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View Full Version : HD:DC secrets

07-15-2004, 05:58 PM
1. In the secret dungeon where almost each room has a bunch of the same kind of enemy and a warp tile to the next room, one of the last two floating eyes with things surrounding it seems invincible. Is there a way of defeating him or is it a just a bug?
2. In one part of the light world, there is a screen (left of the warp to the path to ganon's fortress) with a tree that has a cave but is landlocked by other trees. How does one get inside this cave?
3. In one part of the light world, there is a person sleeping in a sleeping bag with a tent and a campfire. In the same spot in the dark world, there is a tree and a statue. Do they mean anything?

I have everything short of two heart container pieces.

07-15-2004, 07:24 PM
1. In the secret dungeon where almost each room has a bunch of the same kind of enemy and a warp tile to the next room, one of the last two floating eyes with things surrounding it seems invincible. Is there a way of defeating him or is it a just a bug?
2. In one part of the light world, there is a screen (left of the warp to the path to ganon's fortress) with a tree that has a cave but is landlocked by other trees. How does one get inside this cave?
3. In one part of the light world, there is a person sleeping in a sleeping bag with a tent and a campfire. In the same spot in the dark world, there is a tree and a statue. Do they mean anything?

I have everything short of two heart container pieces.

1. From your description of the dungeon, it sounds like one of those places where you try for a Piece of Heart. It had lots of Blue Darknuts and at the end some Death Knights. (The warp room also had progressively more and more spikes to deal with as you went along.) But, from what I remember of this place, there's no Patra involved. (That's the enemy you were describing.) So obviously, we aren't talking about the same place. Could you describe where the entrance is?
2. Ah, the eternal mystery of the unreachable cavern. This place is not meant to be gotten into. It was something DFW decided to put in the game just to make players like you think about how to get there. The truth is... it's nothing. It's meant to trip you up. So don't bother with it anymore.
3. The man with the sleeping bag (plus tent) and the tree (plus Armos) is merely decoration. Probably another thing DFW put in the game to trip you up. Don't bother with this either.

BTW, congratulations on finding almost everything. (Although, I hope you found the Magical Key after completing Level 9's 25 Key Hunt. There's not much that's more fun than trying to find 25 Small Keys in a basement level as large as the original Level 9.) I know how it is needing only a little to find everything. Hope this helps!

07-15-2004, 09:18 PM
Thanks for saving me trouble with 2 and 3. As for 1, starting from where you first start the game (north end of town), go up one screen and go left one screen. Go to the lower left part of this screen and walk right a bit, then down to a rock that sits in front of a tree. Super bomb that rock and walk through the portal. Then go left one screen, down one screen, then right one screen and super bomb that rock.

07-15-2004, 09:29 PM
he means manchuria bluffs
can anybody tell me after lvl 7 whats is the recommender order for the optional dungeons?

07-15-2004, 10:05 PM
Mirror House, Brickwall Depths, Manchuria Depths, Death Mountain Fortress, Master Dome. In that order.

07-15-2004, 10:14 PM
Manchuria Depths

im at it and the enemies that float with the fire around them, if they touch me i can never use the sword again!
is this supposed to happen?
thanks for the help
now where the hell is

07-15-2004, 10:57 PM
Yes, the red one stake ur sword away, blue revive it. your not meant to use your sword in that level i guess. O and what happened to the forums, my name was completely purged form the system!

07-15-2004, 11:10 PM
First of all, it's Manchuria Bluffs, not Manchuria Depths. Sorry DFW, but being the perfectionist that I am, if I'm going to talk about it, it's going to have the right name.
Second of all, those enemies inside are supposed to have that effect. To counter the effect, go back to the entrance and let yourself get hit by the blue spirits.
Third of all, to get by them without difficulty, use the Flame Boomerang. While frozen, the Bubbles can't do a thing to you.
Fourth of all, there's an easier way to do it. Do what I did and defeat all the Wallmasters in each room (freezing Bubbles if necessary) and retreat. When you come back, half the Bubbles will have been replaced with Wallmasters. (Until there's 1 Bubble left in the room at which point there will just be the 1 Bubble.) Do that in every room to have an easier time getting to the Boss with your sword intact. (Although it doesn't do much to make the Boss easier... or make the rooms immediately prior to the Boss easier.) One thing to point out, though... Don't forget to get the Boss Key by bombing the western wall of the entry room. The last thing you want to do is get to the Boss door without the Boss Key and have to go back.
Fifth of all, the order given by DFW may be recommended order, but I did Manchuria Bluffs before completing Brickwall Depths. (Makes it easier to cope with all the stupid Blue Wizzrobes in my opinion... besides, with the exception of the last few rooms and a couple of others, you can't get hurt here.)
Finally, you can get to Brickwall Depths by remembering the hint "The melodies of the wind can reach far-off sands." Try to remember something about a desert and it's relation to a melody. (I'll give you a straight answer if this doesn't help.)
Hope this helps!

EDIT: Slash, the forums got taken down by some sort of financial issue. When they went back up, anything that had happened 2 weeks prior to the erasure was gone. So there you have it.

07-16-2004, 02:00 AM
hey man thanks for the tips i got the boss key luckily i didnt knew those blue things gave ur sword back, i was thinking it was a bug and did not save lol

so that portal in the dessert goes into brickwall lol then i know where it is, but its too damn difficult to be done, :mad:

07-16-2004, 04:50 AM
I don't mean the Manchuria Bluffs. You can see the rock (entrance) to this place from the upper left part of the cemetary on a ledge at the upper left that looks unreachable. Inside, there is a 5x8 array of rooms and two rooms (if not more) at the upper left. It has the same music as Master Dome. By the way, where is this place that "had lots of Blue Darknuts and at the end some Death Knights. (The warp room also had progressively more and more spikes to deal with as you went along.)"?

07-16-2004, 09:59 AM
That's alot, i was wondering why I wasn't still here. Sucks, I joined up exactly 2 weeks before this crap 2. LOL

07-16-2004, 03:41 PM
if i dont want the master key, which optional dungeon i should not be doing?

07-16-2004, 03:54 PM
I'll answer both at once.
SecondEternity, I've never actually been in that location before. I'll have to take a look for myself and I'll get back to you on that dungeon.
And mochino, if you don't want the Master Key, don't complete the Master Dome. (And for future reference, the Master Dome has the Master Key, Death Mountain Fortress has the Master Sword, Brickwall Depths has the Red Mail, Manchuria Bluffs has the Mirror Shield and the Mirror House has the Flame Boomerang.) [Trust me, nothing is more fun than completing the 25 Key Hunt in Level 9. Although, you can get the Master Key after that...] :)

EDIT: This location appears to be something straight out of the Wind Waker. The only difference is that back then, it was required. (To an extent.) I'd also like to personally thank SecondEternity, as it appears that this was the ONLY Piece of Heart I was missing. (When I get to the end, I'll edit again with what I found at the Patras)
As for the dungeon I was referring to, it's in the northeastern part of the Dark World. (It is necessary to go through Talag Caves or the warp to Master Dome to get there.) From Master Dome, go south 1 screen, west 1 screen, north 1 screen, up the ridge and west 1 more screen. Bomb the rock here to get to the mini-dungeon I was referring to. Hope that helps!

EDIT #2: I don't know what to say SecondEternity, I was able to clear the dungeon and kill the 2 Patra2s without a hitch. It does make me think that perhaps something is wrong with your software, or something is wrong with your technique of killing the monster. It could be something like "The second Patra can only be killed by the Master Sword", but I doubt DFW would do anything that arbitrary. Perhaps going back and trying again? If the same problem occurs, write down exactly what you did in that room and then tell us here on the forum. Maybe in that way, DFW can pin down exactly what's wrong here.

07-17-2004, 03:48 PM
One of the patras in that room remains untouchable after you defeat his rings of friends. Or at least, such is the case in the "184 player" version. It works fine in 1.92b183, tho. Guess it was a bug.

Thanks to rpgaddict, I found a rock I bombed that opened up a cave that I've been in before. At the time, it looked like trouble and I figured I would come back later. Apparently, later never happened.

I also have to thank LegendarySlash, for reminding me that one can walk through walls in this game (in level 6) and sparing me a SecondEternity of searching for the second key. Slash, I had to reregister too. Let's not bring up the topic of download managers again. It seems to be bad luck.

And, of course, a great thanks goes to DarkFlameWolf, for such a well crafted zelda game. Quite a masterpiece, IMHO.

Shadow Ganon
08-30-2004, 02:02 AM
Who Knows Where the second sword is??? (I Went Through Castles 1-5 And Sill Haven't Found the second sword) any hints on where it is would be helpful.

08-30-2004, 05:20 AM
The white sword is in the Dark World Desert. There's a small cave you reach by pushing a rock aside. It should be pretty easy to find if you look around a bit.

Or was the Magical Sword the second one? Either way, the second one was in the desert.


08-30-2004, 10:35 AM
yeah, its amazing how many people miss the second sword in the desert, simply because they didn't look around. I thought it was obvious with a suspicious looking rock placed in the middle of the screen that just screams 'MOVE ME!' ;)

Shadow Ganon
08-30-2004, 11:25 AM
thank you for the help in pointing me in the right direction