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View Full Version : The best US President?

Master Ghaleon
09-05-2004, 01:31 AM
Who would you choose as the best President in US history?

Some reason this was brought up at work today, this caused alot of discussion and I just wanna hear your choice. I picked Abe lincon and they all laughed at me, oh well :tongue:

09-05-2004, 02:06 AM
which ever one died from pnemonia that he caught while giving his inaguration address(harrison maybe?)

09-05-2004, 02:12 AM
I'm in agreement with Master Ghaleon. It's nice to be livin in 'the Land of Lincoln' :D
Why Lincoln? He sucessfully brought us through the Civil War, another thing that comes to mind is the freeing of the slaves. He was a man of intregrity.

09-05-2004, 03:13 AM
Why Lincoln? He sucessfully brought us through the Civil War, another thing that comes to mind is the freeing of the slaves. He was a man of intregrity.
Lincoln was a slave-owning, white supremist who initially balked at the idea of abolition of slavery. He did exactly jack and shite to bring the North through the war. His only contribution was as a central figure around which the Union could rally and, being of southern decent, a sympathetic figure for pro-Union and undecided southerners. His acquiescence to emmancipation after the war was already rolling was entirely a political move to weaken the Confederacy. The man achieved everything of note in his life due to the liberal aid of friends and acquaintances. By all accounts he was a very persuasive speaker, a quick thinker, and an acute judge of his audience which is much more than some presidents have going for them. But the man was a myth of a log cabin, a stovetop hat, and a theatrical death.


Dart Zaidyer
09-05-2004, 03:36 AM
Historical revisionism strikes again!
Watch, as we reinvent president Taft for the new generation of today! Check out the gold chains and street cred, yo! Man, he's like the phattest G in the 'hood! And guess what, homies? Turns out he was always this hip! Dig this snap little rap he wrote when he got stuck in the tub, long before it was hip to be hip!

Trying to correct people's views on American presidents will only lead to flames.

I'm going to pick a somewhat more modern choice, and go with JFK. He helped send us to the moon, or at least made it seem like a good idea, and probably could have whipped the bad guys in political power back then if he wasn't assassinated.

09-05-2004, 03:47 AM
I will be boring and go for the only president who wasn't a party member and say Washington. Instead of saying who is best I will say who is least worse. He has removed the least rights than any other, except for maybe William Henry Harrison who, to quote the Simpsons, "died in thirty days."

09-05-2004, 04:31 AM
Deriding people is easy, Mercy. You didn't offer your own view to the topic though. :)

I can't pick one. Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Roosevelt I, Roosevelt II, and Reagan have all done great things for the country. None of them were perfect, as Mercy will probably return to point out, but they all contributed a lot to our society.

09-05-2004, 10:10 AM
Washington rocks j00r socks. ;) He wasn't just any kind of man. He was a man's man. He could crack walnuts between his teeth and kill redcoats like it was no one's business. He also the only REAL president since the vast majority wanted him. He didn't even run for it. He was an awesome president with a master's degree from the school of kickass.

09-05-2004, 10:57 AM
Every president except George W. Bush and Richard Nixon.

K, seriously. I liked Ronald Reagan. It's a shame he died...

09-05-2004, 12:39 PM
Probably FDR. I wish a president would be as proactive as him. Of course not everyone had as much time as him.

09-05-2004, 02:07 PM
Jefferson. Definately Jefferson. The original US Libertarian.

"The government is best which governs least."

09-05-2004, 02:57 PM
Well as for me I would pick neither. I don't like the government period.

09-05-2004, 08:16 PM
Deriding people is easy, Mercy. You didn't offer your own view to the topic though.
I have posted so many times on the reason and foresight of Jefferson that I did not feel it necessary to repeat myself.


09-06-2004, 12:18 AM
I was told that Mickey Mouse actually won in a state back in the 70s.....any truth to that? I really don't believe it, but they swear it is true.

09-06-2004, 02:46 AM
I'd probably go with Jefferson, although he wasn't without his faults. But he did a lot of great things while in office, in particular being responsible for the Lousiana Purchase ;p

09-06-2004, 02:55 AM
I was told that Mickey Mouse actually won in a state back in the 70s.....any truth to that? I really don't believe it, but they swear it is true.

Absolutely not.

09-06-2004, 03:14 AM
FDR was a communist, you can thank him for a whole lot of screwed up policies of today, for example, health care in lew of pay, socialist security, banned private ownership of gold.
Teddy Roosevelt was a complete oposite.

Any of the Founding fathers are better then the socialists we have today, they knew and understood tyranny.

Bush's Convention address was 50% socialism, and Kerry's was all socialism.

People have equil protection under the constitution don't they?
Then if so, how can you tax a person making 200,000 a year 30% while taxing a person who makes 10,000 a year at 10%?
This is what Kerry is running on, He's running on a promise that is unconstitutional and if elected will swear by his life to uphold the constitution.

Nobody sees a problem with that?

In my lifetime Reagan has been the best, but I'd like to see Jefferson in there now.

09-06-2004, 03:39 AM
Ronald Reagan. Though, I never really kept up with politics, and don't really care to now, for some reason his name has always stuck out immensely in my head as someone who's done a lot of good for this country.

09-06-2004, 04:45 PM
Good ol' Teddy Roosevelt.

09-07-2004, 04:32 AM
Being in the Army, I'm constantly hearing about what a great President Ronald Reagan was. Growing up under his presidency, I've questioned .... but never fully understood. I thought Clinton did a good job, as well as Wilson and FDR. I'll probaby say Kennedy for founding one of our nation's greatest institutions: US Army Special Forces!