View Full Version : Tiamat vs Ridley: Who would win?

Glenn the Great
07-27-2004, 03:02 PM
Yes, of our two favorite dragons, which do you think is more powerful?

Tiamat the fiend of Air with his absorption attacks and Dark Flare, or Ridley the Space Pirate General with his fire, tail action, and great amount of hit points?

07-27-2004, 04:08 PM
Ridley, definetly. He's bigger and quite possibly stronger. Plus he can shoot like 5 fireballs at once that contain missiles! ^_^

07-27-2004, 11:52 PM
Mecha-Ridley. :D

07-28-2004, 11:24 AM
Are you talking about the Tiamat off of FF8? If you are i go for Tiamat all the way.

07-28-2004, 08:57 PM
I've never seen Tiamat, but I've heard things. (BTW, Glenn, awesome thread. ;) ) I HAVE seen Ridley though, in both forms; (Ridley & Meta..) And I would probably prefer Ridley/Meta. His powerful gestures are grand to look at, but at that point, you have no head. :shrug: Oh well.

And to go in a different direction a bit, what about Vassal Bahamut? He has 6... Count 'em..SIX Gold Dragons to do his dirty work. His power is virtually limitless. He's the father of all Dragons, ...

......And He Works For Good.......

07-29-2004, 04:43 AM
Actually, yeah, Bahamut would just come out of nowhere and anihilate the Fiendish Tiamat and like seemingly millions of Ridleys [they're in every metroid game, 'cept for the second. Is there some Ridley Factory somewhere, hm?]. But then again...Leviathan is a dragon...althought not my favourite, I'd pick him over Ridley or Tiamat...or what about Hiryuu from FF5? Or Sildra? I like them too...GIVE US A BIGGER SELECTION NEXT TIME :O

[Oh, uh, Tiamat, just coz.]

Glenn the Great
07-29-2004, 05:38 AM
Well, I'm a big Tiamat fan and here's why. Tiamat was the 4th and the toughest of the 4 Fiends, and his base was high up in the upper atmosphere in a space station. Being the Fiend of Air meant that he had no real elemental weakness so you just had to give him all you got. His next appearance was in Final Fantasy 8 where he was a black pallete swap of Bahamut, only much more brutal, capable of dealing damage in the 8000's even to level 100 characters. In Final Fantasy 9 he served as one of Kuja's 4 Guardians, and he had these nasty absorbtion attacks that constantly lowered your attack power so if you didn't kill him quick enough you'd be dealing him 20 damage with each blow, or even worse.

With every occurance of Tiamat, the theme has been the same. Get all the damage in as quick as you can or you're toast.

Some other history about Tiamat. Tiamat is a goddess in Babylonian mythology who represents the sea. That would lead you to believe that he'd be the Fiend of Water. I guess someone over there didn't do their studying.

Ridley is actually a species native to Zebes and apparantly was breeded by the Space Pirates. That's why there's always another Ridley to replace him after you've killed him for the millionth time. But Ridley is really cool so I expect there to be many Ridley fans.

Now if you can think of any other great dragons that could enter the arena, you might consider Bahamut, Wyvern, Atma, Ruby Weapon, and many others.

07-30-2004, 05:18 PM
Hm. Very true, Glenn. Well spoken. Okay, would you say that although Tiamat is more difficult, (I mean... sheesh.. Eight Thousand damage is a lot of damage. :p ) isn't Ridley more fun? :odd: Yeah, I just tackled him again today in Metroid Prime. He just gets more and more fun each time you face him. (Heck, I'm listening to his MP3 right now! O_O; ) .. Damn impressive, .. I tell yhew what..

07-30-2004, 07:48 PM
Tiamat the fiend of Air Has my vote!