in the first room north of the entrance, going down stairs and all that stuff. I cannot go any further than floor 6/9, I have the red candle, compass, map, and 3 keys with no doors to apply them to. If the ladder is on 5/9, I need to know how to get there, because I have bombed every probable wall, melted every available ice block, and circled around the available passages a hundred times. There has to be something I've missed. One room's treasure I did find also puzzles me because as far as I can see, I either need the hookshot or I need to fall down into it on the other side of a black gap. The room is on 7/9 and you can reach it by bombing the righthand wall in the puzzle room (with the fire block), but the treasure chest is on the other side with 3 blue goriyas. HELP! I'M GOING INSANE!!!

11-28-2006, 01:02 PM
The Hookshot is in Level 6, so don't look for it in the dungeon you're in.

12-05-2006, 03:30 AM
Alright, I'm gonna pull my hair out! I am so frustrated with my current sword, and I desperately need the magic sword, however, no matter which forum I look in, and no matter how much searching I do aside from that, I cannot find the magic sword in the graveyard! Where exactly is it, because no one has posted any specifics. I've tried everything in every corner I can think of.

12-05-2006, 08:28 AM
Lower left screen of the graveyard section. Just push one of those smaller gravestones.

12-07-2006, 09:51 AM
this quest is awesome and i mean awesome as in awe inspiring first time you ever heard stairway to heaven type stuff.

but i have 2 problems and while i look forward to pouring through 14 pages of posts to see if anyone has mentioned it, i think i'll be lazy instead.

problem one: i'm using the latest version of zc which maby i shouldnt be doing but in dungeon one and 2, when i die during the boss fight i spawn in a wall in the boss room. i generally dont save very often and this bad habbit has screwed me a number of times but i have since learned to save everytime and purposly die before reaching the boss room

2nd problem: i dont want an exact walkthrough ( i got to the 2nd dungeon without fixing the broken bridge by traveling through that first multi exiting cave) but can you give me some idea for the 3rd dungeon location, one thing i think we forget sometimes is that some how somewhere there was a map for the origional 2 zelda games, even if it wasnt a good one it gave us a general direction of where to go, also do the candles burn down trees and are there any visual hints for the trees that must be burnt down to continue the quest.

btw so far your quest seems to make twilight princess seem short, i appreciate your hard work but i do wish i had finished TP first as now i would rather play duality due to the mental exersize.

if someone ever figures out how to homebrew ZC onto the DS i'll be in nirvana bliss.

oh and i read about the red cacti for lvl 3 but im still in the forest and just need a hint or something to get me going to the deasert. also i paid the info guy and found out about the whistle taking me to a place in the deasert.

01-01-2007, 09:44 PM
Amazing quest, though it looks I'll have to start from the beginning with ZC 1.83. Luckily I just finished Lvl. 2; not that far in.

Question, though. In the room directly below the boss of Lvl. 2, there's a chest in a narrow room that is blocked by two rows of water, and there's what appears to be a pipe coming out of the opposite wall. Neither conventional arrows nor the Magic Boomerang appear to have any effect. Am I going to need to come back later in the game, or should I be able to access that chest during the Lvl. 2 time?

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to the rest of this quest, and then on to Isle of Winds!

JP Blanchette
04-20-2007, 01:44 PM
I'm stuck in Level-5 Sleet Stone Caverns. I need to know where to go to find the ladder.

04-20-2007, 02:02 PM
Polyjak, I think that chest has 50 rupees in it, and you need the Wand in Level 3 to get it.

05-20-2007, 10:23 AM
Does anyone know where there are some magic or bomb upgrades? I have found none yet and I am searching for level 5.

05-20-2007, 12:54 PM
wow, grave dig! O_o
um, there is a magic upgrade in the caves pretty much after every time you beat a level utilizing the items found in those levels. So search those caves better next time.
As for the bomb upgrade, go back to the desert in the dark world and start bombing small cactai in the eastern portion.

06-01-2007, 04:54 PM
I am stuck in level 5. I have 2 keys and the red candle. I can not find the ladder or any more keys.

JP Blanchette
06-09-2007, 05:10 PM
I am stuck in level 5. I have 2 keys and the red candle. I can not find the ladder or any more keys.

There is a key in a room south of where you got the map. Bomb the south wall to find the third key.

07-02-2007, 01:37 AM
In level 1 how do you get past that first push block puzzle?

Edit; this is the wrong thread. Sorry.

07-24-2008, 02:06 PM
This would be my latest quest to attempt...stress on "attempt". Talk about complexity...I've gotten as far as the Level 3 entrance...

07-24-2008, 11:15 PM
whew, good luck to you, you have a LONG way to go. :)

07-27-2008, 11:48 AM
Status report: Got the flute and wand. Looking for the bracelet but it seems like most of the remaining paths in Level 3 require either the bracelet or a key. Picked up the wallet upgrade after getting the wand. I know two entrances to L3 and a "back door" that leads to another entrance, but it's blocked by a rock that I assume I need the bracelet to move.

07-27-2008, 02:59 PM
Okay from the start, go up, then left a few times until you can bomb through a wall just north of a western wall doorway. (read that carefully), then in the next room, wand beam the hole pipe in the opposite wall to make some sand dissappear so you can get a key chest. Now follow the doorway directly north and around in the dungeon to another room with a wall pipe, do your wand thing there and head north for the bracelet.

07-27-2008, 03:27 PM
I did see in another part of the thread that I needed to bomb somewhere...I know the area you're talking about. Thanks! I have gone far too long without a sword upgrade...

07-27-2008, 07:06 PM
yes, and that bracelet can get you one real quick before you even complete level 3.

07-27-2008, 09:34 PM
Yup...Level 3 cleared after several minor headaches. Thought I needed the bracelet to move the blocks around that chest...just needed some creative bombing instead.

Now searching Level 4, have found the boss key, some money, and a couple of hint rooms...everything BUT the way to the boss room.

EDIT: Well, bombing in one of the hint rooms might help. *headdesk*

07-28-2008, 11:42 AM
yes, that was a trick tried way back in level 9 of the original 1st quest! Head to the Next room! DUH! :P Literally. ;) ha ha

07-28-2008, 02:00 PM
Level 4(such as it is) cleared...got the book, raft, and 4th Triforce piece. Now in Level 5...after resisting the urge to weep openly upon seeing "9/9" in the corner of the screen. Got the red candle, will explore some more once I get home from work.

Update: L5 completed(though not without a few headaches)...found good hints in this thread and in some maps that someone else put together. Found Level 6 and the magic sword without too much difficulty, but am currently hunting down heart pieces so I can pick up that sword ASAP. Dunno if I can get the sword before entering L6 but I guess I'll find out...currently have 9 3/4 hearts.

07-30-2008, 04:49 PM
Status report: Six levels cleared. Got the biggest wallet, just got to the L7 entrance. I have 11 1/2 hearts right now...I reeeeeally want to get the magic sword but I dunno if there are any other heart pieces that I can pick up. Should I be able to get the magic sword before L7?

EDIT: Sorry about the double-post...will just edit next time.

EDIT AGAIN: OK, got the magic sword finally...thanks to two heart pieces that were right under my nose. *headdesk*

07-31-2008, 08:27 PM
You should also start thinking about finding the extra optional dungeons and getting the best items from them.

08-05-2008, 07:12 PM
Status: Seven levels cleared. Got the red mail and mirror shield, up to 14 hearts. Made it through the enemy-gauntlet mini-dungeon but can't figure out how to push the blocks to open the door(already sent DFW a PM with the screenshot). Know where L8 is...may try the Ice Palace next.

Update: 16 hearts(whew!), eight levels cleared, silver arrow, all four bomb increases. Going to get the master sword in a bit, then probably the magic key(WHAT? AND RUIN THE FUN OF LEVEL 9? Yeah). Just need to hunt down the double magic and sword-slash spots...

Update 2: Master sword and magic key acquired. Found the quick-slash(very devious)...just need to dig up the double-magic and then I'm Level 9-bound.

Update 3: Quest completed! Now just have to go back and find the double-magic and fire arrows...

08-12-2008, 04:58 PM
Apologies in advance for the double-post...does anyone know where to find the double-magic upgrade? It's the only thing I haven't found yet... -_-

08-12-2008, 05:38 PM
Did you ruin your level 9 fun? :P
and no I don't recall even putting in a 1/2 magic upgrade into that quest, so if someone would correct me?

08-12-2008, 05:50 PM
Heh...did hunt down all 25 keys in Level 9 for the fun of it. I have a weird concept of fun, I know. :)

Thought I saw someone in the thread say they found the double magic and it was mentioned in the text file that came with the quest(unless that was referring to an earlier version of the quest)...

newbe swan
09-01-2008, 04:38 PM
Stuck in Level 5....Please help!!!

I read the threads, but just can't figure out what to do, and I must be dense, but the clues about the 3 paths don't help.

I have the red candle and the map, but can't find the ladder and blue mail. Also have 3 keys.

nevermind....finally found something...lol

09-17-2008, 01:16 AM
Hi,i've been playing HDDC 4 a while now.I got really stuck at level 5.Got 3 keys,red candle,map,compass.I've seen several rooms w/locked doors but dunno how 2 get there since the paths r broken 'n i dunno how 2 be in the other part of those rooms.Hv read others' threat,still don't understan...Oops,sorry 4 being sooo slow :-( plz help and be more specific on ur help :-) Thx

Hi! I've finished level 5. Almost finish level 6 but having problem in fighting the boss since the warp always took me back to the room that leads me to the entrance :( so just go to level 7 and try finding another entrance to find the second key without having hammer or second bracelet. Any help where it is?? Thanks

10-02-2008, 01:38 AM
I am stuck on the Ice Palace. I hate asking for help but I am stumped here. I am pretty sure i used every single item in this room and can't proceed, and have used the lens of truth in every single room other than this and it seems like this is the room I have to complete to proceed in the dungeon. Is there a particular item upgrade I need to get past this? I am lost and am probably going to feel foolish when I hear the answer


10-25-2008, 01:26 PM
I've found a bug, I think...maybe I'm just using the wrong version of ZC, but I've come so far. I am in Ganon's world and I am on a path facing various monsters. When I go back on the path I am blocked by a skull pathway the appears as soon as I start walking to the next sceen. I shouldn't have saved the game but I did, so now I am stuck. Does anyone know a walkaround, or a cheat code so I can walk past that point and then go on my way. Thanks

10-25-2008, 02:55 PM
oh, that's the boss run, once you enter it, you can't go back until you either die or complete it. However, a cheap way out is to whistle your way out to the main overworld, thus forcing you to traverse up the tower again to get back to Ganon's World, but that's the only known work around that I know of.

10-26-2008, 12:40 PM
Minor ?: I thought I saw something in this thread about fire(gold) arrows...are they in this quest?

May try out Xtreme Mode in the near future...I think this may qualify me as sadomasochistic...

10-26-2008, 03:59 PM
yes, it does qualify you.
The fire arrows were early on in Ganon's World before you hit the fairy spring and shop area right before the final boss run. If you went that far, you'll have to whistle warp back and find your way back to Ganon's World entry to have a chance at the fire arrows.

10-27-2008, 05:42 PM
Thank you so much -- I thought I was done for, that whistle trick got me back on track. As long as this quest was I didn't want to start from the beggining. Once again you did a splendid job of this quest, thanks DFW

10-27-2008, 06:31 PM
welcome. There a few more quests I made just as good if not better.

10-29-2008, 01:17 PM
Right now, I've gone through most of your quests. I'm being super challenged by the wolfstyle quest presently in hard mode. I think I should have picked easy... but any questions on that quest I will post in the appropriate disscussion if I have them :-)

10-29-2008, 01:30 PM
man, why does everyone pick hard mode first? It makes no sense! LOLGlad to see quests even as old as HD getting some love on ZC today.

11-06-2008, 12:02 PM
Did finally find those fire arrows...OHCRAPDEATHKNIGHT, I'll leave it at that.

Like I said, may try extreme mode if I'm feeling particularly self-loathing in the near future...

11-07-2008, 12:37 AM
try my other quests instead, they are far less hair-pulling.

11-07-2008, 12:41 PM

Yeahhhhh, that might be a good idea. *nodnod* ^^;;;;;

12-13-2008, 09:34 AM
Ever bothered trying Extreme Patrick? Its not impossible, but its best if you have prior knowledge of the quest (ie: Director's Cut) before trying it. Because the knowledge of getting HC Pieces, extra items, sooner will help tremendously.

12-17-2008, 06:20 PM
I did try it and actually got up to the end of Level 4...then I saw the gazillion-headed Gleeok that I had to kill with white sword, no armor, and about eight hearts and said "yeahhhhh, I think I'll pass". :P

04-13-2009, 12:32 PM
How can I only have 6 hearts when I have 4 triforce pieces???? Isn't 3 + 4 equal to 7?? These harder math questions burn my brain,.....give me some Bernoulli Differentials or solids of rotation ....duhhh

04-24-2009, 09:02 AM
Am finally giving Extreme Mode another whirl...the boss rooms of Levels 3 and 4 were particularly headache-inducing. Lanmolas and Wizzrobes are particularly hazardous with no armor and fewer hearts. Did finally make it past that (blank)ing Gleeok in Level 4...now scratching and clawing my way to the ladder in Level 5. If nothing else, I should be able to get the magic sword earlier with the extra hearts in the overworld(found two so far)...should also be able to get the red mail/tunic earlier...

In response to the previous post: Level 4 doesn't have a heart container.

04-27-2009, 03:00 AM
Okay, this is going all right...just wrap up Level 6 and...

*Level 6 boss room*


...I retire. T_T

04-29-2009, 01:01 PM
I need help in level 6. From entrance NWWSWNN is a room with two Dodongos and a open path from S to N. The lens shows that the path can be changed from W to E. How do I change the path direction ? - There is a hole on S wall that normally works with he wand but I can´t reach it. You can reach the room by a walkthrough wall from W. I am missing two keys and I know that this path leads to one of them. Is there anybody who can help me ?

04-30-2009, 05:56 PM
that room you speak of must be accessed via another direction. Namely the east and west corridor entrances. You can't change the pathway from the north and south entrances. So give up on that section for now, it'll only cause unneeded headache. One easy key to acquire is from the entrance. Walk through two walls to the right (yes walk through!) to get one key. Another is, if you go up and I 'think' left a few screens to find some stairs leading down, you will need to go right one screen and walk north through two more walls to get to an area where you can get a second key.

Hope this helps. Level 6 is really confusing, I can guarantee that!

Also Patrick, if it helps, try going to the Ice Palace early and brave the invisible enemies and get the golden arrow. Makes those Gohmas much easier. If not, simply skip level 6 for now and come back later after level 7. It seems you got enough items already to find levels 7 and 8. So level 6 can wait. :)

04-30-2009, 08:44 PM
Yeah, that room was enough of a pain in the original version...if nothing else, playing the original version is going to be ridiculously easy in the future. :-D

05-01-2009, 11:10 AM
yes and you can appreciate the difficulty more when coming back from Xtreme mode.

01-05-2010, 07:02 PM
One more time on Xtreme Mode...and I'm almost through. WOO~!

I'm just missing ONE overworld heart container...otherwise, I've cleared all eight dungeons and all of the sub-dungeons except the one with the magic key.