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07-16-2004, 12:27 AM
For those of us who are fairly new at Minigolf, what is the method of scoring? Doesn't it have something to do with the less points you have, the better?

Take, for example, J.J.Maxx's score in the Arcade at Minigolf 1. He has about 142. I scored about 115. What do these numbers represent? Is a lower "score" better than a higher one? Are the "scores" translated in any way as you press the submit button?


07-16-2004, 12:30 AM
whoa if higher = better I'm all over that\

*Edit* wait I just played and you didn't read it, n00b.

"arcade score: 0
(360 - your score)"

Therefore the best score is 360, which means you shot a 0 and cheated.

*actually that's for v2, v1 is 180 - your score

07-16-2004, 12:32 PM
.. I'm.. sorry, AtmaWeapon, but I was unable to grasp any specific concept from your assistance. Can you please explain a bit further?

07-16-2004, 12:39 PM
You start out with 175 i believe thats what it is and the idea is sink the ball in the hole with as few strokes as possible. Example: Say you were on the first hole you have a score of 175 and then it takes you 2 strokes to get the ball in the hole so your score goes down to 173. It takes one point off of your final score for each stroke you take that doesnt make it into the hole, so you have to get the ball in the hole in 1, 2, or 3 strokes to get a good score. That help any?

07-16-2004, 12:46 PM
Yes, absolutely. I certainly understand that concept, thanks. .. But the translated score... I don't. For example, again,

Take, for example, J.J.Maxx's score in the Arcade at Minigolf 1. He has about 142. I scored about 115. What do these numbers represent? Is a lower "score" better than a higher one? Are the "scores" translated in any way as you press the submit button?

07-16-2004, 12:53 PM
The higher the score the better

07-16-2004, 01:04 PM
http://www.atmaweapon.org/images/macros/eng101.gifOK think back to the math you learned in elementary school. My brother is in 4th grade and he has to handle difficult problems like this all the time, so I'm sure you can handle it.

Your final score = 180 - game score

For simplicity, we will let F = your final score and G = your game score. Using the substitution property of Algebra, the equation is now:

F = 180 - G

You can determine someone's game score from the final score using simple algebra to rearrange the equation, here are all the steps, using simplest algebra:

F = 180 - G
F + G = 180 - G + G
F + G = 180
F + G - F = 180 - F
G = 180 - F

(alternatively, I could have subtracted 180 and multiplied both sides by -1 and saved some steps, but I figured since subtraction was causing problems I'd better stay away from multiplication and use the simplest method rather than the more elegant one)

OK, now here's where we put our equations to work. JJ Maxx's final score (F) is 142. We can solve for his game score (G) using substitution:
F = 142
G = 180 - F
G = 180 - 142
G = 38

This means JJ finished his game in 38 strokes, an impressive score.

Now let's solve for your game score:

F = 115
G = 180 - F
G = 180 - 115
G = 65

You finished your game in 65 strokes, JJ finished his in 38 strokes. It should follow that he gets the high score.

07-16-2004, 01:35 PM
Atma is good at math. =p

07-16-2004, 01:39 PM
Heh. You start with 180. Every time you hit the ball, it takes 1 point off of your score. Therefore, the less times you hit the ball, the higher your over-all score will be. The more times you hit the ball, the lower your over-all score will be, which is bad.

J.J. Maxx
07-16-2004, 01:59 PM
Actually, my new score is 149. Which is 31 strokes. :thumbsup:

I plan on getting the highest score possible sometime soon. ;)

07-16-2004, 06:45 PM
I see.. Quite well, thanks everyone. :) .. Well, here's to the golfing of the future, on AGN. :thumbsup:
