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View Full Version : Combo suggestions

07-19-2004, 02:21 PM
1. Make either the "-" or "undefined" combo the default type & then delete the other--we don't need two such combo types that don't do anything so delete one of these.

2. Make the "Win game" combo do someting--perhaps when you step on it, the game ends & you've beaten your quest! (like stepping on a "zelda" flag); find a use for it or otherwise delete it.

3. Make a "bomb" combo that when a bomb explodes over it, it goes to the next combo in the combo list like a "pound" combo (and they each trigger seperately)

4. Implement the HS Bridge combo or at least take it out of zquest until it becomes implemented

5. "No Land Zone"--makes it so that such enemies as Keese & Peahats can't stop & land on this combo but it can fly over it.

6. "Bush2" combo--when you slash it, a second set of bush leaves fall from it, just so you can have a couple different types of bushes.

7. "No Push" combo--A combo that can't be pushed--perhaps it seems useless, as you could just not put a push flag on it, but if you wanted to make a combo cycle so that during a certain animation, you can push it & during another animation, you can't push it, you could do this by cycling this combo with another & place a push flag over it

8. "No Trap Zone" combo--makes it so that traps can't cross here, so when they hit this combo, its like a hitting a solid block, they go in reverse, but link & enemies can walk over this combo.

9. "End Dialogue" Combo--when stepped on, the message string & guy perminantly disappear from the screen, making it great for one-time cutscenes or dialogues.

10. "Armos->Item" combo--not like the flag, its similar to the armos combo but when the armos is touched & it moves around, underneath it, items such as a heart or a rupee appear underneath it (like "slash->item" combos)