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07-25-2004, 05:00 AM
OK Avant has started to slow their dev cycle, and the popup blocker is performing sub-par and the ad-blocker will not block individual flash images (you can turn them off entirely, but then you can't see the ones you want) or PHP rotators. These features are very important to me and though I feel intense loyalty to this lean, mean IE add-on I will switch camps if, like I am suspecting, the development ceases on AB.

I know Firefox does this and does it well. However, I don't want to use vanilla Firefox and I don't want to have to wade through the extensions labyrinth to find just the right one. (This is one of my problems with OSS and freedom of choice... I don't want to have to spend 20 minute picking between several items that claim to do the same thing.)

Anyway, I need at the very least a good popup blocker, mouse gestures (I only use them for back and forward), COMPLETELY tabbed browsing (I never want to see a second Firefox window appear), and an ad blocker.

I know for sure that the adblock extension is very satisfactory for what I want. However, I'm not sure about the other categories. The last time I installed Firefox, I had a single window extension, but within the first 2 or 3 pages I visited it failed. I don't like a 2-line taskbar, and I keep several windows open constantly, so single-window browsing is vital. In fact, the appearance of a second firefox window is a cardinal sin, since this is what is making me switch from Avant (although it's pretty convenient, my firewall blocks IE but not Avant, so when a site breaks Avant's popup blocker my firewall blocks the site, but not the window). The mouse gestures are rather unimportant, my mouse has a forward and back button and I only use gestures when that mouse is unavailable.

For at least one week, I am going to use Firefox instead of Avant Browser, with the extensions you recommend. If there are any features you find useful that I have not listed here, post what it is and if I think it's cool I'll use it. I am going to replace my Avant Browser icon with a Firefox one. If it proves superior, I will switch and remove Firefox from my "make fun of this browser" list (Opera is still fair game, though).

If you post that I should use Opera instead, I will ignore you. The single time I have installed Opera I found that even after restarting (something alien to my XP box), several features like "View Source" did absolutely nothing. It ate more RAM than Firefox, did less, and cost money or an ad banner to boot.

07-25-2004, 05:51 AM
How about Netscape 4.7? I use it all the time and except for a few CSS problems it works perfectly or at least better than the rest.
In any case there may not be any good browsers. It might be easier to make it yourself than try to wade through the plethora of unuseful ones. At least it is for me.

Slider Zero
07-25-2004, 06:09 AM
alright, I can help out with the extensions....

Tabbrowser Extensions: this is the all-in-wonder package for all your tabbed browsing needs. Included is an option for a complete single window mode (and it works....I have it openning new windows only when I request, and it even stops javascript)

All-In-One Gestures: your basic gesture package.

AdBlock: it's a supplement to the built-in ad blocker, but it works.

(the rest are usually left to preference)

NOTE: if you plan on using 0.9.1, then you may need the "Show Old Extensions" extension for some of the TB Extensions add-ons (particularly the Tab Session Management Module, which comes with the extension)

J.J. Maxx
07-25-2004, 09:23 AM
I think the latest version of Opera would do the trick nicely. :thumbsup:

07-25-2004, 12:08 PM
I think the latest version of Opera would do the trick nicely. :thumbsup:

Ditto :tongue:

I've never used the ad block extension for Firefox, and I think having to install so many extensions to get some more functionality out of Firefox is a pain, but in Opera I just disable plugins until I need them (handy F12 quick prefs). This way, I see no flash ads, no nothing. Really the only time I need flash is for a flash based site (I don't go to many), or for games, even then I just flick on a switch.

btw, if you're having problem with viewing page sources in Opera, open Opera's preferences, go to Programs and Paths, and pick a source viewer that works for you. Also, about the RAM...RAM is there to be used! If Opera uses more RAM to speed up my internet browsing, so be it. But in my experience Firefox feels slower and takes up just as much RAM as Opera.

07-25-2004, 07:06 PM
I typed that post at like 3 in the morning so I guess maybe it's possible I didn't explain clearly enough.


I may follow the advice of the one person in this thread that followed my directions, but I find it kind of disturbing that someone would find Opera a pleasant alternative to Firefox.

"RAM is meant to be used"

And oil is meant to be burned, so it's OK if we waste a lot of it, right? Just because you have RAM doesn't mean you should cram it full. The more free RAM you have, the less swap access you need. The less time you spend accessing the swap, the faster your machine runs. Under ideal performance conditions, you use no swap at all and everything takes place in RAM.