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09-15-2004, 08:14 PM
What with school starting, why not add to the number of related threads? I live in a "townhouse" (individual rooms, shared kitchen/living room/laundry area) with 4 other people. It's strange how close our interaction is to that of reality TV shows. Who would have thought real life would resemble a TV show?? (sarcasm, for the record).

But seriously, we've got one guy who won't turn down his music at night, one who rarely does his dishes, and one guy who has his boyfriend living in his room (which is against the lease, unless he pays a fraction more in utilities per month). None of this would be a problem if the people bothered by it would just be up front with their complaints. Communication is key, but we don't have it. And no, I'm not bothered much by any of this, but the way "alliances" are forming around here it's not looking pretty.

What are some things that your roommates do that drive you nuts?

09-15-2004, 09:00 PM
I don't have roomates...thank God!

09-15-2004, 09:11 PM
I've been pretty lucky in that I've only lived with friends, rather than strangers for roommates. My first roommate was my best friend from high school. It didn't quite work out, bacause he wasn't making any money and I was taking care of all the bills, which I couldn't afford. That situation pretty much ruiend our friendship. I've been talking to him lately, trying to get together to hang out, but it's been quite a few years. My roommate now I get along with, but we've been dating for the last four years. We broke the relationship off, but we still get along so we're still roommates. The only thing she does that's a little annoying is she leaves stuff on. The TV, game systems, lights. Then I have to go around and turn everything off.

09-16-2004, 04:48 PM
I've had a couple of roomates over the past year. First it was my friend from Highschool when we moved into an apartment together. I was a lazy bum and didn't think I was until I joined the army. Sorry for the bitchiness, Trev.

Then I had 46 roomates at one time. That was fun.

It was cut down to 7 roomates when I went to tech school. The biggest problem I had with them is that they all listened to really loud rap. I didn't mind that they listened to it, but at 6 in the morning when you are just getting up and getting ready for PT (physical training) it ain't the time for it. I made some really good friends here though, so it wasn't that bad.

Now I have one roomate in the barracks. He's an alright guy. We both do our share and we don't have a whole lot in common other than we're pretty quiet. We don't talk often, but we get along well enough. The worst problem I have is that we only have one TV and Playstation, so we have to share. We have kind of a system working, but its kind of a hassle sometimes. I mean, it is MY stuff. I don't mind it that much though.

09-16-2004, 04:52 PM
Me and my roommate, despite having various related interests and both being engineering majors, rarely talk more than the requisite small talk. I'm not sure why either. I'm just glad both of us have a high tolerance for clutter.

09-17-2004, 02:29 PM
I'm currently sharing my room with Texasdex, but he leaves for college really soon now, and I'll have the attic all to myself for the rest of year, except when he comes home for Christmas and summer break. He's not so bad, but single occupancy will be nice.

09-17-2004, 03:28 PM
I live off campus with my family. Myself included it makes 9 of us living in a 5 bedroom house. It's great and its family I guess (despite domestic issues from time to time). But I'm here for now until I move someplace.

09-18-2004, 01:23 PM
Living with your family always taken for granted until you move out. I really miss living at home with my Mom and my siblings. I know that from time to time there were space issues, but I was happy for the most part, and its great having friends in the area and always having someone at home to talk to. But now I'm lonely, I don't have many friends. Everyone in the army pretty much just drinks and goes to clubs, and I don't really do either of those. So I miss having siblings as roomates.

09-18-2004, 04:12 PM
Being in college must be different. I don't really miss him at all. I'm liking this independence so far. I have a lot more responsibilities, but I think it's worth it. Sure I miss my parents and a few things your home town brings you, but I hardly even think of them now. I get calls from my parents all the time anyway.

09-19-2004, 10:58 AM
heh i remember when I was off on my own during my travels. My parents would call often, and i remember my dad telling me my mom cried at christmas cos i wasn't around. Whenever I'd call, they knew what was up and always answered "so...how much do you want?" haha. parents.

Ibis, God of Magicks
09-19-2004, 03:19 PM
Well, I've got some horror stories. Other than the usual eating all the food but never buying any, and not paying any bills complaints. Check it, my one room mate had a 6-1 plug thingy, it's like a square with six outlets that you plug into an outlet. So one outlet now equals 6. Then, into each of those 6 outlets was a surge bar. 1 into 6 into 36. He had EVERYTHING plugged in, gaming systems, tv, suuround sound, stero, lamps, lava lamps, fans, heaters, i mean everything. It wasn't too long till that
sucker caught on fire.

Here's one even better. Same person. We have an oil furnace. It costs about $300.00 to fill up, but usually lasts most of the winter. This person had the bitch cranked up past 80 so that he could walk around in shorts and t-shirts in the middle of winter. Needless to say, the oil lasted about 3 weeks. He pitch in to fill it originally, or to re-fill it.

So, he finally got the gist that he can't crank the furnace up. So, what does he do? He buys two space heaters, plugs them in, and lets them roll. He NEVER turned them off. Our electric bill jumped over $150.00! No, he didn't pitch in for that either.

He said he had no money, well, I guess not after buying a gamecub, and crap load of games, and going out to eat every other day.

09-20-2004, 05:28 PM
I go to a private boarding school and we live in houses called "student homes"(they got creative on the names) and in the houses there are one set of HP's (house parents) and 12 different students living in the house....in my room I share it with one girl....and have had MANY different roomates over the couple of years I have attended MHS...I have to say having a roommate is one of the best things(music, diveristy, humor and someone always there) and the worst things (all of their pyscho behaviors) but I have had a lot of luck with my roomates and so we usually "click" pretty well...I have to say living with 12 girls in one home can be pretty different...(lotz of "lesbian" activity...HaHaHaHa...we get far to comfortable with eachother...)..I geuss it is all fun and games....

09-20-2004, 05:30 PM
The one thing that my roommates do that annoys me is bail out before we move. I havent actually lived with anyone yet, but was planning to in January, now it looks doubtful.