View Full Version : Need to find an enemy list

08-13-2004, 02:02 AM
Yeah, I know, I too am disappointed that I don't remember which enemy name goes with each image... and well, I was wondering if someone had a quick page or jpg that had the list.

Thanks for taking the time.

08-13-2004, 02:55 AM
Tektite - Jumping spiders
Octorok - Octupus
Leever - Sand digger
Peahat - Flower monster?
Moblin - Goblin
Armos - Statue Warriors
Ghini - Ghost
Lynel - Centaur
Zora - Water monster
Rocks - Boulders

Zol & Gel - Big slime & Small slime
Ropes - Snakes
Vire & Keese - Small bat & Bat master
Stalfos - Skeleton knights
Wallmaster - Wall monster
Goriya - Boomerang thrower
Wizzrobes - Wizards
Darknut - Shielded knight
Pols Voice - Evil Rabbit
Lamolas - Centipede
Like-like - Shield eater
Gibdos - Mummies
Moldroms - Sand Worms
Dodongo - Triceratops
Manhandla - Man eating plant
Aquamentis - Horned dragon
Patra - Flying eyeball
Digdogger - boss you kill with whistle
Gohma - Giant crab
Gleeok - Multi headed dragon
Bubble - Floating skull
help out? I couldn't find the original list on ZC.com

08-13-2004, 03:33 AM
here's the originals

Original Enemies (http://storm.prohosting.com/~mfreedom/enemies/enemies.htm)

08-13-2004, 05:23 AM
Thanks guys, this helps out alot.