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07-25-2004, 07:33 PM
This may be old to a lot of you....

Awesome trailer, but look around 45 seconds. It gives the URL to http://ilovebees.com
What a wonderful way to market. =)

07-25-2004, 07:40 PM
Yeah there was something about this on slashdot yesterday or something. They did an OK job trying to make it look real but the connection is just too easy.

Apparently (now this is what I gathered from reading slashdot posts at 2AM so this is about as credible as an Enron exec) the advertising firm hired for Halo 2: Electric Boogaloo had something to do with that funky game from a while back where the game would IM you, call you, fax you, beep you, and generally enter your life in ways that creeped me out.