View Full Version : I can't move!!

09-06-2004, 06:22 AM
I've made this quest which I'm still working on (cos its only 1 room) and I can't seem to move when I play it!!. It's really annoying. How do I fix it? and also where is the test button? I can't find it anywhere. :( :mad:

09-06-2004, 12:38 PM
You're probably in the upper left corner. Link's start position defaults to 0,0, which Is in the upper left corner. In ZQuest, press Pagedown until you see an area on the bottom of the screen with 5 little squares, two of which are blue and green next to a stairs and a rupee, and a flag. All should have little x's on them. Place the Blue and Green ones (Click on them.) wherever you want LInk to appear.

BTw, the blue one is for "Insta-Warps" type warps, and the Green one is for "Entrance/Exit" type warps which lead to that screen.

09-07-2004, 05:01 AM
yeah I realised my error and it wasn't what you said it was. I did have that trouble though. It was actually because I had a room string that made me not be able to move in my custom room. (maybe its a bug)

09-08-2004, 06:25 PM
yeah I realised my error and it wasn't what you said it was. I did have that trouble though. It was actually because I had a room string that made me not be able to move in my custom room. (maybe its a bug)
That error, is not a bug, It's something from the first quest which won't allow the user to walk wherre the text is so there's an invisible non'walkabout layer put there for that purpose. You will have to make link start at the bottom of the screen for it to work. :)