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View Full Version : Combo cycling on layers

07-31-2004, 02:25 AM
will this be possible anytime soon, if at all? there's been quite a few instances where I could would like to use it, but can't, and I know a couple other quests could use it too

this really isn't a suggestion, but I can't think of anything else to call it/any other forum to put it in, so here it is

07-31-2004, 03:05 AM
I'd like to see a better way to link them together too, it takes a lot of them to do much real animation and takes hours to set and link them all together, unless there is some spiffy way I don't know about.

would also be nice to be able to adjust their speed other than adding more combos, this would cut down on the number needed.

In Search for Elise I had a bolder roll 7 spaces across the floor, it took some 800 combos to get it to work, linking those all together took forever.

07-31-2004, 03:19 AM
800 combos? you've got to be kidding, right?

and I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by 'would also be nice to be able to adjust their speed other than adding more combos, this would cut down on the number needed.

07-31-2004, 04:25 AM
can you adjust their speed?
to even see it you have to use 4 or they flash by so fast you can't see a thing
maybe I'm using them wrong, but I see no other way to do them

Yes, in search in the goron Heights a bolder pops out of a hole rolls seven spaces over and drops into another hole, it took some 800 to get that to roll smoothly over there, and each then had to be linked together.
IF I can adjust the speed it would knock that number down ten fold because I used numbers of them to slow it down.

I think I see where this is going are you going to tell me they respond to the speed set? if so I'm going to crap, cause I've been working my butt off with those things.

EDIT, boy do I feel silly, I just set speed to 20 on some and it sure slowed them down, I guess I never thought there was a point to setting the speed on a single combo.
I've been using 4 times the cycling combos and doing 50 times the work I need to.

Thanks *b*