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View Full Version : Music: Super Metroid v. Metroid Prime

09-03-2004, 08:45 AM
I recently purchased a gamecube, and as my first game I got Metroid Prime. I'm disappointed with music. The themes that play on the title screen and the save select screen are catchy, but otherwise the rest of the music doesn't feel as memorable as that of Super Metroid. The music lacks strong melodies and sounds too run-of-the-mill for first-person shooters. Maybe I'm just way too used to Nobuo Uematsu's style (which is unfortunate to be so close-minded, although his music is good). Was there a different composer between the two games? If not, I'd be really surprised. Your opinions?

(Magmoor Caverns does not count, as it was practically taken from Super Metroid)

09-03-2004, 09:54 AM
Super Metroid by far.
It's still my favorite Metroid game of all time.
Metroid was meant to be a side-scroller, it didn't translate too well into a First Person Shooter.
The music was also much better.

09-03-2004, 11:04 AM
I actually thought it translated well, I didn't experience anything that was the fault of the perspective...

Anyway, Super's was cool, and so was Prime's. They both fit the atmospheres IMHO. Well, maybe that's because they share similar themes for their compositions.:shrug:

09-03-2004, 11:17 AM
There was nothin wrong with Metroid Prime. Sure there was many things that I wanted to fix, but like Blonda said, none of it was because of the first person perspective.

Anyway, Prime's music wasn't bad. It wasn't anything to get excited about, but there were several new themes that I liked, including the title screens, the Tallon overworld theme (that opens up after you beat Thardus I believe), and some of the Phendrana drift's themes. However, SM kicks Prime's respective ass when it comes to music. Super Metroid still holds the top place for me.

09-03-2004, 04:51 PM
I thought that as an Action game, SMet was a little bit better. Music-wise, MP had a better theme setting to it. The mood was always nice and ripe for some playing. Brinstar had a great mood though. Lots of green to it. :D

09-03-2004, 05:21 PM
I think Metroid Prime's music was done by the same composer from Super Metroid. I really enjoyed the rendition of the Brinstar theme they used for the Tallon Overworld, especially nice the first time playing after it kicks in after the first minute. I liked most of the music from the game, including the credits theme which added to the presentation of MP2's trailer on Nintendo.com

Dart Zaidyer
09-03-2004, 05:31 PM
Metroid Prime's music was indeed done by the same guy who worked on Super Metroid, Kenji Yamamoto.
Prime's musical style is a little more "techo" influenced, which is kind of a departure from the style of Super Metroid and Zero Mission. It works well for what it is, but I kind of miss the tranquil-yet-ominous flair of Super Metroid.

09-04-2004, 02:21 AM
I like all the Metroid music. I love how it's creepy too :)

In fact, I first bought Super Metroid used from Blockbuster Video for $25, but returned it cause the music freaked me out! Two weeks after returning it I went back to Blockbuster and saw that they had lowered the cart I returned to only $15. So, I bought it again, but kept it for good that time. Thus began my Metroid fandome.

btw, if you haven't check out Metroid Metal (http://www.metroidmetal.com) yet, you are missing out. The guy who runs the site, Stemage, and recorded his own metal versions of all the original (NES) Metroid tunes, and they are awesome! He just finished the ending theme today too!

09-04-2004, 02:43 PM
i have the soundtrack to Prime and Fusion, and the spc archive of SMet.

i think they all fit the games quite nice... (btw, the music on Fusion was suprising, cause you wouldnt expect such quality from the GBA, but then again, I have several other GBA soundtracks that have also proved me wrong on that)

09-04-2004, 03:35 PM
Mmm, Super Metroid. In my opinion, all the Metroid games are very well done, and have good music atleast, if not great. I enjoyed Metroid Prime alot, it was a great game. Unforunately it will be some time to tell if it will become a classic like Super Metroid. :O

09-04-2004, 05:58 PM
MP's music has a more atmospheric feel than SM's. This means that SM's is more memorable, since atmospheric music isn't really supposed to stand out. It's just supposed to enhance the feel of the area.

09-04-2004, 06:30 PM
They are both video game music.

DsS Game
09-18-2004, 05:54 AM
I like both of them really. Specifically the ones that stand out that are my favorites is MP's Tallon Overworld both themes(since it was a remix of the original Brinstar from the NES) and SM's Brinstar - Red Soil area.


DsS Game
09-18-2004, 05:55 AM
They are both video game music.

Whats ur point????

Sorry bout double post.
