View Full Version : Perils of Pregnancy

08-24-2004, 03:05 AM
The conversation is real, but he didn't have it with Kara - I'm given to understand that she has the equivalent of super strength in this "trimester" or whatever it is called, and has the capacity to deal aggravated damage. Gabriel informed me yesterday that she lifted a car over her head, and threw that car at another car and then climbed up an office building. After a spectacle like that, your discourse tends to bear the proper reverence.


08-24-2004, 03:08 AM
Tis good not a good idear to get that person into a bad mood. :scared:

08-24-2004, 03:10 AM
Men can say such stupid things at times -_-

Seems they only do it when you're pregnant, though. Like, looking at you when you're 7 months pregnant, right after a Wal-Mart cashier asks you about your pregnancy, and tells you that you don't look pregnant. WTF DO I LOOK LIKE THEN?! Sorry, I still don't understand that.

Or, he likes to start arguments about things. Like, talking about my baby being an income tax check and shit... :mad: