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View Full Version : Zelda reviews

09-07-2004, 01:46 AM
If this is in the wrong section of the forums, please move it.

Well, I was looking at the archives earlier, and decided to look for 'bad ZC reviews' for the laughs.
So far, I haven't found much, but here's 3 that should really be updated:

While I haven't found bad reviews about ZC here's a bad review about the orig. LoZ:

(and some people put that 'reviewer' in his place, it's quite funny once you read it :laughing: )

If anyone would be kind enough to post links to the bad reviews, I would appreciate the laugh.

09-07-2004, 02:32 AM
Why search for Bad reviews of a game that is widely know to be awesome....I see no point in this thread except making the developer/questmakers feel bad.

09-07-2004, 02:39 AM
I just want to see how stupid some of these 'reviewers' are(and get a good laugh, not to make the people feel bad here)

09-07-2004, 02:47 AM
[QUOTE=The Cyborg]While I haven't found bad reviews about ZC here's a bad review about the orig. LoZ:

just the simple fact that the kid that "wrote" (term used loosely) this "review" admitted he "wasnt born till 87", and is "growing up in the p52 xbox and gamecube generation" automagically makes his "review" null and void.

09-07-2004, 10:49 AM
If I remember correctly there was a thread in the ZC Forums about bad CNet (or some other download site) reviews. I'd find it, but I don't have the nifty search function enabled.

09-07-2004, 12:34 PM
If I remember correctly there was a thread in the ZC Forums about bad CNet (or some other download site) reviews. I'd find it, but I don't have the nifty search function enabled.

Its in Ancient History. http://www.armageddongames.net/showthread.php?t=8953

09-07-2004, 02:02 PM
Perhaps finding out about bad rebiews of a hugely popular game so you;
A) Find out other people's opinions just for the hell of it
B) Hate it yourself and want to find others like you
or, my fave,
C) Find them so you can hunt them down!!!
ZC rules!

09-07-2004, 02:10 PM
[QUOTE=The Cyborg]While I haven't found bad reviews about ZC here's a bad review about the orig. LoZ:

just the simple fact that the kid that "wrote" (term used loosely) this "review" admitted he "wasnt born till 87", and is "growing up in the p52 xbox and gamecube generation" automagically makes his "review" null and void.

I'm in total agreement there. He really should look at it in the context of the time period. For example the Model T was a revolutionary car in it's time, but to the modern observer that vehicle is shit. (I'm not saying that Zelda 1 is shit, but you get the idea.)

09-07-2004, 02:22 PM
It's a sad day now that anyone with a computer can build a website and actually get exposure to it. Especially when the webmaster has no obvious writing or grammar skills whatsoever. Let alone any tastes in classic gaming.

09-07-2004, 02:45 PM
the ones that start it; later on they get insulted beacuse of its age

one has to review something with a fresh and open viewpoint(unlike the 'reviewer' in the 4th link, but he was put in place)
(and I would like to find the 'fresh bad reviews', so I can also give them hell to pay for blasting a classic :mischief: ) (but not to flame them, that wouldn't be right)
I'll have to look at the archive some more, so I can finish what I was reading, heh heh