View Full Version : Stupid Arrow Question

08-08-2004, 10:43 AM
I'm trying to use an arrow to trigger a secret on the screen. I want the player to shoot the target with an arrow and have some combos change to clear a walkable path to the next screen. I have an arrow flag on the target and secret tile 0 (16) on the combos that change to make the path. I have the secret tile 0 combo set in the secret combos dialog as a walkable combo and the correct arrow secret combo set to the same combo as the target so that the target does not change when hit by the arrow. This all works except for the fact that when the target is hit it is replaced by a green square. I thought that might have been an undercombo issue but I tried setting the undercombo and it still makes with the green square. What am i doing wrong??? Thanks.

08-08-2004, 10:55 AM
is it on layer 0?
it needs to be.

is it in layer 0 secret combos, or on a layers secret combos, in other words, did you place the flag on layer 0 but place the arrow combo in the secret combos of layer 1 or 2 for example?

if it is then are you putting the right arrow flag in the right slot?
first slot any (wooded) arrow, second silver, third golden arrow.

08-08-2004, 11:09 AM
It was a layer issue. I wasn't aware that you can specify secrets for different layers. turns out I had flags and secret combos on a bunch of random layers. Thanks for the help.

08-08-2004, 11:26 AM
now you've learned one of the greatest secrets of all, six layers of flags 16-31 make for a lot of secrets going on all at the same time, just remember to trigger them all the trigger flag has to be on layer 0