View Full Version : College Dorm Necessities

08-15-2004, 04:02 PM
What things do you feel are necessities for college dorm?

To be more specifics:

1. What Movies do you recommend
--Particularly, thrillers & comedies

2. What decorations?
--And whats the best store(s) to buy such decorations?

3. What furniture?
--Do you recommend having a futon, chairs, bean bag chairs, stools, or something else to sit on?

4. How 'bout entertainment?
--Which system(s) do you recommend me taking? (i have ps2 & gamecube)
--Any good "party" games you guys recommend me buying for either system?

5. Any Suggestions on food/drinks?
--Whats good for quick breakfast while living in a dorm?
--What are great "get-together" snacks in college?

6. What other advice do you have for Dorm Room-Shopping?

08-15-2004, 04:13 PM
1. Office Space, some volumes of Monty Python's Flying Circus.

2. http://gerudo.net/pat/pics/mario.jpg

This. ^_^

3. How much furniture do you need?

4. As much as you can take.

5. pop tarts.

6. Posters and crap.

08-15-2004, 05:54 PM
For buying things, Walmart is great :D

For decorations, bring some good posters. Those rope lights are really cool too (esp the ones that blink to music). For furniture, an extra fold out chair or bean bag comes in handy if you have friends over. For entertainment, bring what the movies and games you will want to watch and play. Everyone else is going to have movies and games too, so if you didn't bring something, chances are someone else will have it for you to borrow or play. Super Smash Bros Melee is a must have party game for the Gamecube, as is Mario Kart: DD. (I also recommend Zeada: Four Swords Adventures too if you can get people with GBAs to play it with you)

Like Masa said, pop-tarts are good for breakfast if you can't make it to the cafeteria. So are fruit cups and jello. Other good snacks to bring (which I really like) are Snyder's Sourdough Pretzels, Chedder Cheese Goldfish, and trail mix (I like the fruit trail mix). Also, cereal is good to snack on. You can buy bags of those generic cereal really cheap. I got a generic Fruit Loops bag once, and they were better than the real thing for snacking! For drinks, it depends on what you like. (I drank lots of water and Capri Sun) You can' go wrong with soda though if you expect to have friends over.

08-15-2004, 06:10 PM
Haha, actually, i went to the mall like immediately after i made this thread & then wasted my $ on some lights from Spencer's Gifts! (I LOVE THAT STORE!) I bought a spinning cop-car light, a strobe light, and a black light! :) (and i got this one light as a gift thats like a plate with lightening that changes w/ music & touch)

My dorm's gonna be P.I.M.P.!!!

08-15-2004, 06:38 PM
What things do you feel are necessities for college dorm?

To be more specifics:

1. What Movies do you recommend
--Particularly, thrillers & comedies

2. What decorations?
--And whats the best store(s) to buy such decorations?

3. What furniture?
--Do you recommend having a futon, chairs, bean bag chairs, stools, or something else to sit on?

4. How 'bout entertainment?
--Which system(s) do you recommend me taking? (i have ps2 & gamecube)
--Any good "party" games you guys recommend me buying for either system?

5. Any Suggestions on food/drinks?
--Whats good for quick breakfast while living in a dorm?
--What are great "get-together" snacks in college?

6. What other advice do you have for Dorm Room-Shopping?

1. Forget about movies and just rent from blockbuster.
2. This is a kind of thing that you can only decide once you are actually in the room. However, I usually find that posters can give any room, reguardless of shape or size, some nice falavor.
3. Only if you have the space. My first year, the only extra piece of furniture I bought was a stand for my TV. If your beds can bunk, bring in a couch.
4. Bring your gamecube, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Mario Kart Double Dash. This has entertained my friends and I for hours on end. For those of you who arrowe cool enough to have an Xbox, I suggest Halo, Dead or Alive 3 (Tag Team action is awesome), Kung Fu Chaos and Deathrow (especially Deathrow, it should be cheap as hell, and it's not very well known, but still fun as hell)
5. Food will not 'get you together' with anyone. Just figure out what you and your friends want and come to a concensus. For us, it was doritos.
I usually skip breakfast, so I can't help you there...

08-15-2004, 06:48 PM
haha! I was thinking doritos when i made this thread--what i meant was what kind of snacks should i get for when people chill out in the dorms together, not something that will get them to come into the dorm! haha!

EDIT: Oh by the way, the beds are both lofted (or they will be eventually) so there should be plenty of space! (well, enough to live with) By furniture, i was thinking like should i bring a dvd/videogame/cd stand? what kinda chairs to bring? should i bring a little table? etc.

08-15-2004, 08:17 PM
Hey, congrats, IDK. :) I'm sure you'll love it at College. I'll be commuting, so I probably won't get this experience. =-/ Oh well. :rolleyes:

Don't forget about the table with the study light, and the pencil holder, coffee cup, etc. It's college. Where else will you get to study. :p (J/K.)

08-15-2004, 09:34 PM
haha, i dont think i'll need a table like that...the desks they have in the dorms should do it! :) i'm soooo freaking excited!!! woohoo!

08-15-2004, 11:21 PM
the most essential thing for college are shower shoes though. seriously, you don't want to put your bare feet on those floors, no matter how clean they look. and avoid touching the walls in elevators too.

08-15-2004, 11:29 PM
Mini-fridge is your friend :D

Of course I only lived in the dorms one year before I moved out to student apartments which rock hard compared to the dorms. We have our own kitchen, laundry room, shower, bathroom, and bedrooms (it's a 4-bedroom apartment, although my first year living out there I was in a 2-bedroom so I shared with one other guy.. 4 is a LOT better :))

08-16-2004, 12:22 AM
EDIT: Oh by the way, the beds are both lofted (or they will be eventually) so there should be plenty of space! (well, enough to live with) By furniture, i was thinking like should i bring a dvd/videogame/cd stand? what kinda chairs to bring? should i bring a little table? etc.

That's nice that your beds are lofted. Mine never were, but my roomates and I always bunked ours for the extra room. My last two years I got my own room though; my junior year I was an RA and I had one of the biggest rooms on campus all to myself! It rocked. My senior year I lived in a dorm which had single rooms.

I brought all of my DVDs to school (and bought many more while there). I packed them all in a few shoe boxes. I brought all my CDs too, cases and all, in this CD tower I bought at Walmart for $20. I wouldn't recommend it though, it was a pain to move around cause it was so heavy. I brought mine like that just cause I always listen to them on my stereo computer CD-ROM drive (I don't like ripping songs and playing them off my hard drive - it slows things down too much) Plus my first year I was in the radio station club and had my own show where I got to play pretty much anything I wanted from my collection.

08-16-2004, 01:37 AM
Ahh yes - the first college dorm room experience. I really miss mine, moreso for the sex than anything else, but there were a lot of things I had that made the experience perfect.

1) configure a good floor plan. If you want to bunk the beds, that's the best solution. I had a situation where the beds were lofted, and one on the other one in sort of an L-shape. It worked great, until a friend of mine got up too quick off of a futon and had to go to the emergency room to get staples in his head. Bad story, but make sure your room is accessable.

On top of that, the type of atmosphere in the room can make all of the difference. I had nothing on the floor, and that was OK, but it was cold. My friends across the hall found this nasty sea-green and blue shag carpet that totally lit up the place.
Furniture is also a thing to keep in mind. i bought a futon and that was a life saver for people when they came over. I'm assuming you'll have a roomy, so don't go overboard on tv stands and mini-fridges. Get one that you can put the TV on. Two birds, one stone.

2) Entertainment factor. It doesn't matter if you have a 65" tv and Halo 2. You first have to make some friends. Find people that are interested in a good time, and invite them over for some Super Monkey Ball on the GCN. That game was fucking amazing, and I was drunk enough times to enjoy it with my friends.

Which bring me to number
3) Snacks. Don't concentrate on food. Concentrate on alcohol. Although i do not encourage drinking in college dorms, i think that if you want to make some friends after the first hockey party of the year, you should have some liquor available to you, and be able to drink that alcohol that is available to you. Whereas you might not have seen Animal House in your youth, it is a college staple and will continue to be so until the pope gets demoted for flashing the president.
Also, if you're into fattening foods, make sure you steal some eggrolls from the dining service when you get the chance, as those make tasty treats. Don't think you'll share them.

4) What your room means. Have fun with it. It's actually a living entity for the time you'll be there. Your first layout doesn't have to be the last, and if you are anything of a fungshue guy or like to rearrange furniture for sun gods, please do it whenever you can. It keeps the people visiting guessing what you'll do next, and they'll come and visit if your room looks different every few weeks.
I didn't have a roomate for 6 months when I was in the dorms, so I could have people over whenever i pleased. Make sure that you make friends with his friends, and vice versa, and you'll have a great time for your first outting.

Good luck with everything, and don't let AGN get in the way of your studies.