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View Full Version : ITT I bought a PS2

09-15-2004, 10:31 PM
OK, so I caught a snippet of discussion between a friend and one of the secretaries at work and heard the word "PS2" and the word "sell" in the same sentence. I stuck my nose in the conversation and found that my friend (who is a big fat weiner because he just bought an Xbox) was trying to cut her down from her price of $100. I had told him I wanted a PS2 and he was trying to hide this deal from me.

I guess he felt guilty once the jig was up because he stopped offering to buy. I didnt't really have $100, but I knew there was no way I'd find a PS2 in good shape for around that price. So I bought it.

I got it today. In box, sealed, PS2 Online Edition with the network adapter. The crappy part is I don't have any games for it, nor will I have money for games for 3 more weeks. (Though I preordered Donkey Konga so it should keep me busy.)

Here's how this game works. I have compiled a list of the PS2 games that made me want a PS2 more than an Xbox at the moment. I will list them, and then if there are any PS2 games either coming out or already out that you think no PS2 owner should be without, tell me about them.

I know dick about PS2 games because I have been ignoring the PS2 in favor of the Gamecube for some time now. However I do know that mentioning FFX, FFX2, and FFXI will make me ignore any other games you mention. I refuse to acknowledge Square these days. I have a friend who still differentiates between Square and Enix, and I have taken his philosophy.

I got a Frequency demo with the system, and I have to say I really like it. Anyway, enough babbling, here's my list of wants:
DDR of some type Phantom Brave Star Ocean: whatever the subtitle is Frequency Not Tekken

Oh and I don't know what kinds of DDR mats are good. I'm in the upstairs of an apartment, so pads that could possibly muffle the sound of my girth jumping up and down a lot would make my downstairs neighbors love you. :)

09-15-2004, 11:47 PM
Avoid Star Ocean I couldn't stand that game.
Whoever produced that game should be demoted.
If your curious rent the game and see if you can stand it.
Hell at penny arcade they said that first 15 hours of the game sucked but then it got good.
No amount of goodness is worth the 15 hours of suck.

I traded it in for Phantom Brave and am so far enjoying it though I liked Disgaea (previous game by same company) a little more.

I highly suggest Kingdom Hearts.

If you can find it Suikoden III.

09-16-2004, 12:19 AM
BurnOut 2 is a fun arcade style racing game.
Castlevania Lament of Innocence is well, castlevania, 3d, but still looks good from the bit I've played so far.
Contra Shattered Soldier, totally lives up the the contra name in my opinion.
Shinobi, it's awesome but eventually becomes quite difficult. I still enjoyed it.
Time Splitters 2, kinda like goldeneye, i hear it was made by the same people that worked on 007.
Mega Man Anniversary, very nice to have, not the most faithful/classic collection I guess but still damn nice to have at your disposal.
Soul Calibur 2, gotta have this for one of the 3 systems.
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, if you don't have it already for DC or Xbox
Metal Gear Solid 2, if you don't have it for Xbox. :O

09-16-2004, 05:42 PM
Burnout 3 > Burnout 2 :)

Also check out Gran Turismo 3 if you're into super-sim racers, and Ace Combat 04 is an awesome arcadey flight game.

09-16-2004, 06:23 PM
If you want a DDR Pad, I sugest http://www.redoctane.com. You can get a really good soft pad for $99 or a metal pad for $199. Maybe expensive, but worth it. Also, try http://www.cobaltflux.com. One of the best metal pads made.

09-16-2004, 08:08 PM
Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts. Personally, I've never played either of these games, but there is no PS2 in my apartment, and those games are on my game shelf.

Dart Zaidyer
09-16-2004, 08:35 PM
If you're coming from a GameCube, one thing you'll need to know about a PS2 is that load times take a good while. Heck, I could stop for a jolly good tea time, eh what ™ in the time it takes to load the next level.
Yeah, I'm spoiled.

09-16-2004, 09:12 PM
Oh I'm not coming from a Gamecube, I'm visiting from a Gamecube. Just getting the Frequency demo ready gives me ample time to go fetch a snack.

Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts. Personally, I've never played either of these games, but there is no PS2 in my apartment, and those games are on my game shelf.

I am now thoroughly convinced Kingdom Hearts sucks and I will not buy it, as per the sentence in my original post, "However I do know that mentioning FFX, FFX2, and FFXI will make me ignore any other games you mention." even though I used "and" instead of "or".

Anyway, are there any good DDR mats for less than the cost of 2 games? If I wanted to spend $150 on a game and the peripheral I needed to play it, I would have bought that Xbox mech game that comes with the controller that transforms into a motorhome. I hear it's smaller than the default controler (Xbox is huge lol).

Anyway, I forgot Disgaea and meant to add it to the list. I'll keep the Star Ocean comments in mind, but I have a friend who pretty much likes the same games I do and here's how our AIM conversations go lately:

AtmaHasAnAwesomeName: So what's up?
AtmaHasAnAwesomeName: o rly? I think you said that once already.

Maybe I should have made some sort of poll out of this :confused:

09-16-2004, 09:31 PM
Anyway, are there any good DDR mats for less than the cost of 2 games?

This is what my sister got, its suppose to be good because of the padding and felt ok to me

09-16-2004, 10:50 PM
Ok, dude, do not compare final fantasy with kingdom hearts. Sure, there are a few FF chars in KH, but, I hate FF. I LOVE, on the other hand, Kingdom hearts.

09-17-2004, 12:48 AM
Dont dismiss Kingdom hearts it's the only great game square has made for the PS2.

There are cheaper pads for ddr that are good if your starting out but as you play more you will wear those out .

I read the part about the upstairs apartment I suggest finding the hardest/thickest part of floor, or an area above a support pillar to deafen your steps.

09-17-2004, 02:45 AM
If you're coming from a GameCube, one thing you'll need to know about a PS2 is that load times take a good while. Heck, I could stop for a jolly good tea time, eh what ™ in the time it takes to load the next level.
Yeah, I'm spoiled.

Don't be a fan boy, loading differences are minimal. The only differences are in software, not actual load time. And boo hoo, you have to wait a few seconds. :p

09-17-2004, 05:18 PM
Honestly, all the fun I ever found with a PS2 dropped off a while ago. I would have suggested an Xbox. But then again, you've already tried that.

I'd suggest the full version of Frequency. Digital crack in the purest sense.

But then again, you already have that under wants.


09-17-2004, 10:23 PM
I actually now kind of want an Xbox because there are a few games that are good on it, but it will have to wait. I got a pay raise today that I was not expecting so I just bought Star Ocean. I'll be back some day.