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View Full Version : Ok...where is the tile?

07-18-2004, 06:10 PM
First off im sorry if this has been answered before or is something simple but im new to this and it's annoying me alot. I read how to grab an image to add the tiles to the exsisting tileset. Only problem is I cannot find the tiles I added anywhere on the menu. I been trying various things all day and can't figure it out. Can someone please help me out with this? Thanks...


07-19-2004, 09:35 PM
http://www.casadealphadawg.com/zc/zqtutorial/chapter4/index.html#Step 1
The bit about the combo editor shows you how to edit a combo. Basically, if you've added a tile to your main tilepages, you still have to create a "combo," which stores the data regarding the tile used, walkability, animation (in 1.92 betas), and combo type (like if it's a dock or a damage square). You place the combos on a screen. The tiles just define what the combo looks like.

If you find that you've run out of space for combos on the right-side list, hold Shift while pressing up/down/pageup/pagedown.

07-19-2004, 10:33 PM
Thanks for the help...i will try it out. :)