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View Full Version : World of WarCraft quest - "It's a Secret to Everyone"

08-20-2004, 08:53 PM
This has got to be one of the funniest quests in the game! If someone has a place I can upload them, I'll put up pics (my site suffered a hard drive failure so that's down and I can't upload there). But here is the gist:

You find a raft stranded in the middle of a small pond. After examining it, you find a bag at the bottom of the pond. Inside the bag are:

-A set of throwing daggers
-A photo of two gnomes in front of a castle
-A Large Compass
-Curled Map Parchment
-Lion-Headed Key


So you go to this camp and find a Gnome named "Linken" wearing a green tunic. He gives you a wooden training sword that needs to be forged (I havn't done this part yet). He also has gossip where he says:

A long time ago, during my travels, I met a man that told me, "Master using it and you can have this."

What do you suppose this means? I didn't know then, and I still don't know now, really...

There is also an Orc at the camp named "Petra" with a kodo beast named "Dadanga". She tells you not to wave a torch near Dadanga because "Dadanga dislikes smoke." Hahaha.. Supposively there is another part of this quest where you go to fight "Aquementas" :D I will have to complete it to see tho.

08-20-2004, 09:08 PM
That's awesome, and the fact that suposedly WoW won't have monthly fees is awesome.

08-20-2004, 09:19 PM
That's awesome, and the fact that suposedly WoW won't have monthly fees is awesome.

No, WoW is gonna have monthly fees..

08-20-2004, 11:11 PM
Hah hah! Part of what I loved about the Warcraft games was how it was never taken too seriously by the creators, in the neat little things and references added(particularly in unit quotes). This would seem to top everything else up to this point in a warcraft game though. I'd really like to see some pics.

08-20-2004, 11:24 PM
Hey Warlock, where is this quest at? I'd like to go try it.

08-20-2004, 11:38 PM
That's great! :D I know if I were working on a game, I would try to put little references like that in if I could. Be sure to post pictures as soon as you can. And also let us know if you find anything else!

08-20-2004, 11:44 PM
It's in Un'Goro Crater..

I also found Mario & Luigi (Muigin and Larion). They are switched tho.. Muigin is wearing green shirt with brown overalls and has a brown mustache. Larion has blue overalls, a red shirt and a big black mustache :)

08-20-2004, 11:46 PM
It's in Un'Goro Crater..

I also found Mario & Luigi (Muigin and Larion). They are switched tho.. Muigin is wearing green shirt with brown overalls and has a brown mustache. Larion has blue overalls, a red shirt and a big black mustache :)

I'll have to go there later....

BTW Warlock, what server you play on?

08-20-2004, 11:57 PM
I'll have to go there later....

BTW Warlock, what server you play on?


BTW, other Linken quotes:

Hi there! I'm glad you came back, Melina! Tell me, have you completed the first quest I gave you? If you have, I might have a second quest for you...

It's a secret to everybody... including me!

I'm glad you found me -- it's a good thing I'm not hiding in a bush or underneath a rock, isn't it?

And here is a pic of Linken:

08-21-2004, 12:23 AM
Pic of Mario & Luigi clones :) Oh, and I get the names now. They switched the very first letter (Lario and Muigi) and added an "n" to the end of both names :D

08-21-2004, 06:38 AM
More of the quest:

After you talk to the chick to reforge the sword, she says she needs some elixir (don't think this was a reference). You go to a guy in Feralas for it, and he tells you he needs an herb guarded by the gnoll "Milbon Snarlfang" (Moblin) and that the only way to get past him is to use "Bait" which he sells you by clicking the link "Buy something, will ya?" Milbon has the gossip "Grumble grumble..." and of course using the bait lets you get past him to a secret chamber Of course, I already /bugged the name since it wasn't a MOBLIN but a GOYRIA that needed the bait. heh..

After that you return to the lady and she reforges the sword. I have to go to Tanaris now to talk to "Gaeriyan" (maybe Ganon? But it's a bit of a stretch.. maybe when I see him). You apparently have to go to the graveyard there (I heard something about pushing a tombstone but I dunno as i havn't gone yet) and then drink the potion and head north into the mountains where this guy is in a cave (sounds like Ganon). There is more to it.. I know I have to fight Aquementas but I'm not sure how many steps. I also hear word of collecting "Silver Claws" and "Iron Hearts" or something..

Also, I hear the rewards for this quest are:
Choice between:
-Linken's Sword of Mastery: Main Hand Sword 41-77 DMG Speed 1.80 (32.8dps) Chance on hit: Blasts a target for 75 Nature damage.
-Spirit of Aquementas: Held In Hand Equip: Decreases mana cost to all spells by 5.

Also recieve:
-Linken's Boomerang: Trinket that you can throw for ~100 damage. 3 minute cooldown.

08-21-2004, 07:01 AM
This would be fun to play. I just have to wait for my laptop so I can put games on it and wait to buy the new WarCraft. One of the few PC Games I enjoy

08-21-2004, 07:48 PM
Rest of the quest:

After you go to the graveyard, you use the potion and DIE. Then as a ghost you find Gaeriyan (he's just a guy tho, so I dunno) and he tells you to push the tombstone. When you do, you place Linken's Sword in it and it becomes reforged. After that you bring it back to Linken and he tells you to talk to this other person who might know something about restoring his memory. She sends you to Felwood again to talk to this chick because Linken was trying to forge a totem. In order to make the totem, you need 11 Silvery Claws (silver arrows?) and an Irontree Heart (Heart container?). So you kill a bunch of bears, wolves and trees to get that stuff. When you get it, she tells you Linken was trying to kill this fire elemental called Blazerunner (no zelda connection I guess but he's kinda like Ganon). To finish the totem, you must travel to Tanaris and summon Aquementas in a circle of stones (the circle kinda reminded me of that arrow in death mountain or something). To find the circle she gives you the clue "The eastmost penninsula is the secret..."

So you go and summon/kill Aquementas. He's only a water elemental unfortunately, but doing so gives you his totem.

The next part of the quest is called "Linken's Adventure" and it's just to bring back the totem to Linken. You do so and he remembers stuff. He says you are now the hero and you must defeat Blazerunner to aquire the "Golden Flame" before it falls into the hands of someone with an evil heart :D He then says: "You will want to bring others with you -- it's dangerous to go alone." (IDtGA is also the quest title). So then you go fight Blazerunner and get the Golden Flame.. I attached a pic of the flame, and the quest rewards.. (sorry for somewhat crappiness of it, freakin 500x500 filesize limit)

08-21-2004, 09:55 PM
Gee thanks, Warlock, for reminding me of how much I want WoW. Not gonna get it though, don't like monthly fees. Funny quest, though.

08-22-2004, 12:22 AM

screenshots of the quest are up now

08-22-2004, 11:35 PM
Not to hijack the thread, but...

Gee thanks, Warlock, for reminding me of how much I want WoW. Not gonna get it though, don't like monthly fees. Funny quest, though.

I see people say this all the time and I really don't get it.

Personally, I would MUCH rather pay for a game every month and get 1000's of hours out of a game that is constantly growing/evolving vs one that you pay about $50 for and get give or take 40 hours out of. Just seems to me you would get alot more value out of a really good online game that has a monthly fee vs a game that is pretty much a one time through type thing. I'm not knocking single player games in the least as I still love em. Just using them to illustrate a point.

Back on topic: ;)

All I can say about the quests are, bah, I so wish I was in WoW beta.