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View Full Version : The Warped Tour

08-11-2004, 03:21 PM
I went to the warped tour yesterday. I saw a bunch of bands, and had a lot of fun. Now I'm depressed, because it was so cool and I can't go again until next year. I saw Anti-Flag, Flogging Molly, the Matches and a bunch of other bands. If I could do the day again, I would have *not* made out with this one girl and gone to see the Bouncing Souls instead, because they rock. Naked Jim crowd surfed during Flogging Molly.

Anyway, other bands that I saw were "Taking Back Sunday" "Sugarcult" and a bunch others. The best was Anti-Flag, by far. I was in the pit right in front of them, and saw them up close, and they were really good. They dedicated the song "Turncoat (mp3) (http://www.fatwreck.com/empee/50165.mp3)" to George W Bush. In fact, the whole show was oriented very strongly against the Bush Administration. The Dixie Chicks caught a lot of shit for busting on him, but Anti-Flag called Bush a "Motherfucker" on a couple of occasions, to a cheering crowd. The general consensus was summed up by a couple bands as "Get Bush the fuck out this year, and Kerry the fuck out in '08." I guess that's about the most realistic course of action that can be taken, although I would really rather see a third party get elected. The crowd even liked it when various bands (from Sweden and Ireland) said things like "As a citizen of the world, I'd like to ask you a favor... and get Georgie the fuck out of the White House."

Anyway, a whole lot of fun was had. Has anybody else gone to the Warped Tour this Summer, or will anyone? How about other concerts?

08-11-2004, 03:34 PM
Ich! I feel betrayed! You saw Anti-flag and you DIDN'T TELL ME? Oh well. Maybe the tour'll pass by my place.

08-11-2004, 04:56 PM
I'm still bitter that the first year i could have gone to warped, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes weren't playing the show

08-11-2004, 06:34 PM
Dude I am so jealous...a bunch of my friends said they could here it from some of there student homes..that is crazy!!

08-11-2004, 10:57 PM

Noah: I neglected to mention it to you. I got two of their T-Shirts. I can hook you up with MP3's that I've gotten.

Blondine: Entirely regrettable. We even had an extra ticket we scalped.

08-12-2004, 03:30 PM
Blondine: Entirely regrettable. We even had an extra ticket we scalped.

I am so sad now!...I think I am going to find a dark hole and crawl into it for a while now...LOL...HaHa, :laughing: go figure!

08-12-2004, 10:34 PM
I thought you had a backup plan for that ticket? You had time to ask if anyone else wanted to go.

08-14-2004, 08:58 PM
Well, at least Ich had a kick ass time at the Warped Tour. With the exception that he regrets making out with a girl and not getting to see the Bouncing Souls. But it's all good, i mean he got to see Anti-flag for goodness sake.