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08-13-2004, 11:00 AM
...And US GC owners get screwed again. Why am I not surprised? :rolleyes:

08-13-2004, 12:16 PM
Actually, we dont. The only thing they have that we havent (in the US anyway) is Comix Zone and the Ooze. We have ALL the gamegear games available via SADX, they only have around half. So, we did not exactly get shafted.

08-13-2004, 12:47 PM
PS2 and Xbox owners get the majority of the DX games, along with what US GC owners didn't get from SMC, on one disc. That's what I meant. And yes, we did.:p

08-13-2004, 03:33 PM
US owners get screwed. Don't make me laugh. Try spending a year in the UK.
NO Animal Crossing for 2 years
NO E Reader EVER
The list goes on but I can't remember them I'm so annoyed.
And besides, Sonic Mega Collection???!!

08-13-2004, 03:48 PM
I played the first two Sonic games on the Game Gear. They were okay, (well the first one was, the second one I didn't like at all...I could never beat that darn crab monster at the end of level 1!!!) but they can't compare to the original Sonic games on the Genesis.

I'm glad PS2 owners get a chance to play all these games though, it's a great collection.

08-13-2004, 04:18 PM
I'll get it for the ps2, maybe I'll be able to use their Genesis emulator to play some other games on PS2. Like Battletoads. ;) Btw stop whining about GC users getting screwwed. Nintendo screwwed you, not the developers. Nintendo decided on the retarded use of mini discs. Nintendo makes all the licensing fees and such. Nintendo made the controller. If anything is wrong it's not all the developers' fault.

I have SMC on GC, it's great. What's to complain about? The only thing they should have included that would have been nice, Sonic CD.

08-13-2004, 07:08 PM
US owners get screwed. Don't make me laugh. Try spending a year in the UK.
I already know about the UK lineup, and seriously, it's not as bad as you think. Not that it's that good, but the PAL territory sees their share of exclusive games as well, so don't make me laugh.:p

Btw stop whining about GC users getting screwwed. Nintendo screwwed you, not the developers. Nintendo decided on the retarded use of mini discs. Nintendo makes all the licensing fees and such. Nintendo made the controller. If anything is wrong it's not all the developers' fault.

Never said "stupid developers for not making multi-platform so-and-so game equal"(even though it's true) or "stupid Nintendo for everything wrong with their stupid console". Can't be blamed for stating facts.:p

I have SMC on GC, it's great. What's to complain about?
Not too much, even though there are other collections that can prove to be better. Actually, never complained about that either.:p

08-14-2004, 01:53 AM
I Nintendo screwwed you, not the developers. Nintendo decided on the retarded use of mini discs. Nintendo makes all the licensing fees and such. Nintendo made the controller. If anything is wrong it's not all the developers' fault.

I have SMC on GC, it's great. What's to complain about? The only thing they should have included that would have been nice, Sonic CD.

The japanese version of the SMC for the Gamecube had The Ooze and Comix Zone (which was a really neat game). I'm sure they could've put it in the US version if they wanted to - the same goes for the Game Gear Sonic games (but then Sonic Adventure DX wouldn't have as many extras). I am very thankfully they decided to keep Ristar in the collection, that game is so good. I'm at the last boss right now, but he's very hard :(

I think the Gamecube controller is perfect for playing Sonic. The B, A, and X buttons are all in a row just like the buttons on a Genesis controller.

Not too much, even though there are other collections that can prove to be better.

I have yet to see one better - the SMC is so great on the cube. It's presentation alone makes the Mega Man Collection look poorly done.

08-14-2004, 03:49 AM
SMC is a pretty good collection. But to me, it only had the lasting appeal attributed to the nostalgia. The collection had a lot of uh, "useless" stuff, like the manual and comic covers(well, maybe not the covers, but the manuals were pretty much useless). Plus MMAC had more worthy content IMO. It not only included the 6 NES games, it also included the 7th SNES game, and the CD based 8th PS game(with no loading! YAY!:D). It even included a cartoon episode(even though it was in questionable quality, it was still cool to watch), or the Icons thing. Not to mention, it had remixes and other extras that made up for the collection's construction of the individual games IMO.

I hear SFAC will also be a treat. Here's to hoping it will be.:)

08-14-2004, 08:53 PM
SFAC is supposed to be Hyper Street Fighter 2 or whatever that came out in the arcade, plus SF3. It'll probably be worth it, because there isn't a PS2 native SF2 style game, only PSX, so it can't take advantage of better hardware. :O So ya, I plan to get SFAC.