View Full Version : Anyone Notice how their hardrive Dissapears?

08-29-2004, 11:18 PM
its funny, I have an 80gig HD its been about 2 1/2 years now since I bought it. and I only have 16 gigs left. and I dont have as much installed any more as I had back at about 60gigs. Is there any "hidden" files that build up over time and take up this much space?

It just seems that with every month I make more room, im just loosing even more...

08-29-2004, 11:28 PM

Use SpaceMonger and you can see exactly where all your disk space goes.

I'm currently using 90 of my 120GB backup drive, and more than half of that is probably redundant from before I reformatted.

08-29-2004, 11:32 PM
I will try that, Thanks once again atma, you are handy. btw my internet still isnt working, but i got in touch with M$ so its just a matter of time.

-edit this looks soo familier, its like the UNIX system you see in Jurassic Park..

08-29-2004, 11:36 PM
Basically, once you delete a file, all it really does it hides itself, or makes itself invisible in a sense.

08-29-2004, 11:37 PM
Yes It does feel like i get gypt on getting back my space.

-edit Dear god UT2k4 is HUGE its taking 6 1/2 gigs... I peer over and see UT2k3... Do I need that anymore?

08-30-2004, 12:45 PM
I believe there's a law stating "Data expands to fill available space."

I had a program--called "Diskpie" I believe--that did the same thing: it showed the harddrive's contents sorted by folder in a pie chart. Click on a wedge, and go into that folder. It also had the ability to create a pie chart of space usage sorted by filetype. If you're looking to clean out your harddrive, try going to Find Files and searching for *.*, and setting the size limit to be "10 MB or greater". Once it's finished executing the search, sort by the "Filesize" column. If you have useless or outdated .iso's lying around, you can usually ditch them first.

08-30-2004, 01:39 PM
Yes It does feel like i get gypt on getting back my space.

-edit Dear god UT2k4 is HUGE its taking 6 1/2 gigs... I peer over and see UT2k3... Do I need that anymore?

UT 2k4 is so much better than 2k3. So no you don't. =D

I'm using 2 20 gig hardrives and I have about 2 gigs left on each. So don't complain about having space LEFT that's higher than my max. =p