View Full Version : Uh, howdy.

Elemental Knight
09-08-2004, 11:15 PM
It's been, oh, two years, maybe, since I've been around here.

I just got a 'Happy Birthday!' E-Mail from the boards, so I figured it was time to see if my account had been purged.

It hadn't.

So here I am.

And I've questions, too, since I've been Out Of The Loop, the boards, and #AGN for so fsckin' long. Please note that I haven't had the chance to actually *see* anything yet - I'm on a public computer in my dorm at 11 Pm with Calculus at 8 AM tomorrow (Oh, yeah, I'm in college now - did I mention that? I've also been broken up with by two gals, had the most horrific Prom ever, fallen in love a few times and... Lemme start a new paragraph here.)

So, personal update: I've loved, I've lost, I've left High School and gone on to the greener pastures of academia. I-DEMON (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/demoncampaign) had it's first anniversary in July, IIRC, and I started up a new campaign (Terranotos (http://www.geocities.com/elemental_knight1/terranotos/)) and got involved in a few others. Chronom Factor, for those who may remember my mentions of it (and the sprites!) is effictively dead - I handed the plot off to someone else, and he rewrote it into the ground. The comic thereof, of course, is very, very dead. I just turned 18 a few hours ago - five hours, really, give or take - and just got the aformentioned E-Mail, and wrote/am writing/ have written this post.


How is everyone? ChibiJJ gotten into trouble lately? Glenn's head doin' okay? Has TSA left yet? Does War still have the Microsoft/AGN avatar? How's Moo? Did ZC hit 2.0, and has anyone sued us for however many newbies we killed when they suggested "OMG ROC'S FETHAER!!11oen"? Is Darth (or Lord) Cronic still postin' the ladies - and has anyone started up a thread *for* the ladies yet? Has GB exploded yet (again)? Is Breaker still the lovable bastard that he always was? What's been the gossip, the inter-Mod intrigue, the financial troubles, the program leaks, the begun and forgotten Quests? Have there been any mass migrations, notable exits, newbies who rose to the top and left through the back door?

And, well...

Does anyone remember me?

Holy heck (can I cuss in GD? I've forgotten), but I've been gone a long time. Maybe too long.

But it's good to see the site's still alive, no matter what state it's in.

09-08-2004, 11:27 PM
Chronom Factor! That's what it was called! I lost the link, and have been completely unable to remember the name, so I never saw it again. I'll have to go see how far it got.

Anyway. Two years? Surely it hasn't been that long... I think you did miss the mass unbanning, though. That was about the most remarkable thing that's happened lately. Oh, that, and Eckels brought back zeldaclassic.com.

So, welcome back, and all that. And, yes, you can swear all you like. Unless you like to swear way too much.

09-08-2004, 11:44 PM
Glenn's head doin' okay?


Has TSA left yet?


Is Breaker still the lovable bastard that he always was?


And, well...

Does anyone remember me?

Holy heck (can I cuss in GD? I've forgotten), but I've been gone a long time. Maybe too long.

1. Who are you again?

Just kidding, of course I remember you.

2. Well, I'm sitting here typing the phrase "chicken fucker," and I haven't been struck down yet, so I would assume swearing is OK.

09-09-2004, 02:08 AM
Someone I do remember :) welcome back to the forums.

2. Well, I'm sitting here typing the phrase "chicken fucker," and I haven't been struck down yet, so I would assume swearing is OK.
Consider this a warning NO SWEARING J/K :D

09-09-2004, 02:13 AM
actually is hasnt been that long, a little digging says you last posted around january 03... eh, close enough...

i remember you... i'll take a stab at the unanswered questions so far... :)

How is everyone?
specifically, i am without a job still, but good enough

ChibiJJ gotten into trouble lately?
you'd have to ask JJ and Foxy

Does War still have the Microsoft/AGN avatar?
no, he's Tony Soprano now

How's Moo?
she got pregnant and is due to have her baby sometime in the next 30 days or less

Did ZC hit 2.0, and has anyone sued us for however many newbies we killed when they suggested "OMG ROC'S FETHAER!!11oen"?
nope, and nope

Is Darth (or Lord) Cronic still postin' the ladies - and has anyone started up a thread *for* the ladies yet?
DC left a bit ago, seems like his last post was in June

Has GB exploded yet (again)?
its still the crumbling pile of cow dung it's always been

What's been the gossip, the inter-Mod intrigue, the financial troubles, the program leaks, the begun and forgotten Quests?
the financial troubles have been resolved (afaik), and the boards look a little more spiffy thanks to the premium member donation system (check OA)

Have there been any mass migrations, notable exits, newbies who rose to the top and left through the back door?
i cant remember anyone of importance who "left", but there are a few notable newer members who have came along.

hope that helps a little :p

09-09-2004, 02:17 AM
ZC hasn't hit v2.0 yet, and for quests, well, there's a good number of them floating around on the net :)
he's been banned *again*
btw, even though I don't know you :( , welcome back!

09-09-2004, 02:44 AM
Welcome back. Long time no see.

09-09-2004, 12:56 PM
Welcome back Elemental Knight!

Aside from things people have posted already, we also have the arcade back!

09-09-2004, 01:44 PM
How's Moo?

Pregnant. :p 7 months, 3 weeks and 2 days, in fact. Thanks for asking :) Gerudo is kinda close, my due date isn't until November 9th, BUT, I'm being all anxious and antsy about having this baby that I'm looking at the "brighter" side of things... I'm considered full term by October 12th. Even though I probably won't have him until November, lol. I'm having a boy :) Foxy is pregnant again, too. She's having a boy :) So this place has been full of raging hormones lately.

Also, I'm a mod of GB now. Yay ;)

So, aside from ME...

It's good to see you're back :)

09-09-2004, 05:57 PM
Haha, I remember you! Welcome back!

...Don't you remember me? Yeah? No?

I feel so alone... :(

09-09-2004, 06:38 PM
Holy shit! Long time no see, Welcome back EK.

09-09-2004, 06:41 PM
Aw, I remember you, me2. :-\ Always great to see you, and you too, Elemental Knight. :) Your face is all over the AGN member pages! ^_^ Heh. ... I'll take my turn in answering the questions that went unanswered.

How is everyone? ChibiJJ gotten into trouble lately? Glenn's head doin' okay? ... OMG. Long story. He came back quite a few months ago, and started BOASTING! @_@ He angered virtually everybody, and then everyone gathered a massive grudge against his (poor, poor) ego. He repeatedly tried to regain whatever dignity he had, but only proved in pushing himself farther into an early grave. EVENTUALLY, he formed "WWW" to dethrone Breaker, and failed, repeatedly. (Because Breaker is also one of the best Senior Mods AGN has ever seen. Am I wrong? :p ) .. and.. just a while ago, Glenn just gave up entirely. Has TSA left yet? I barely remember him posting back when I was a newcomer, (Not a n00b, surprisingly, thankfully.) and that was around June 5th, 2002. Geez.. Does War still have the Microsoft/AGN avatar? Ask him. It's probably a collectors item by now. :p How's Moo? Moo owns, as always. Did ZC hit 2.0, Actually, there IS a virus edition, "ZC2.0" .. Avoid it like the plague. We're on 1.82-1.84 public beta now, .. and.. such. and has anyone sued us for however many newbies we killed when they suggested "OMG ROC'S FETHAER!!11oen"? As tasty as n00bs are, Some talk of legalities is under way. Check ZC Discussion, and check GU. Is Darth (or Lord) Cronic still postin' the ladies As Geru said, haven't seen him in a long time. We really miss him. :-\ - and has anyone started up a thread *for* the ladies yet? ASWGL is always prime. ;) Has GB exploded yet (again)? .. *Shudders* .. Is Breaker still the lovable bastard that he always was? Absolutely, in every way. I refer you to my previous statement about Glenn's WWW. What's been the gossip, Gossip? .. None, I guess. the inter-Mod intrigue, Haven't seen Inori, Alphadawg, Radium, Mak-X(Actually, I have.) and a few others in quite some time. the financial troubles,Yep, go get yourself a Premium Account. This little coin is teh roxxorz! :D the program leaks, Haven't had one of those in a long time. ;) the begun and forgotten Quests? Oh, ZC has been doing some kickarse stuff. Go check out PZC or zeldaclassic.com and download the best and brightest of the quests. Especially Check out C-Dawg's, DarkFlameWolf's, and Petoe's quests. And you'll always have a blast with Mr. Z's quests. Easily. Have there been any mass migrations, Flocks of geese now use AGN has a rest stop. .. Nobody told you? :odd: notable exits, Hurricane Froinlaven blew the server onto highway I-95. Take any offramp. newbies who rose to the top and left through the back door? SixTen won the best newcomers award, with me as a close second. (Despite being thrice his AGN-age, I think.)

09-11-2004, 12:46 AM

No, really. You made me shine the contract to give away all of my shineys.

How have you been? I haven't seen you in quite a while, but yes, I do remember you. Ah, I miss two years ago myself...

Anyway, I haven't been around here much myself in a few months- part of that being because I just haven't honestly wanted to lately, bu I also went on a month-and-a-third trip to Kansas City in July through late August, staying with relatives and stuff, which was really awesome. I also finished reading the Love Hina manga, and it was actually even better than I was really expecting, with a funny little epilogue and stuff. So yeah, all-in-all, I've been somewhere between good and terrible in varying degrees.

Hmm... my answers would be... Chibi seemed to be growing up happily and healthily the last I heard, fooey on Glenn, TSA is, like, somewhere else, Moo speaks for herself, I've barely touched ZC in over a year even though I'm kinda interested, Geru described GB pretty well, Cronic's hard to find, people have been posting links to images that usually go dead after a month or two in Glenn's old thread devoted to "the ladies", and, well... I'm not really very up to speed myself. I pop in here every once in a while tto say a couple things, casually check a few posts, and assure anyone concerned that yes, I am alive at the moment. A few minutes ago is no guarantee but there was a space in there somewhere where I was, I'm sure.

Anyway, it's good to see you again ^.^ And Me2, as well. Now all I need to make my day complete is for Lightning-z & Friends to show up and post illegible comments about their many escapades.

And, err- Shadowblazer might or might not be gone. He was gone the last time I heard anything... something about no longer having an internet connection. Eckels seems to have taken charge of quite a bit of sitely stuff. And a ketchup-funded dude is running for president.

09-11-2004, 01:10 AM
I think Shadowblazer still lives in chat. See the chat log in Eckel's post in Religious Debate.

09-11-2004, 02:12 AM
Glenn just gave up entirely

Nah, he's tried to come back since. There's a funny story in the announcements forum about it.