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07-28-2004, 09:08 AM
And just in case you missed it,

This is absolutely terrific. Stereo speakers, sleak design, I like it. And of course no price or release date quite yet. The Nintendo fanboy in me is going absolutely insane right now.... It does any time there's new hardware actually...

SOURCE: http://www.planetgamecube.com/news.cfm?action=item&id=5472

EDIT: Images aren't working. Trying to fix them now.

07-28-2004, 09:38 AM
This was released over a month ago. This is old news.
But, I myself am happy about the DS. It sounds like a really good idea, I just hope it will be capable of fighting with the PSP. <.<

07-28-2004, 11:02 AM
The DS would be by pick of the two, for a number of reasons, not the least of which are innovation and my own personal fanboy-ism-ness-osity-ation.

The unfortunate thing is, I can't afford to pick one up. I'll just have to hold onto my GBA SP with the little scratch on top.

07-28-2004, 11:17 AM
Looking VERY nice. I'm going to get one the second it comes out! >D

07-28-2004, 11:22 AM
I haven't seen that pic yet. That just makes me want to get one even more. The DS is awesome.

07-28-2004, 11:29 AM
Another reason I'm doubtful of the PSP is battery life. Sony claims almost as much life as the GBA SP, but with an optical drive and near PS2 graphics, I'm very doubtful of that. What's the biggest power consumption on the DS going to be? Two backlit screens. I bet Nintendo is goint to pull at least 8 hours out of it's battery on the DS, more if they give the option to turn off the back lighting, like on the SP. That's still the key to this whole thing, and Nintendo knows it. Nobody is going to care about all of PSP's funcationality if it can't stay alive for extended periods of time. There's a reason they call it a portable, you know, and that's not just because it's small. The less you plug into the wall, the better, and that's why Nintendo will continue to dominate.

07-28-2004, 01:44 PM
Ooh...an even cooler looking DS! I still don't know whether I will buy one since it will come down to price and the kinds of games it will have, but Nintendo sure does make some slick hardware (vegeta hugs his Onyx GBA-SP :D)

btw zfreak2004, I deleted your second post per your request.

07-28-2004, 07:45 PM
This was released over a month ago. This is old news.

If you had taken a second to notice, You'd know that this is a brand new design for the DS, compared to what they showed a month ago at E3.

Now... That DS looks kickass... must get it..

07-28-2004, 07:48 PM
it'll be able to play all GB games ( i hope) and might have around 48+ bit graphics


07-28-2004, 09:31 PM
For those of you who want a taste of this device's power, one of the launch titles is an enhanced remake of Super Mario 64.

I remember hearing they're using even smaller cartridges than the GBA. I mean, that's getting kind of silly. Will the next-next-gen Nintendo portable have games stored on carts the size of dimes? Oh well, I probably shouldn't complain...

Last I heard, PSP's supposed to last ~2 HOURS when gaming. How is that supposed to even come CLOSE to the GBA?

07-28-2004, 11:05 PM
weeeeelll since they said it would be CLOSE in battery lasting time to the SP. That would make it opinionated. This is just another factor of smart opinionated advertising.

07-28-2004, 11:49 PM
I remember hearing they're using even smaller cartridges than the GBA. I mean, that's getting kind of silly. Will the next-next-gen Nintendo portable have games stored on carts the size of dimes? Oh well, I probably shouldn't complain...

I guess you've never seen the N-Gage's cartriges. Basically, its about the size of a Secure Digital memory card.


If the DS games are supposedly smaller than GBA games, I can't imagine them being any smaller than that.

Edit: By the way, does it have a backlit screen? Really, I've not been able to find any article on the DS actually say that the two screens are backlit. And on that image, I don't see anything that looks like a button to control the light.

07-29-2004, 03:26 AM
Edit: By the way, does it have a backlit screen? Really, I've not been able to find any article on the DS actually say that the two screens are backlit. And on that image, I don't see anything that looks like a button to control the light.

I would assume that Nintendo would have a backlit screen, that was one of the main complaints with the normal GBA

07-29-2004, 03:58 AM
I really don't want to see the cartridges much smaller than the GBA. They're already small enough that you can carry a whole bunch no problem. And if they get much smaller there won't be enough room to print enough of a title to make telling them apart easy enough.

Ack, I used the word enough 3 times in that last sentence.

07-29-2004, 04:32 AM
I didn't know that there were two screens? That kicks ass much. I also heard that there will be an Animal Crossing DS game, and you'll be able to go to others' towns much easier, due to it being portable, and wireless. That would rule, because there are like, 70 kids in my cafeteria during a study hall, and if the wirelessness is long enough, I could just wip out a DS, and play against someone else on the other side of the room. ^_^ [But then again, the wirelessness would probably require you to like, have both units touching or something, blah on that...]

07-29-2004, 08:29 AM
I guess you've never seen the N-Gage's cartriges. Basically, its about the size of a Secure Digital memory card.


Jeez. That's stamp-sized, isn't it? Why can't they just stick with a GBA sized cart and use the extra room to add more memory?

07-30-2004, 11:45 AM
Look, the card is about the same size. Also, note the gba sp power supply port.

07-30-2004, 11:28 PM
I didn't know that there were two screens? That kicks ass much. I also heard that there will be an Animal Crossing DS game, and you'll be able to go to others' towns much easier, due to it being portable, and wireless. That would rule, because there are like, 70 kids in my cafeteria during a study hall, and if the wirelessness is long enough, I could just wip out a DS, and play against someone else on the other side of the room. ^_^ [But then again, the wirelessness would probably require you to like, have both units touching or something, blah on that...]
The thing to consider is long-range wireless uses a lot of power. And if it uses IR (as most of these things do) you'll have to have a line-of-sight with your buddy in order for the communication to work. It would probably work best if you're sitting close - in which case you wonder why not just use use a wired connection.