View Full Version : How can I make my swords stop flashing?

07-25-2004, 04:35 PM
It's a very odd problem. I turn off Flash Cset #, and it STILL FLASHES! ... I won't bore you with the details of how no matter what I try, absolutely nothing works.

Is there a way to make my (Cset 7, let's say...) swords, flash in Cset 7 ALONE, While "shooting" them?

... Thank you! ^_^

08-14-2004, 05:58 PM
First of all, go under graphics>sprites>items and go under wooden sword and uncheck autoflash if it is checked, and do the same to the rest of the swords also if they are all flashing. Then if it isn't checked or a box isn't there go under graphics>sprites>weapons misc. and try the same thing. If that dosen't work either make sure the quest rule cset flash is off or if that don't work, try turning it on. If THAT don't work, I have no clue what will.