View Full Version : Educational Console?

09-06-2004, 10:19 PM
V.Smile is not a simple gaming console!

..It is an aspirational console, a unique educational platform that opens up an immense number of opportunities. Parents can leave their children to play unsupervised and trust for the first time that they will only be able to access intelligent and completely safe content.

Plug V.Smile into your TV, play with the easy to use controller and watch the screen come to life with engaging activities, enriched graphics, fantastic sound effects and cool music. V.Smile Games feature an incredible variety of learning topics that have been carefully and evenly distributed throughout the different titles. Games are therefore well targeted and tailored around children’s ages and abilities.http://www.tools2learn.co.uk/product.asp?id=2503

I was watching TV just a few minutes ago and saw a commercial for this gaming console. It's an interesting idea; appease parental concerns over video games by making them educational not violent. Whether it will succeed depends on their marketing abilities.

I remember the likes of Mario is Missing and Mario's Time Machine for the SNES. Though the style was unconventional, I actually found those entertaining as a young 'un. I don't think Nintendo made a relatively good profit compared to their usual games.

Your thoughts on V.Smile? Would you hand your child one of these consoles, or do you think they'd already be Nintendo fankids by age 5? (Nothing wrong with that, proud owner of a gamecube here).

09-07-2004, 02:14 PM
"Educational Console"
I hope you understand why no one posted. Except me. But I just said this. Ah whatever.

09-07-2004, 02:24 PM
I doubt even kids would be interested. I wouldn't pay very much at all for an educational game. I don't get all of thise "educational" stuff anyways. I don't know of anyone personally who has learned any basic concept from such things. It's just a better way, I suppose, for parents to keep their kids occupied.

09-07-2004, 02:40 PM
Makes me think of the n64, I wouldn't hand it one to my child tho.
Once they have learned what is on that cardrige, what good is it then.
What would they learn that parents can't at that age, it can't be anything
to hard, it could be usefull if the child in question is a slow learner giving
it a small advantage :)

09-07-2004, 04:34 PM
NO, video games are made to escape education. What good is it if all it does is teach you? That's what school is for.

09-07-2004, 04:37 PM
apparently none of you can read...

Aimed at children aged between 3 & 7

anyone at these ages is very easily entertained...

09-07-2004, 05:20 PM
apparently none of you can read...

anyone at these ages is very easily entertained...

Yes I did read, and a kid nowadays isn't easily entertained with one of these
"educational consoles".
They should of stated 3-5 at the most, then they might be entertained,
still not for long I beliefe :tongue: