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View Full Version : Just purchased Command Mission...

09-22-2004, 07:43 PM
Well, Mega Man X: Command Mission is out, and since I'm a pretty big fan of the blue guy, I figured I'd have to play this game, too. I'm a bit skeptical about how well Mega Man can translate into a full RPG, but who knows? Battle Network turned out well, so maybe this will, too.

I don't actually have the opportunity to play it until about 10:00 PM tognight (PST), but tomorrow morning I'll post a review of the game, under the theory that I don't really have anything better to do.

09-22-2004, 08:10 PM
It's out? When did this happen? Why wasn't I informed?

Well, I anxiously await your (and other's) review(s).

09-22-2004, 08:14 PM
The 21st bud, where've you been. ;)

09-22-2004, 08:24 PM
The 21st bud, where've you been. ;)

Trying to adjust to college. It's pretty cool. But I have been keeping a pretty dead ear to the gaming world for the last month or so.

I'd heard it wasn't really a straight-out RPG like, say, FF. I got the impression that it was kinda like Tales of Symphonia without the ability (or need) to manually relocate your characters. That's what really interested me.