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View Full Version : Your new schoolyear experience?

08-31-2004, 08:57 PM
So how are you all enjoying the new school year? I know it's only the beginning, (With today being my second day of attending Queens College.) but there are undoubtedly some fun times ahead of us all. School is a time for personal enlightenment, in many, many ways.

Here's a sample of what I've seen so far of College life Versus High School Life. (Quoted directly from another thread I just wrote somewhere else.)

Okay. I've been going to college regularly (for two days) now, and I can give you a brief overview of what it may be like. Now, obviously, none of you will be exploring my college using my schedule using my body, so this will vary immensely for you all. But this is a given. :rolleyes: So I'll do my best to tell you about how College life seems to differ from High School life.

1) You take MANY less classes. I have five or six classes in all. However, they are all much longer. I'll give you a rundown on my schedule. Monday: 9:15 --> 12:15 Biology Lab. 1:40 --> 2:55 Intro To Philosophy. 4:00 --> 5:50 English 110 (College Writing, whatever that is.) Tuesday & Thursday: 9:25 --> 10:40 Introduction To Ethics (Philosophy.) 12:15 --> 1:30 Biology (Lecture, huge lecture hall, TINY desks.) 1:40 --> 2:55 Anthropology. Wednesdays, my schedule is identical to Mondays, just minus the Bio Lab, so I can sleep late. :D

2) Work Loads: (the part you've all been waiting for.) In College, they don't really make you do homework. They Make You READ]. And they make you Read, A LOT. :freak: They don't discuss your last night's reading in class to overview it. Instead, the lecture / class the next day is meant to build on it, which if you hadn't read, will make you wish you had. And as for research reports, all I've heard, is that only half of my classes, (AKA 2, thank god, maybe 3 if I'm a bit more unlucky.) are making us do research reports. And thankfully, (At least as a Freshman.) they're only 2-3 and 3-5 pages long, depending on what it's for. In English 110, you do 4-5 3-5 page research reports. Meh. (No final though, as the last one IS your final.) Yes, so the main point, is to both study, and read your books ahead of time. Do these two, and you'll do fine. (Oh yeah, and be sure to take notes.)

3) Walking. You'll be doing A LOT of walking in college. They have pathways and walkways and jogways and runways ALL OVER the place! .. OMG, walk. Yes, many pathways. You'll be needing to walk all over the campus in a hurry. Many different buildings for many different things. And the classrooms are kinda small, to kinda massive. Lots of descs fit in to all. Some classrooms have very few students. (My bio LAB has 21. My Bio LECTURE has 201, probably nearing to 501.)

4) The Commute. Your commute will probably differ quite much from mine, as you can either live on or off campus somewhere, or you can commute from home. Myself, I take the N4 bus to Jamaica station (50 minutes. @_@ .. geez..) and then the Q44 bus to Main Street, where I walk to Queens College. All that takes about 1.5 hours. (Of course, it takes 20 minutes to walk to the N4 station. :sweat: And then a few minutes to get from place to place in the college, so that's about two hours.) But YOURS will be different, naturally. So I wish you luck, and plan well. :)

So how are you enjoying school? :)

08-31-2004, 09:35 PM
lets see... geometry isnt that hard, homework everyday there. english... Ive never been good at that. drama is fun, ap history is really hard, lots of homework there. desktop publishing is the 2nd worst excuse of a good class ive ever had, chemistry is easy so far. choir hurts my throat cause I dont sing properly or something. woo!

08-31-2004, 09:54 PM
eh, school is school...I am taking a ish load of honors classes(Alg 2, chem and Bio) that don't seem hard at the moment but I have been in school for like a week so god only knows what it is going to be like in a couple months and my other classes aren't to bad either...school is pretty easy for me...whole lotta jsut messin around with friends and doin some school work randomly throughout the day...O speeking of school I actually do have Chem homework that I should probably go do...eh...

08-31-2004, 09:58 PM
All is well except that I was somehow assigned to Health 1 instead of Health 2. That should be fixed up by May or June :rolleyes:.

08-31-2004, 10:25 PM
Sophomore year is a party, as opposed to my hellish freshman year. Bible Study is easy (mandatory, though >:| ). English is doubtless the least difficult language class I've ever had, 2D Art Forms is fucking wonderful, Spanish has the funniest teacher ever, Government is totally fascinating, hell, I even have a good table at lunch. Oh, and Chem Lab and Geometry are way easier than I thought they'd be, with comparatively little homework.

Oh, shit, that reminds me - I've got a lab report to do!

08-31-2004, 10:25 PM
Well i'm glad to never attend school again. I am doing an adult education course in computer networking, which is great. Also, our school year starts late february.

09-01-2004, 07:06 AM
It's really not that bad yet. I have yet to be scared by anything except Senior English, which my teacher says "Face it: you probably haven't been as good of a student as you could have. Here we catch up, so you can get by in college."

09-01-2004, 03:32 PM
I'm really hating the 8th grade. I have homework almost everynight!

Seriously though, my sister is in the 8th grade, and I help her with her homework nightly. Let me remind you that my memory is like, half gone now, and things have changed. My sister asks me to help her with her math and it's like... <quote Bill Engvall> "When did they start putting letters with it?" </quote Bill Engvall> No, it just takes me a few minutes to remember that stuff. Though it wasn't THAT long ago, it feels like it's been forever. My sister also has the same English teacher that failed me in the 7th grade because she didn't like me (seriously, that's why I failed, principal let me go on to the 8th grade, long story), and she's already having some problems with her. Ugh, I hate junior high.

09-01-2004, 08:45 PM
Not to bad for me though. So far I don't have any horrible teachers (thank god!). My classes are pretty simple, but long and boring. 75 minutes, yawn. My Digital Media class is going to be pretty fun I think seeing as how the whole class all we do is use computers, YAY!
The only thing I hate about going back to school is the bus ride home. There's this one kid on the bus that yells insults to each person who gets off the bus. He is so friggin annoying.
But all in all, I've been having a fair time at school.

King Link
09-01-2004, 11:36 PM
My dad works at the university I'm going to, so I know the layout of the place fairly well. I don't, however, start until Tuesday next week (after Labour Day).

09-01-2004, 11:42 PM
I'm alright so far. Classes seem manageable. I'm trying to get away from the computer and meet new people. I'm trying to get the most out of this experience.