View Full Version : The Hidden Duality Question

08-14-2004, 03:38 PM
I am in the second dungeon, this is the first quest i've downloaded so go easy on me, and i cant figure out where the magic boomerang is or how to completely get through to the boss. I have the lantern already but i ran out of keys and cant find anymore. someone please help.

08-14-2004, 04:19 PM
I'm sure there is a path you are missing...try searching behind light posts and make sure to have bombs.

For more help, try asking this question in the Custom Quest Disccusion thread.

08-14-2004, 04:25 PM
Thanks, i just found where i was missing a bomb passage. I didnt have any so i couldnt look around. Thanks a bunch.

08-14-2004, 05:14 PM
--Moved to Quest Announcement/Discussion-- ;)